Chapter 5

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Izuku's POV

I was standing alone in a dark void. I saw darkness everywhere I looked. That was until I heard a voice. "Izuku!" It called out. The voice seemed familiar to me. It seemed to calm me down and I sensed a feeling of love behind it. I turned to where the voice was calling me from. I saw a bright light and my mother was there. I began to run towards her, hoping it wasn't a dream and that she was really there; alive and breathing. As I got closer, so close I could touch her, she desinagreated into dust.

Suddenly the void disappeared, turning into a place all to familiar to me. It was my old home. I saw my mom doing the dishes as suddenly she turned to me. Her eyes cried blood as she says "WhY dIdN't YoU sAvE mE?!?" I started crying as the man that killed my mother appeared behind her. I tried to cry out to my mother to run, but I couldn't speak. I tried to run to her but I couldn't move. I sat there and watched as he tortured my mother to death. When he hand enough he blew the top half of her body to bits. I was sobbing, I wanted to help but I couldn't move. I just sat there as I watched my mother die. The man turned to me and said "Its your fault." He multiplied and surrounded me. "You're the reason she's dead!" "You did nothing!" "You're a monster!" "You're useless!" "You can't become a hero!" "You couldn't even save your mom!" I heard insult after insult, but they didn't hurt very much. The thing that hurt the most was that they were true.

I woke up with a start. Seeing where I was, I knew it was a dream. I looked around the room to see four people I didn't recognize. There was a very skinny man that was basically a skeleton with droopy blonde hair. There was a man wearing a brown trench coat and hat with blue jeans. He had black eyes with what seemed like an extremely overgrown rat on his shoulder. The rat wore a suit with orange shoes. The man next to him wore all black clothes with a white scarf and yellow goggles.

The man in black spoke up first. "How are you feeling problem child?" He said. I looked at him with a glint of curiosity and fear in my eyes. "Who are you people?" I asked, slightly afraid of them.
Tha rat jumped down and took a few steps forward with his hands behind his back. "That's right, we haven't introduced ourselves yet! My name is Nezu. I am the principal at UA and my hero name is Einstein." He said calmly. I softened my eyes knowing that there was a hero here. The skinny man spoke up after him. "My name is Toshinori Yagi. My hero name is... well I'll tell you when I know I can trust you." He said. I nodded and looked to the others. The man in brown spoke up first. "My name is detective Tsukauchi." He said as that next person spoke up. "My name is Shota Aizawa. Hero name Eraserhead." He said lazily.

There were three heroes here! I was fanboying on the inside but kept a calm demeanor on the outside. Toshinori approached me. "Young man, what happened to you? Last time I saw you your skin was pale white! Did you get a tan?" He asked. I shook my head. "No sir, I haven't had a bath in a year. This is the result of that."They looked astonished. Nezu was the first to speak up. "If that's true, then you need a bath right away! The build-up must be very annoying. Not to mention dangerous." He said. They all nodded. I did too. I was itchy everywhere. I knew the reason for this too. The dead skin cells were gathered up all over my body, causing me to itch. If I were to scratch it, the dead skin cells would come off. This was a way for the body to get rid of the dead skin cells.

I was rushed to the bathroom. Toshinori washed me since I was too weak to do it myself. After washing me, the bathtub looks like it was filled with mud, not water.

 After washing me, the bathtub looks like it was filled with mud, not water

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Time skip brought to you by my cat, Mittins

It's been a week since I was taken to the hospital

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It's been a week since I was taken to the hospital. My nails were cut along with my hair. I was no longer dirty or hungry. I was healthy, and no longer thirsty.

A doctor came in. "Hello Izuku. I came here to tell you that after today, you will be released from the hospital." His face turned from happy to solemn. "However, you will be put into an orphanage since you're still a minor." I felt devastated. This was the reason I ran. I didn't want to be put in an orphanage. I held back my tears as the doctor left. Once he did I let it out. I cried and cried until the door to my room opened. It revealed it was Toshinori as he walked over to my bed. He stopped walking and looked down at me and said words I wasn't expecting.

"Do you want to be a Yagi?"

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