Chapter Twenty One

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Kai's POV

"Are you going to come back home?"

"Why would you like to know that?"

"Because it's been weeks and I want to know."

I turned to Alex, "I would've wanted to know about my wife's affair but you didn't tell me either."

"Come on Malakai don't be a cunt you know it was not my place to do that get over it." Alex complained.

I know that it wasn't on her to tell me but it doesn't change the fact that I'm still a little bit pissed at Alex. And making her suffer because of it is really fun.

"Yeah yeah whatever, why do you want me to go home so badly I thought you hated Iliana." I said as I threw a dart.

"As much as I hate that bitch-"

"Watch it."

She sighed, "As much I dislike Iliana, I want to see you happy and unluckily she makes you happy."

I threw the last dart that landed in the center of the board before sitting down in the barstool besides my best friend.

"Yeah she does, despite what happened I'm still in love with her. I think is impossible for me to ever stop loving her or love someone as much or even half as I do Iliana."

I miss her so bad but there's a big part of me that is still so angry at her.

Alex chuckled as she drank from her beer, "Man you have it real bad for that blonde. She could shoot you and you would still worship the ground she walks on."

"You sound ridiculous now."

"But is true though. Look Kai, I hate that girl but I know you and the way you talk about her... you've never talked like that about anyone before, not even close. So I think you should go see her. When was the last time you saw her like almost a month? Go and try again."

I looked at her, "Since when do you give good advices?"

She shrugged.

"Since I'm gonna be a mom."

"Oh right, that."

I stood up and grabbed my crutch and phone.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked as I texted my driver that I'm going out so he'll ready the car.

"To my house. Can you make sure to lock the door before you go?" I tossed her the loft keys.

She chuckled, "Sure. Text me how it went."

"Done, I'll see you." I said before exiting the apartment.

My chauffeur was waiting for me so I entered the car and gave him the address and waited for us to arrive to the beach.

I'm not exactly sure of what I'm going to say to Iliana but I know Alex was right, we need to talk again. It's been a month and some weeks and despite the fact that we speak almost every day over the phone but is never about what happened. We just ignore the elephant in the room.

But I'm done with that.

I want to try and fix us. Most of that will be for Iliana to do though.

The talk with my father made me realize many things being that Iliana did what she did because she was emotionally destroyed. It's not an excuse I know it, but Emma took advantage of her. She took advantage of an emotionally unstable and drunk Iliana when all she was supposed to do was be her friend and not to try to score a relationship.

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