Chapter Twelve

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Iliana's POV

"I think we should get a pool." Kai stated.

"A pool?"

She nodded while she looked at our back porch that faced the beach. "Yes, I want a pool."

"Where would we even put it, theres no space."

Kai put on a thoughtful face as she rubbed her chin. She got out to the porch and started to examine it, she kept doing that for about ten minutes and then walked back to me. "I have no idea. Maybe we should find a contractor."

"Kai we don't need a pool, we have the ocean right in front of our house." I said and pointed to it.

"Salty water is not my favorite... how about a inflatable pool?"

I chuckled and put my hands on her shoulders. "Sure we'll get one tomorrow, but right now you have to go take a shower because our friends will be here soon."

"Promise we'll get the pool?" Kai said before I turned her around.

"Yes Kai, now get going."

"Fine... wanna join me in the shower?" She asked teasingly.

"You really need to stop asking me that." I glared at her but I could still feel some heat coat my cheeks. I know she was just saying it to mess with me so if she doesn't really mean that invitation then Kai should shut up.

Kai sent a wink my way before walking away with her crutch.

It made me glad to see her doing better, at least physically speaking. Yet I can tell she's not telling me something. I don't spect her to tell me everything since she's starting to get to know me again, but a part of me hoped that she would, especially if it's bothering her.

Since I was already changed and ready I put out the alcohol on the living room, I'm not sure if Kai can drink but I doubt she can since she's still on painkillers for her headaches.

April and Alex are supposed to get here any moment now so I have to prepare myself for all the uncalled for jabs that Alex is going to throw my way. She's been getting worse these past weeks and I still don't know what the hell is her problem.

There was a time in these past two years while Kai was on her coma that Alex and I grew closer. We were practically each others rock. At least she was mine. April didn't understand, she tried to, she really did because she wanted to be there for us both but there was just so much she could do, April and Kai weren't as close as Kai and I or Alex and Kai. Anyway I don't know what went wrong between us because out nowhere Alex just shut me off and started treating me like her enemy. It kind of hurt but whatever I did to try to mend things she didn't care about it.

Once I finished the doorbell ringed just in time and as if synchronized Kai came out of her room all freshed up.

"I'll go get it," she said before rushing off as fast as she could to the door while I watched from where I was standing as Kai let both of our friends come in.

April walked into the livingroom and greeted me with a hug as if she didn't just see me yesterday. "Lia!! It's so good to see you," she exclaimed cheerily.

I chuckled at her silliness as we hugged tightly, "We saw each other yesterday dummy."

"Can't a woman miss her best friend!?"

I frowned in confusion at her sudden outburst. "Are you- April are you crying?"

"No! Shit, excuse me I need to go to the bathroom for a second." April said before scurrying away to the downstairs bathroom.

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