Chapter Fifteen

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Iliana's POV

"I'm sorry that the dates didn't help bring back my memories." Kai said with a bit of sadness showing in her eyes.

"Hey no, don't apologize okay. It's not your fault it didn't work out, we'll try something else." I grasped her hands with mine.

"And if I don't ever get them back?"

"Then we'll make new ones."

She nodded slowly, "I'd like that."

"I'd like that too."

I was beyond relieved to hear her say that as there was a part of me that thought she wouldn't want to. But the happiness was shortly lived as I remember what I had to tell her. It's been almost two weeks since Alex's ultimatum and I'm yet to gather enough courage to tell her what I did.

I know I'm a coward but also selfish because I can see that Kai is starting to like me romantically or maybe she already does. In another circumstances I would be overjoyed about that but right now all that is doing to me is sinking my stomach with even more guilt.

After the reunion they all stayed the night which included Emma. The next morning things for me were uncomfortable since I had Emma trying to talk to me every chance she got so I had to talk back to her so it wouldn't look suspicious. Besides that there was also Alex giving me the stink eye and throwing shade my way till the moment she left the house. Kai, April and Blair just either didn't notice or choose to ignore Alex's uncommon dislike for me.

"I think we are ready to go," I said changing the subject.

"Yeah me too, lets go," Kai said giving me a small smile seemingly noticing the change.

Kai and I are supposed to meet April and Alex at some restaurant downtown for lunch. The four of us have been expending a lot of time together which as much as I love my best friend, her girlfriend is making sure all that time is hell for me.

We exited the room and head downstairs. That's another thing, since the reunion night Kai has been sleeping with me in our bedroom every other night - more often than not. She can now climb the stairs without problem but I doubt that's the reason of why she sleeps here. She never told me why and I never questioned her, she just comes up here, lays on the bed and cuddles me, that's it.

"You know we still have Paris left," she said as we drove away from our house.

"Paris? You are willing to go all the way to Paris just so we can recreate our honeymoon?" I asked suprised by it.

"Yes. I know it might not work at all but I thought it was worth a try and if it doesn't work well, at least we got to travel."

I looked at her from the corner of my eyes without diverting my gaze from the road I nodded, "Okay."


"Yes lets do it, last time we had a lot of fun and you were a good tour guide."

"Well I'm not surprised I am a pretty amazing guide," Kai said smugly.

I rolled my eyes at her but didn't contradict her, instead a turned on the radio and let the music fill the now silent car. When I put my hand back over the gear lever I felt Kai put her's on mine and slowly interlaced them together. I briefly looked down at them with a smile and saw that Kai was looking out of the window.

God how am I supposed to tell her.

When we finally arrived at the restaurant the pair was already waiting for us inside and on the table.

"Sorry we are late," I said as we both sat.

"Don't worry we just got here," April responded.

Soon enough Kai and Alex were engulfed in their own conversation as were April and I - that was until our food arrived and we turned focus to it.

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