Chapter 14

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Izuku's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock resonating throughout my room. Groaning, I got up and out of my bed; turning the alarm off as I went to the bathroom to take a shower. Today was a big day. The UA entrance exam! Stepping out of the shower, I went downstairs to eat breakfast before I headed out towards UA. Dad left a while ago to UA to watch over the second and third year continuation exam. If you've never heard of it, that would be because it's not as well known as the first year exam.

Basically the second and third year hero course students have to do this exam in order to show the development of their skills compared to the previous exams. If the staff deems that a student does not show enough vigor or potential to grow stronger in the next year, then they will be replaced by a general class student who shows better potential.

After a short jog I was at the gates of UA! I stared at the gorgeous h-shaped building, taking in it's beauty. I breathed in, then exhaled as I took my first steps on the UA grounds as a potential student!

I walked along the side of the pathway until I see a girl with brown hair trip and start to fall. At the time, I didn't know that this would be the first interaction with the one I would spend my life with later on. Catching her, I put her back on her feet. "Would've been bad luck if you fell huh? Try and be careful now okay?" I asked. She seemed a little flustered, but I payed it no mind. I walked away giving her a wave and left towards the testing area.

The written test wasn't very hard, just some simple studies and a little bit in heroic response. After the written exam came the physical exam. However since I finished pretty early I was in the waiting room for a while. Instead of just sitting there doing nothing I started to work out a bit. I had brought some dumbells for entertainment cause I knew this might happen. That and as weapons since I can't use my quirk for defence, well that is if it even freaking activates.

I found out pretty early on that my quirk has a huge weakness. Due to the nature of my quirk, I can't activate it willingly. My emotions trigger my quirk, so unless I can learn how to control my emotions to an incredible degree, I can't master my quirk or use it on demand.

I must've been too concentrated on my thoughts because when I came to, Present Mic was almost done explaining the robot portion of the test. And he would've finished it too if a blue haired kid wouldn'tve interrupted him.

"You've only mentioned three robots when there are four!! If this is a mistake, then UA sould be ashamed of it. We are high caliber students that deserve only the best!! And you, green haired kid in the front!! You've been spaced out from the beginning of the instruction!! If you aren't going to take this seriously then you should just leave!!" He declared. I was honestly a little annoyed that he called me out because now everyone is staring at me! But fortunately I managed to croak out a response.

"Dude, if you've taken the time to notice that a kid four rows in front of you has been spaced out since the beginning of the instruction then you've payed intentionally less attention then I have because I was unintentionally ignoring him." I responded.

He seemed a little embarrassed at my response as he shut up almost immidently. Present Mic finished the explanation and we were on to the physical. We were waiting at the gate to the physical when I noticed that same girl from the courtyard was having some trouble keeping herself calm. Seeing this, I decided to go over to her and help. Well I would have if the blue haired guy didn't stop me.

"Don't you see the she's trying to prep herself for the exam? If you're going to bother people then you should just leave." This guy is being very exausting to deal with. "Look dude, I'm going over to help her calm down. If anything, you're the one bothering others. First you call me out during the instructions because you apparently can't read a pamphlet and now you're bothering me again because you assume I'm a troublemaker. You should seriously get to know a person before you judge their actions." I unloaded my frustration on him because I just can't deal with this dude right now.

He let me past and I left him speechless as I went over to the girl. However I couldn't because the gates had opened.

The exam has started...

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