Chapter Sixteen

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Iliana's POV

"Happy birthday!!" Kai launched herself on top of me on the bed waking me up and almost giving me a heart attack in the process.

Kai started to pepper my face with kisses while repeating a bunch of 'happy birthdays' once she was finished she planted one last kiss on my lips and pulled back to gaze back at me with those big green eyes than had recovered their missing glint ever since she got her memories.

"Happy birthday blondie," she repeated with a smile.

"Thanks babe," I leaned in this time to kiss her sweet lips. I spent too long without feeling them on mine and after I tell her the truth theres a big chance that I will never get to kiss them again so I might as well enjoy while I can.

"Do you know that I love you very much?" Kai said while running her hand through my hair.

I hummed.

"You might have mentioned it once or twice."

"Well I'll mention it a third and a fourth and as many times."

"Someone woke up cheesy today."

"What can I say today is the birthday of the love of my life. I have to make up for the two that I missed." I couldn't help myself, I pulled her closer and kissed her again.

Kai now was straddling me, her crutch forgotten on the floor as we kissed and I tried to take off her shirt.

"Wait wait," Kai muttered against my lips.

I stopped and looked at her, "What's wrong?"

"I made you breakfast and is waiting for you downstairs. I would've brought it up here but it proved to be kind of difficult."

She is so fucking sweet.

"I thought my breakfast was already here," I bit my lip as I ran my hands under her shirt over her stomach, her abs are starting to get defined again with all of the physical therapy and side exercises she does.

"That sounds tempting but I put a big effort in that breakfast so you better go eat it blondie." I pouted at that making her chuckle and peck me before bopping my nose, "I can take you up on that offer tonight if you'd like though."

"I would like that," I responded as I kept tracing her abs and she looked at me with those beautiful eyes that held nothing but adoration for my undeserving self. "I really missed you Kai."

"I know and I'm sorry blondie, I'm so fucking sorry."

"Those two years without you were the worst of my life. Malakai you are the love of my life, I swear to you baby you are and I don't ever want to live without you again."

"You won't I promise you won't lose me again." Kai grabbed my hands and started to kiss them.

But I will.

"I love you." I whispered making Kai smile and peck my forehead.

"I love you too blondie. Now enough sappy shit and lets go down to eat," Kai got up from on top of me and waited expectantly for me to follow up.

"Let me go to the bathroom and I'll meet you downstairs."

"Fine but don't take too long it'll get cold."

I nodded and entered the bathroom, I splashed my face with water and started my morning routine.

Today is my birthday which means I have two days to come clean with Kai about Emma, speaking of which I luckily hadn't seen her since the day she stayed over and I really hope it remains that way. I haven't figured out yet how am I supposed to tell Kai without losing her because that's pretty much impossible to do. Maybe she'll understand, maybe.

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