Chapter 7

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Izuku's POV

I woke up with a start. Sweating, I looked around to cool my nerves. After confirming my surroundings, I calmed down. 'Why did I have that same dream again?' I thought as I rose from my bed. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was 5am. 'Well, I can't go back to sleep now' I thought as I wandered out of my room and through the halls. Eventually I found the kitchen. I looked around and found the bread. Unfortunately the toaster was on top of the counter. I looked around and saw a step stool. I grabbed it and made my way towards the toaster. I put two slices in the toaster and pushed down the nob to start it. After a few minutes it was done. I got me a paper plate and headed towards the table to eat. As I sat down I saw All Might come in. "All Might? What are you doing up at 5?" I asked. Does he go on patrol early or is there another reason?

He looks at me with a puzzled gaze. "It's 8:00 Izuku. Not 5." I was shocked. 'Did it really take me that long to find the kitchen?' He sighs. "Anyway Young Midoryia, you need to get ready. I'm going to UA today for a meeting between Heroes, and I don't want to leave you here alone. I'd worry too much." His words comforted me. It's nice to know how much he cares about me. I nodded my head and headed towards my room. Well, I would if I actually knew how to get there.

After I was led to my room and got ready we were off to UA. I was trembling with excitement. I get to see my dream school! Of course I would be! However, sometimes life makes you take the extra mile. On the ride there we got caught up in a villain attack. The villain had robbed a bank and was making a break for it. Seeing this, All Might stopped the car and turned into his Muscle Form. People immidently noticed his hulking figure and began to cheer for him. All Might raced towards the villain and subdued him, after that he began walking towards our limo. As he got in I noticed a flash of light in my peripheral vision. I turned towards the direction I saw it in but no one was there. It was just the front of the car and a busy road. All Might got in and drove off, turning back into Incognito Form. (SkeleMight aka weak form, changed it for the story) We arrived at UA and got out. We walked through the large impenetrable gates and into massive H-Shaped building. As we walked through the halls of UA there were sevral whispers and murmurs as if it were a recognition of our presence.

Eventually we arrived at a massive door labeled 'Meeting Room'. As we walked in I saw a lot of pros I recognized such as Eraserhead, Midnight; Phantom, Spiral and Convert. I also saw three kids my age. I looked up at All Might. "Papa can I go play with them?" I asked. He looked at me with a big smile and somewhat teary eyes as he nodded his head and said that I could. "YAY!" I exclaimed excitedly as I rushed over to them. Once I was there I introduced myself. "Hi! I'm Izuku! What's your names?" I asked excitedly. One of them got shy and turned around and hid in a corner. The other two were excited to introduce themselves though.

The girl spoke first. "Hi! I'm Nejere! I'm eight! How old are you? Can we be friends? Oh! Why don't we play outside? What's your quirk? Ooh! Ooh! Are you All Might's son? If so that-" She got cut off by the blonde boy. "Nej! You're overwhelming him with questions!" He turned towards me. Anyway, I'm Mirio! And the shy boy in the corner is Tamiki." I nodded my head and turned towards the girl. "I only got a few, but ill answer the ones I heard." She nodded, excitement in her eyes. "I'd like to be friends, I do wanna play outside and I'm six!" I exclaimed. The three of us decided to go play outside. Once we told the adults where we were going we left. If only we knew...

The tragedy that we would cause...

I tried a new layout, let me know if you want me to use this one or the one I was using before.

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