Chapter Twenty Five

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Kai's POV

"Kai you can't keep beating people up with your crutch." Iliana told me as she went through paperwork.

"I totally can."

She looked up from her work and gave me a pointed glance, "You shouldn't."

"Exactly I shouldn't but I can." I pointed out as I spun on my own office chair, which is really freaking comfortable I should get one of these for the house too... or just take this one with me.

My blondie slowly quirked a brow, her face unamused, "No more beating up with the crutch."

"You say it as if I'm insane and go around hitting people with it!" I moved my arms in emphasis, "I've only beaten people who deserved it with it... like Emma and Alex."

"Alex didn't deserve it Kai."

"Uh yes she did. She put her hands on you."

Iliana sighed and stood up from her chair before rounding the desk and coming to sit on my lap straddling me and putting her hands over my chest, "I understand why she did it and we are over it."

I frowned.

"Iliana no one lays a hand on you. I don't care if she was angry at you for what happened between us or whatever shit. If anyone dares to touch you I will fucking kill them, crutch or no crutch."

She leaned in and pulled me into a harsh kiss catching me by surprise but yet I didn't waste time to let my hands wander from her thighs to her ass and roughly squeezed it gaining a moan out of her and taking this chance to plung my tongue into her mouth and let it explore, I sucked on her tongue before abandoning her lips and start tracing kisses down her cheek and to her neck.

I soon found her sweet spot and sucked on it until I was sure I left my mark, I continued to pepper her neck and cheek with kisses until I reached her mouth again. Iliana kissed my lips and pulled back dragging out my bottom lip between her teeths before letting it go.

"You're so hot when you threat people," Iliana bit her lip.

I hummed at her and let my hands roam back to between her thighs, "Am I."

Iliana nodded and leaned in besides my ear, "It makes me want you to fuck me on that desk." She said sensually and nipped my earlobe getting a groan out of me.

"Don't tempt me blondie."

"Why not?" She said with a devious smirk playing on her luscious lips.

I let a throaty chuckle as my hand traveled up until it found Iliana's hot center, I could feel her underwear was already soaking.

"Is someone hot and bothered?" I teased her as I rubbed her over her underwear.

She laid her face against her shoulder as she whimpered quietly, "Fuck Kai don't tease me please."

"Since you ask so nicely then fine, anything for you baby."

I moved her underwear to the side and as soon as I came in touch with her the door office opened.

Iliana let out a loud and audible groan at that and I pulled my hand out.

"WHAT?" She asked angrily making me laugh quietly but stopped once she glared at me.

"Sorry Mrs. Raymond but your mom is on the line and demanded for me to tell you to answer her call." Iliana's assistant said shakily, clearly scared of her now angry boss.

"Of course it had to be that witch," Iliana grumbled quietly, "Just tell her I'm in a meeting and that I'll return the call later please Reese."

The young assistant nodded and quickly went out of the office probably guessing what we were doing by Iliana's frustration and position on my lap.

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