Chapter 11

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Izuku's POV

I woke up like any other normal day. I got up, worked out and took a shower; then I brushed my hair and my teeth. After the incident, Dad made me work out in an attempt to up my chances of escape in the event of another kidnapping attempt. It proved effective and had become a part of my daily routine in no time at all. After all this was done, I made my way down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I had found that Dad's mansion had a library! I asked if I could use it, and Dad had given me full access to the library. In there I found all sorts of things. Books on cooking, first aid and general studies were in there to name a few. I took the initiative to read some cooking books along with books in Math, Science, ELA, History and other studies. I then moved on to practice cooking for when I'm on my own in the future.

After making and eating breakfast with Dad, his phone alarm went off for something. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out, looking at the screen. His face visibly paled when he did. After he dismissed it, he got up in a hurry.

"Dad, what's going on? Did some students 'Intermingle' again?" I asked. I may be six, but I was very smart for my age. When students at UA were caught talking about innopropiate stuff close to me, Dad tried playing the old 'Stork' trick on me. It failed horribly. I told him 'Dad, Storks are carnivores. If one actually did get thier hands on a baby, it would likely be eaten. Not to mention, the tales say they would be dropped either in a newlyweds' hands, or through a chimney. In the case of being dropped into a chimney, the baby would likely die from the fall.' This shocked everyone in the room besides Aizawa. He had a smirk on face, proud that I was rational enough to see through the lie. Nezu had me take an IQ quiz after this reply a few days later. It turns out that I had an IQ equivalent to Einstein's at 160.

After that whole charade was over Dad pushed me harder on school, giving me harder tests and tougher studies in general. This in turn caused me to be fanominal in observation and note-taking, even though I already was beforehand. So I obviously knew when something was wrong. "I completely forgot what day it was! Izuku! Go to your room and get ready too!" Was all he said before he hurriedly left for his room. I sat there pondering what could be so important about today. Doing so my mind wandered off to when I was officially named as a Yagi at the hospital. Wait... hospital.... The realization hit me. The Quirk Doctor!! I also hurriedly left to get ready. Once I was in my room I hastily searched my closet for an outfit to wear. Settling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, I put them on and rushed back downstairs to meet my father at the door. We left the house, making sure to lock the door and entered the limo. Dad drove off towards the Quirk Doctor at high speeds. It made sense for him to hurry, as if you miss an appointment with a Quirk Doctor, you'd most likely have to wait until the next Quirk Season to even apply for another appointment. Right now, the next Quirk Season was a good twelve months away. We were dealing with very slow traffic and villain attacks slowing us down significantly. Dad's heroic nature did us no favors either, as every villain we ran into was defeated by my Dad.

Finally, we arrived at the Quirk Doctor's office. Unfortunately, we were late by two hours. Meaning we missed the appointment. We were about to leave before someone called out to us. "Hey! You two! Stop!" The man cried out. He was in a white lab coat with blue jeans. "What are you doing here Dr Hoggins? Shouldn't you be knee-high in patients?" The receptionist asked the man. The man, now known as Dr Hoggins spoke to us. "Stay here and wait for patient hours are over. I'll do it for free." He said with a genuine smile. Although unsure of his intentions, we did as he told. Sure enough, the man invited us in and started the analysis. While the results were being processed, Dad spoke. "So why are you doing this for us for free? What are you planning?" Dad asked. He was well within his bounds to be suspicious of the man as many people still tried kidnapping me. The doctor shook his head. "I have no bad intentions. In fact, it's the exact opposite." He responded. "You see, my wife and daughter just so happened to be the hostages in the hostage situation you solved earlier today." He said. Before anymore conversation was started, the timer went off.

The results are ready

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