Chapter Twenty Seven

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Kai's POV

"I swear to god I think I'm gonna have a panic attack."

"No you're not don't be so dramatic is not like you're getting married." Alex said with a roll of eyes.

"Ok I'm not but I'm still very nervous." I said while looking myself in the mirror arranged the buttons of my shirt.

"Kai you've been married to that girl for like five years already. What's there to be nervous about? Iliana loves you, she hasn't left you in all these years so I highly doubt that she will today out of all days."

I was impressed that Alex actually gave me a good motivational talk, that was not a common occurrence to happen.

You see today is the day Iliana and I finally renew our vows. Planning the whole thing took us- well took Iliana and April a month to do because my dear wifey wanted everything to be perfect, I think she was making up for not enjoying arranging our wedding. It was not a big gathering like our wedding day was but it was big enough for us.

"Speaking of marriage, when are you planning on finally proposing to April?" I stopped looking at myself in the mirror and turned to my best friend.

"Pro what!?" Alex said shocked.

I narrowed my eyes, "Don't tell you don't have planned to propose to the mother of your future child."

"I mean..." she started.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Alex."

"I didn't say I wouldn't!"

"But you didn't say you would either!" I retorted looking at her again.

Alex sighed.

"I don't want to ruin what we have right now with all that marriage crap, okay? Right now things between April and I are perfect and yes I want to marry her one day just not yet. It'll ruin things."

I think I can say that I might be the person who knows Alexandria Dean the best. She's not scared of anything except one thing and that's unfortunately commitment.

After she started dating April and they decided to have a baby I thought she was over it, but now seeing her reaction it looks like she still has some growing to do.

"I get it Alex. Look I won't push you but April is not going to wait forever and will want you to do it at some point." April wants her to she told me the other day. "But just don't do it if it's out of obligation and not because you actually want to."

"That's exactly why I haven't done it yet." Alex responded seriously.

I just nodded, I really didn't want to get on an argument with Alex about why she hasn't proposed to her girlfriend. Well at least not today, but something tells me it won't be necessary a part of me knows she will do it.

"Anyway enough about me today is all about you and your devil wife." Alex patted my shoulders and went out the door.

I smiled and didn't say anything this is how their relationship is. Alex and Iliana are not exactly friends anymore since everything that happened but they made peace with each other for the sake of April and I. Now they tolerate each other and just take a jab at the other every chance they get.

I followed her out of the room and we walked together where we knew everyone will be waiting for us.

We had arranged the gathering to be at one of my father's houses that had a beautiful private beach at the back. I definitely will miss the California beaches since at the end we decided to move to Colorado, but well at least we'll have snow. We plan on moving next month so that's something that will keep us occupied for sure.

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