Chapter 20

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Hey guys, sorry that its been so long. I've been having issues with writing for some reason. Like, I know what I have to write but I just can't get it on paper correctly, yaknow? And the resulting chapter was... abysmal. So I took a break. For a while. Any Ideas for other MHA books I'd slap onto my Story Throwouts book so it'd stop bothering me. It.. may be a while before another chapter is out but imma try my best! See ya soon and enjoy the double chapters

(Shameless plug, but if you want to make an MHA book but don't have any ideas for it I'd appreciate it if you could write some of my ideas on Story Throwouts. I think they're interesting and worth a shot. Just let me know you're gonna write it so I can read it when it's out!)


Izuku's POV

Later on in the day the time had come for Heroics Class! Everyone was excited! However I was even more excited! Dad was teaching, so it was going to be a really good class for us!

I was broken from my musings as the sound of rapid footsteps approached us. Eventually the door slammed open to reveal All Might in his full glory!

"AH!HAHAHAH! I AM HERE! COMING THROUGHT THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might exclaimed. And with that entry, my hopes were crushed. This... This was going to be terrible.

In the changing room little happened. Well, if you call meeting an old "friend"
little. I never really noticed him at first. Even if he did sit in front of me in class. Well, I did but I didn't yaknknow? Honestly I'd completely blocked him out of my mind. I never really noticed just who he was. But that costume... it jumpstarted my brain. And suddenly.. I had a bad feeling. It was Kaachan. My symbol of Mysery.

And terrible it was! Apparently, Dad decided that he was too good to study up on how to be a teacher properly, so here's the result! All Might with goddam NOTES. He has NOTES. Don't think I don't see them in that pocket!

As the rest of the class emerged I noticed Uraraka. And it kinda blew me away. I never took her for the type to wear something so tight but she rocked it in my opinion. She noticed me staring and come over to me with a little blush spotting her cheeks.

"Hi Deku! I like you costume!" She said. "Mine didn't come out quite like I wanted.. It's skin-tight!" I gave her a once-over yet again, unconsciously checking her out. I turn my attention back to her face to see it reddened up.

"Uraraka? Your face is all red, are you sick?" I asked. She seemed shocked for a moment, going stock still.

Uraraka's POV

"Uraraka? Your face is all red, are you sick?" Deku asked, causing a memory to surface.

"Hi" I turned around to see a boy around my age. He had green hair and freckles in the shape of a diamond.
"Hi my name's Izuku. What's yours?"

The boy began to look worried as he turned to what I presume was his mother and said "Mommy? I think she's sick. She's really red."

"Uraraka? Urarakaa? URARAKA!!" Mina shouted. "Huh?" I said, shocked out of the memory. "You're up first! Hurry up and get to your partner!" She said as she joined up with everyone else, which left me and Deku alone.

Izuku's POV

Uraraka asked me what was going on, so I explained it to her. We're the Villains goings up against Bakugo and Ida as the Heroes. We have 15 minutes to plan and then the hero team comes in to either catch the bomb or capture us. I then explained what I knew about Explosion and Engine.

"However, I don't think they'll be going for the bomb..." I thought out loud. "From what I remember, Bakugo was always very... straightforward for a lack of better words." "How so?" Uraraka asked, tilting her head a little. "Well... he started a lot of fights when I was younger and... well the past is the past so we need to focus on the present!" I stated, forcing away the bad memories. "I have a plan. Uraraka, you go after Bakugo. He always used to start off fights with a right hook. Use that to close the distance. Remember that he'd likely use an explosion after the punch, so prepare for it. However it's been literal years since I've seen him fight. He may have grown out of it. Anyways, while you're doing that I'll break up as much of the floor as possible between the bomb and the hallway door, that way Ida can't run over to me and we can either capture him or run the time out. Uraraka, it's extremely important Buakugo does NOT get up here. He'll be able to fly over the gap, so get him out first. He'll likely rush in ahead of Ida so be wary." Uraraka nodded with a fire in her eyes, and then the first Hero Session started.

Ururaka's POV

Deku was trusting her, so she was going to win. She was currently in front of Bakugo, in a staredown. "Get outta the way, Round Face! I'm after Deku, not you!" Bakugo snarled. My stare turned into a glare. I could tell he wasn't saying "Deku" as in "You can do it". He was using it as an insult. How he's planning on being a hero with that attitude I have no clue. But I don't care. I will NOT let him sully my nickname.

"What, is the Bakahoe too scared to fight a girl?" I taunted. And it worked. OH it SO worked.

[Quick note, I can't remember if Bakugo ever called Izuku Deku in my book yet, but if he has, pretend that it never happened. In this story, Uraraka shortened Dekiru to Deku and that's how it came about. Bakugo heard it and started using it as an insult. That's all]

Author's Pov

Bakugo roared in pure rage as he attacked. How DARE she make fun of the Great King Explosion Murder!

Uraraka watched as the newly named Bakahoe sent a right hook (Just as predicted) as she ducked under it, hands stretched forward to tag Bakugo. An explosion went off behind her (Yet again, as predicted) and pushed her into Bakugo as well as activating Urarakas quirk on him, releasing him of his gravity.

Uraraka pushed him back, causing him to float off the way he came.

"Don't you DARE think this'll stop me Round Face!" Bakugo screeched as he foolishly let off a twin explosion behind him (Like he does to fly) that sent him rocketing forwards at high speeds. Much too high speeds, might I add. He overshot by a LOT, sending himself into a wall head first, breaking through it and knocking himself out. Uraraka walked up to his unconscious form and wrapped the capture tape around his ankle, signaling All Might to call him out of the game.

After that, the rest of the exercise was pretty moot. Ida wouldn't let himself be caught by Uraraka, but couldn't get to the bomb, so time ran out and...

Uraka and Izuku won

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