Chapter Five

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Iliana's POV

Two days is what it took for Kai to be let out of the hospital. At first it was awkward because she had to decide who she wanted to go live with. Her dad and mom offered their houses and so did Alex. But this Kai does not have the same relationship they did before the accident and she was very strained with her mother. From what Kai told me in the past they were never close and the most they got to be a family was when she was an infant. She moved out at eighteen even though she lived alone most of her life anyway since her parents divorced and she was left under her dad's care - who was on constantly traveling and at work so it was pretty much the same.

She surprised us all by choosing to go home with me - said it was better to just go home. I thought she would choose to go with Alex in all honesty since she does know her but I guess I was wrong.

Kai has been nice and polite towards me but I still can sense her discomfort sometimes when we are alone. She clungs onto Alex when she is in the room and makes most of the conversation with her - also ignoring her parents as much as she can.

She was friendly two days ago to me but she clearly doesn't like the fact that she's married.

Now it's time to go home. Kai was just put on a wheelchair and she hasn't stopped expressing her hate towards it.

"I hate this."

"I know but is just temporary." I replied as I rolled her towards my car.

"Oh yeah then I'll just have to use this piece of crap." She pointed to the elbow crutch on her lap. "Forever."

I sighed.

I didn't know what to reply to that. I know she is pissed and she has every right to - I can't say I understand what she's going through cause I don't. She just lost a big part of her life from her and her partially her ability to walk properly.

"Here let me help you." I said once we reached my car. I opened the door and extended my hand for her to take.

Kai ignored it and tried to stand up on her up but failed miserably falling back into the chair - her arms not having the same strength they used to.

"Are you done being stubborn?"

"Yes," she grumbled and took my hand. When she was inside the car I went and put the wheel chair on the trunk and then got inside the car.

Kai was looking out of the window when I entered. Seems like someone doesn't want to talk.

I sighed and pulled the car out the parking lot - making our way home.

The car ride was awfully silent and not a comfortable one. I get she's frustrated and angry so I'll try not to bother her. After what felt like forever she spoke up.

"This is not the way to the penthouse."

Damn the penthouse? How long did she live in there for?

"I know. We don't live in the penthouse anymore."

I could see she furrowed her brows from the corner of my eyes.

"Why not?"

"You sold it."

"Why the fuck would I do that!"

I sighed again.

"Kai do not raise your voice at me."

"This is bullshit," she grumbled.

"You had your reasons to sell it." I tried to ease her.

"No reason would ever be good enough. I love that place." That was the last thing she said, the rest of the ride she didn't speak and instead went back to look out of the window.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Dealing with a Kai with no memories of recent years and that thinks is a twenty year old again is gonna be hard. I feel like we are back in square one and I don't want it to be like that. I don't want her to hate or dislike me again.

Finally at home I once again helped Kai out of the car and into her chair which she still did not appreciate. While I rolled her inside she looked around the house but didn't comment on it.

"Here we are, home sweet home." I said in hopes of lighting up the mood when we entered the livingroom.

"Maybe to you."

For god's sake, don't tell me I have to go through the asshole version of Kai again.

"Let me show you to your room." I ignored her comment.

"Fine." She complies and I roll her down there.

"I arranged the guest room here on the first floor for you. Thought it would be easier than going up and down the stairs for now."

I waited for her to say something when we entered her room but she didn't.

"So... do you need help with anything or?"

"I can do things on my own I don't need a nanny, so can you just leave me alone."

Okay that's it.

"Why are you being such a dick to me? What happened to trying and being nice? I get that you're frustrated but you do not have to take it out on me when I'm just trying to help you." I said with almost desperation.

Kai however just looked elsewhere. "Can you please leave? I want to be alone."

I closed my eyes with a sigh and nodded.

"Sure," I replied and exited the room.

I need some air. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey from our stash and went to lay on the back porch swing - as soon as my back hit the swing I untapped the bottle and took a swig straight from it. I used to hate whiskey but these past years it has become and acquired taste, so now I don't mind drinking it to help sometimes help me with the stress or the pain.

Alcohol helped as a temporary scape on times but yet I need to be careful with it.

As I laid there I soon found myself falling asleep. I have no idea how long I slept for except that when I woke up the sun was already setting. I stretched, grabbed the half empty bottle of whiskey and headed inside the house.

There on the sofa to my surprise was Kai watching tv - the wheel chair forgotten at the side. She turns her head as I close the glass door.

"Hey." She said simply before looking back at the tv.


"I was about to order pizza but I don't know the address."

"Why didn't you ask me then?"

"You were sleeping," she shrugged.

"Doesn't matter, if you were hungry you should've woken me up."

"I'll keep that in mind next time then."

I sighed.

"I'll go order the pizza." I started to head out of the livingroom to look for my phone upstairs. But just before I went I was surprisingly stopped by Kai calling my name. I turned to look at her, "Yes?"

"Sorry for being a dick."

When I knew she wouldn't say anything else - I nodded and continued on my way out.

I can't believe I'm exhausted and is only the first day of Kai being back.

One thing is for sure. This wasn't the way I imagined for things to go.


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