Chapter 2

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Izuku's POV

It was a day like any other. I got up, brushed my teeth and hair, got dressed and went to school. Like normal, I was picked on by Kacchan and the others. Things were normal. I arrived back home and put my backpack down.
"How was your day at school sweetie?" My mom asked.
"It was good mommy!" I replied. My mom doesn't know that Kacchan beats me up. I began walking back to my room. 'I wonder why Kacchan doesn't like me anymore. I don't think I ever did anything to him.' I thought as I walked up the stairs.
Suddenly my house was blown away with a loud BANG. I flew off to the side, slamming into a tree behind my house with a loud THUD and a sickening CRACK. My right arm and hand sent wave after wave of sharp pain as I cried out in pain. I saw a man with silver hair and silver eyes slowly walk towards me. I got up and tried to run. The man continued to walk towards me as he raised an arm. The man's arm grew bigger as spikes formed on it.

The man released the attack and it hit my leg. Luckily it didn't break, however I was petrified. My mind was screaming for me to run, but I couldn't move. The man raised his hand again, readying the same attack. This time though it looked like it had much more power to it. He pulled his arm back readying a punch as I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain. But it never came.

I opened my eyes to see my mom standing in between me and the man. "What are you planning on doing to my son Shigariki?!?" My mom said, breathing heavily. She looked horrible. Splinters covered her unruly hair. Sharp planks stuck out of her stomach, and the wound it caused was bleeding profusely.

The man now known as Shigariki smiled. It wasn't a good smile, but a horribly evil one. "He has something i want and you're getting in the way..." he said while grinning. He used some sort of telekinesis to float two kitchen knives to him. "So I'll just have to kill you." He continued. He rushed over to my mom in blinding speed and he threw a knife, directly hitting my right leg. I screamed in pain as my mom began to rush over to me.

"Nuh uh uh~" Shigariki sung as he stabbed my mom on the other side of the stomach. I watched in horror as he slowly tortured my mom. Beginning with slicing a line down my moms arm. Then he bagan to engrave hurtful remarks on her body like 'dumbass' and 'whore'. "Any last words?" Shigariki asked my mom. She slowly turned to me as she weakly said "" then the man blew her top half off, leaving only the lower half of her body.

Her blood spewed all over me, covering me in it. The man grinned as he turned to me. He walked over to me, reaching for my face. Then out of nowhere, a big bulky man came and punched the man in the face.

I looked up to see a buff man with blonde hair and in the front of it was styled in a 'V' shape. I immidently recognized the man as All Might.
"DO NOT FEAR YOUNG MAN, FOR I AM HERE!!" All Might said in a booming voice. He turned to look at me and tried to help me but Shigariki punched him in the face. All Might ran back into the fight and continued to protect me while also fighting the man.

"ALL FOR ONE!!! YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE TO HARM PEOPLE!!! TODAY IS THE DAY THAT YOU GET CAPTURED!!!" All Might said. I noticed he wasn't using his full power and wondered why. Then it hit me. He couldn't use his full power with me around.

I pulled the knife out of my leg and started to run away. I ran and ran and ran. I ran until I couldn't anymore, finding myself in an alleyway. There was an old medkit in the alleyway. It looked several years old. Along with it were sevral scraps of metal with a what I assumed was a car hood.

I walked over to the medkit to find the contents in it were in good enough condition to use on myself. I wrapped up the knife wound on my leg and used a splint on my arm. I looked at the car hood and picked it up. 'Mabye I can use this as a roof' I thought. And I did exactly that. I propped the hood up with two old planks i found and set the back on a little ledge for the support on the back. I laid down underneath the little shelter and used an old tarp I found as a blanket and some foam as a pillow. As I drifted off to sleep I thought 'Why me?'

All Might's POV

I was on the train towards Mutsufasu as I saw a gigantic explosion. I immidently knew it was a Villan. And a powerful one too. However because I was on a train, I couldn't get there right now. 'Damn it! I hope the other heros are going to get there before I do!' I thought. Once I arrived I sprinted out of the train into an alleyway. 'Now I can get there faster I thought as I transformed into my Muscle Form.

Toshinori Yagi
Hero Name: All Might
Quirk: One for all, 2 Form.
One for all: A stockpiling quirk passed down from generation to generation
2 Form: Allows the user to have and use two different forms. Muscle Form and Weak Form.
2 Form downsides: If the user is critically damaged, Muscle Form gains a time limit that decreases the more it is used. Effect lasts until injury is completely healed.

I begin jumping from building to building, racing against time to get there. When I arrive I see half a corpse and a little boy pinned against what remains of a wall by the villan I least expected. All for One. I noticed what he was trying to do. 'He's going to steal the boy's quirk!' I quickly jump into action, punching All for One away from the child. "DO NOT FEAR! FOR I AM HERE!!" I bellow, reassuring the young boy. I suddenly felt a powerful tug. However it wasn't physical. It was mentally. I had a sudden flashback as I looked at the boy.

"Listen well young Yagi. I have been looking for a successor for a long time. The quirk I use is One for All. It allows me to give my quirks to another." Nana Shimura said. I looked up at her. "How do you know I'm the successor you're looking for and not someone else?" I asked. Nana thinks for a moment, answering "The quirk pulled me in your direction. That is all the evidence I need. When the time comes for you to find a successor,  you will know what I mean."

As the flashback ended I thought 'He's the one' before being pulled out of my thoughts by a punch from All for One.
I was sent pretty far, but I was able to get back before any more harm was done to my future successor.

I fought All for One while protecting the boy. "ALL FOR ONE!! YOU WILL NOT CONTINUE TO HARM PEOPLE!!! TODAY IS THE DAY YOU GET CAPTURED!!" I said with full confidence in my words. I take a quick look towards the boy to see the boy running away. 'Damn it! He's going to bleed out if those wounds aren't taken care of!' I thought as I continued to fight All for One. We continued to fight until we injured each other. He pierced my side as I crushed a section of his head. The fight was over. I had won. I stood tall as other heros arrived, raising my my right fist in victory before I blacked out.

The heros won

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