Chapter Nine

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Iliana's POV

"Is this really how our first date went?"

"This wasn't a date at all. It was like our first 'trip' together to put it in some way."


"Well you and Alex were planning to go so April and I decided to tag along."


We are on the docks looking for Kai's yacht so we can go out on it today. This will be her first reliving of our memories together since she suggested it a week ago; I decided to try them out in order in hopes one of them would trigger any memory of her. It's not a hundred percent sure that it will work, more like a fifty-fifty but at this point I'll do whatever it takes.

I looked down at Kai who was on her wheelchair taking selfies. She was wearing an oversized white shirt that said 'you got me hooked up' in small black letters and a draw of a fish by it's side; some black shorts, white vans and sunglasses resting on her forehead. Overall she looked really cute and hot at the same time, if that makes any sense.

We entered the yacht with the help of one of the staff. There were just only four other people on the boat besides us. We'll be gone all day most likely till nightfall.

"So what's the plan because there's not much for me to do on a boat currently." Kai said.

"Well I didn't really think of a plan..." I smiled apologetically.

"Are you serious?"

"I thought getting you on the boat was good enough!"


I breathed in and out before mustering a response. "Kai I'm not a fucking doctor, besides this was your idea I just supposed you had a plan on what we would do."

"Me? Hello I'm the one who doesn't remember shit!" Kai exclaimed while moving her arms.

"And what about it? It's your boat."

She narrowed her eyes in a glare and then sighed. "You know what just forget it. What was the first thing we did the last time we came here?"

I sat down and started to think back to that day five years ago.

"Well Alex showed April around the yacht while you were a sarcastic ass when I asked you to show me. No offense."

Kai chuckled.

"That does sounds like me."

"No shit." I said sarcastically.

Kai rolled her eyes playfully. "What did we do next?"

"You went to swim in the ocean and then you pushed me in when I was helping you get out." I responded making her burst out laughing, I however still didn't find the memory funny at all.

"Did I really? Oh god how I would like to remember that." She kept laughing while I just looked at her with a bored expression.

"It was not funny I didn't know how to swim, I almost drowned."

"But you didn't you are here, aren't you?" Kai said matter-of-fact while pointing at me.

"Not the point."

She shrugged, "Did you ever learn how to swim?"

I nodded.

"How?" She asked.

"That's a story for another day I'm afraid." I said with a smile as the memory of the day Kai taught me how to swim came back to me.

I think that's when I started to fall for her. If I had to point out the exact moment of when it would be that day.

"You're no fun Iliana," Kai pouted.

She looked so cute, I wanted to kiss her so bad. But I can't and it feels like torture. I miss those lips against mine so much.

The rest of our afternoon was calm and relaxing. We sunbathed and got to know each other again - well more like Kai got to know me again; but no matter that I remember every thing about her I still asked her as if I didn't.

Now is almost pass sunset and we are sat in the cushions - me looking at the darkening sky and Kai on her phone. We had put some music a while ago as a filler since it sounded a bit far on the background - currently it was playing 'Cherry Wine."

"Hey." I heard Kai call for my attention.


"Want to get in for a while?" She said nodding towards the hot tub.

"I don't know-"

Kai interrupted me.

"I can get in pools with supervision but still. I asked Blair. Also the hot tub is not deep I won't drown or anything." She joked lightly at the end.

I sighed.

"Fine," I agreed making a smile instantly appear on her face - seeing it made me glad that I agreed.

I stood and took off my shirt and shorts - leaving myself only on my bikini. As I did that I felt eyes burning on my back that could only belong to one person. I turned around to see Kai staring at me not bothering that I caught her staring.

Not that I care if she does because after all, all of this is only her's.

"Are you coming?" I quirked a brow.

She nodded cutely without looking away as she only took off her shorts since she already had her shirt off.

I chuckled and helped her into the tub that was just besides us, it didn't took much effort and it was easier than I thought. Once she was inside I followed behind and got in.

We were sat side by side inside the tub; Kai had her eyes closed as she rested her head against the border of the tub - meanwhile I decided to take a quick deep. The water was hot but not scorching.

When I came back up Kai seemed to had done the same I did.

I turned to look at her when I felt her staring at me. "Hey," I whispered.

"I like your eyes," she blurted out. "Like really like."

"I like yours too," I responded.

She didn't say anything else so I decided to speak again.

"Did you remember anything?"

"No." She gave me a sorrowful look.

"That's okay, we still have a lot more chances this was just the first try."

Kai nodded.

"Can I throw you to the ocean? Maybe that'll help bring some good old memories back," she joked.

"Very funny." I said and splashed water at her.

"Hey!" Now she splashed water at me.

"Don't splash me." I complained.

"You started!" Kai said but I interrupted her by splashing even more water at her. "Oh this is war."

"Bring it on Raymond."

We then splashed water at the other for a good ten minutes until we got tired of it. Now we were waiting for our laughs to stop and when they did we went back to staring at each other.

Suddenly I was caught off guard by Kai pulling me onto her lap with my back against her front. She surrounded me with her arms and laid her face on the crock of my neck.

"Kai, are you okay?"

"I don't know... I just- can I just hold you for a bit?" She mumbled against me.

I nodded and started to rub circles on her hands under the water.

"It's no fun swimming alone," I heard Kai mumble after a while of silence.

"I know." I whispered with a small smile knowing what she meant by that.


A/N - First trip down memory lane, done lol.

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