Chapter 3

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All Might's POV

I awoke to a white ceiling. "Seems you're awake All Might." I heard someone say. I turn my head to the voice's direction. There I see Nighteye.
"How long have I been out?" I asked.
"Three days. However, I've made sure the media couldn't say anything about the incident." 'Three days?' Then something hit me. 'The boy!' "Nighteye! Has a little boy with messy green hair, green eyes and freckles in a diamond pattern been admitted here?!" I asked frantically. Nighteye's expression changed to one of seriousness with a hint of curiosity.

"No. No one with those features has been hospitalized here. Why?" Nighteye asked. "With that expression I assume it's urgent?"

"Very. At the scene of the fight there was a boy there that looked just like that. He was seriously injured and he ran off during the fight." I explained.

Nighteye's expression changed to one of seriousness and panic. "Ok! I'll go and inform the police of the situation! You stay here resting!" He said as he dashed out the door. A few minutes later he came back in pale as a ghost.

"What's wrong Nighteye?! Is the boy dead?!?" I asked, assuming the worst.
"No, but it's bad..." he said. He sat down slowly, then continued by saying "At the scene, there wasn't much."

"But two major things were found there. T-there was a corpse... and a knife..." I nodded before saying "The knife was in the boy's leg. He must've ripped it out to run away."
"Really? Well anyway... the knife had blood on it and the corpse was good condition... therefore... well before I continue was the corpse there when you got there?" I nodded, saying yes. He turned even more pale.
"The corpse's DNA matched a woman named Inko Midoryia. The DNA on the knife was matched to... matched to..."
He stuttered. "Please say it wasn't..." I started.
"T-the knifes blood was matched to Izuku Midoryia... Inko's son..."
"DAMN IT!!" I shouted in frustration. "If only I had gotten there sooner!!!"

"There was nothing you could've done, All Might. You did what you could. Now as for the kid.. Izuku... he's missing." Nighteye stated. 'Missing?'
"In addition, All for One escaped." Someone else said. I turned my head to see Nezu, the principal of UA Highschool.

"He escaped?!? How?!?" I screeched, causing me to have a coughing fit.
As Nighteye soothed me Nezu continued. "One of his followers were nearby and used a teleportation quirk on him. It's unknown if he lived."
"This is bad!" I say as I sit up. "Izuku's in trouble!"

Nighteye tries to get me to sit back down and rest but I continue to stammer forward. "Izuku? The missing boy? Why is he in trouble?!?" Nezu asked. "I overheard... All for... One... saying he.... wants Izuku's.... quirk!" I say inbetween grunts.

I continue to go forward little by little using the wall as support.
This causes Nighteye to argue about my future.

"I don't.... care about... my future.... because.... Izuku... is the... future!" I say between grunts.

This peaks thier intrest. "What do you mean by that?" They both ask.
"Izuku.... is.... the next user..... of One for All... it... chose him!" I say, again between grunts.

This shocks them both.
"If I lead the search will you go back and rest? I'll even add some heros onto the rescue team." Nezu said. This calms me down. "S-sure. Just... don't stop searching.... he's still alive..... the link... tells... me so..." then I pass out.

Timeskip a year...

Aizawa's POV

I'm jumping from rooftop to rooftop on the nightly search for a boy named Izuku. I honestly don't see the point in searching for him anymore. It's been a year. A year! The boy is probably dead by now! You know what? I'm just gonna quit the search tomorrow. Then, I'll finally get some real rest. Yeah! I'll-

I was pulled out of my thoughts by some men talking.
"Dude, did you see his face this time?!? It was really amusing!" ??? said. "I know right?!? He's so pathetic! Too bad he'll be gone tomorrow!" ??? said. 'Gone?' I thought. "Yeah... OH! I almost forgot! I set up a camera to record him bleeding to death! Wanna watch it with me tomorrow?!?" ??? asked. 'I've heard enough. I'll knock them out and help the person they're talking about before he dies.
"Yeah!! I'll com by aroun-" I knocked him out before he could finish his sentence. "Huh?!? Who're yo-" Nice! Got the other one. Now to go help the-

I was interrupted by horrifying scream. It sounded like it was filled with pain.
I rushed over to the source of the scream to find a kid with long, messy green hair and freckles in a diamond pattern on his face.
'Could it be?!?' I thought as I rushed over to him. I picked him up and rushed towards the nearest hospital.
He was still screaming, though I realized he was unconscious.

Arriving at the hospital they quickly put him on a stretcher and rushed him to some doctors.
While waiting I texted the detective that I might have found Izuku.
When the doctors arrived they explained what had happened.
The wounds on his body were so deep they had to give him stitches. Due to the amount of deep wounds on him his body forced his dormant quirk to activate. However the quirk he has had to be pretty strong for him to react that way to it being forcefully awakened.
Soon All Might, the detective and Nezu had arrived. We were given permission to enter the boy's room and when we did, we were shocked.

He was healing!

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