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February 25, 1998

Stevie was 22 weeks pregnant and they were getting ready to walk the red carpet but Stevie was freaking out because she was starting to show. And this was the second time that she was freaking out because just a week prior when she was 21 weeks pregnant they were at the brits.

"Steph it's going to be fine, just like it was at the Brits." Lindsey coos as they leave their house and head for their car that was parked in the front driveway.

"But my corsetted dress was tighter than it should've been at the Brits and I..." She shakes her head.

"Stevie we're going to have to tell the world. It's inevitable, especially with my album and your boxed set. And I think that it'll be good the fans will have a good reaction." He rubs her shoulders.

"Should we do it tonight at one of our interviews?" She inquires. She knew an interview was inevitable, on the red carpet, if they won the award so on and so forth. 

"Tell you what, You can be the one that tells them, I'll leave it up to you." Lindsey kisses his forehead. 


Stevie, John, and Lindsey had been approached by a way too bubbly red head and Stevie had to fight the urge to roll her eyes because she wanted to sit, Leg Cramps had been her most recent Pregnancy trials. 

"Growing up the only thing I wasn't allowed to do was go to a Stevie Nicks concert," She announces causing LIndsey and John to smirk, but Stevie couldnt' understand why because her concerts were realtively calm. "I can't beleive i'm here with you guys how are you?" 

"Fine, how are you tonight?" Lindsey lightly chuckles.

"I am so wonderful and I tell you VH1 loves Fleetwood Mac. Welcome." 

"Thank you." Stevie nods.

"You're welcome, you're very welcome and now I want to know who did your outfit tonight because Stevie Nicks has always been an inspiration fashion wise.

"Her name is Mona Lee and she's from Los Angeles." Stevie nods, she could feel her baby moving slightly and she was trying so hard not to touh her stomach so she started playing with her hands as she spoke. 

"Do you guys still get nervous?" The lady inquires.

"Oh yes." Stevie nods.

"I think so...I'm not nervous I'm just a bit excited." Lindsey nods as they're pulled away. 


Sadly they didn't win their category but they've already won a Grammy so while it was sad for a moment, Stevie wasn't really affected by it, but what she was affected by was as they were leaving the award show, they had one last interview.  However, the interview, only allowed for one person so almost simultaneously  John, Lindsey, Mick, and Christine,  pushed Stevie into the little room that they had set up and she narrowed her eyes at them.

"Well i'm sitting here with a friend of us all, this is the one the only, the alpha and the omega the iotola of rock and rolla," That brought a smile to her face but she thought it was kind of weird. "I'm talking about Stevie Nicks." 

"Wow, thank you," Stevie giggles a little bit.

"Ms. Stephanie, how are ya?" 

"I'm fine, I am..." She wants to say it but she doesn't ."Fine." 

"It's such a big thrill to meet you and I want to congratulate you on a blistering performance tonight it was just dynamite." 

"Ooh, thank you. We tried." She coos.

"It was beautiful." 

"To put three songs into five minutes was a little difficult you know, but after we rehearsed it a few times, we got them cut down in stuff it was cool, it went off really well." 

"Now who decided to do instead of one song, to do a medley of..." 

"The grammy's decided." 

"Did they?" 


"Were you down with that was it alright." 

"Well we would've really rather done one song and done a really great performance of one song but you know...they wanted to hear a couple of different things so hey it's there show you know." 

"Well let's talk about you playing live, when do you think the people who haven't gotten to see you yet will get to see you either with FLeetwood Mac or on your own again?" 

That was it, that was her leeway and she knew it. But she hadn't told Lindsey one small detail. 

"Well...um...Fleetwood isn't going to in the next few months. That's just the next few months we don't know after that. Um, I'm going to tour with my boxed set on Um...One show in April and then from May 27th, until about June 17th, and then I'm taking a break and I'll be back on the road August 19th through the middle of October." She states.

"Why such a big break between June and August are you taking a break before you end up going overseas?" 

"Agh, No, I'm actually...due on June 26th. I'm 22 weeks pregnant which is about five months." She nods.

"You're...can I?" He asks.

"Sure there's not much there, but go ahead." She nods moving the microphone out of the way and he briefly touches his stomach.

"Whose the daddy, do we know him?" 

"Yes, Lindsey." Stevie nods as the interview casts his gaze to Lindsey off camera and then he briefly stands up and shakes Lindsey's hand, the camera quickly turning off Stevie towards the other side of the set and then they get back to the interview.

"So that's a scoop, congratulations." 

"Thank you, but yeah so I'll be touring  altogether it's about 40 concerts." 

"So let's talk about this boxed set, you announced it right before Christmas tell us about it."

"So the boxed set is um, it's good it's been fun, the day I got home from The Fleetwood Mac tour on December 1st, I started working on it so I didn't really have any kind of a break I just switched from Fleetwood Mac back into my thing very quickly and it was kind of hard, especially being pregnant because I was so exhausted and so tired especially those first few months of pregnancy and I really didn't get to rest so now that I'm feeling better I'm going to do more with it and figure out some more things, those little trivial details you know, but to go back into your old stuff and to go through all your old photographs and all your old music and stuff that people haven't heard and demos so it's been a whole lot of work and I still have a lot to go but I think if you like my music than you'll really like this set because it's just got all the good stuff on it." She explains.

" I just can't wait to hear it, I'm really looking forward to it." 

"Thank You." 

"And what's been the most fun part for you about doing this Fleetwood Mac Reunion. It must have been really crazy to be on the inside of it all. All the hype and adulation and the usual gossip and nonsense surrounding something of this scope, what's it been like for you being in the eye of it."

"Um sometimes it's difficult because it's so heavy you know it's not easy to be in that big huge kind of a group around it all the time, it's always heavy so you kind of have to take a deep breath and make yourself enjoy it so you have to tell yourself this is so great because if you don't you can get bogged down in it so I didn't do that this time, I didn't get bogged down in it this time. And there were so many wounds that were healed and relationships that were mended, and it was great." 

"It 's obvious that relationships were mended seeing a how you're expecting." He laughs.

"Right, yeah that too." She agrees.

"Well Stevie, I want to thank you for talking to us and I want to thank you for talking to us and congratulations."

"Thank You." Stevie nods. 

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