Blake Lively : Hiding p. II

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y/n POV :

We finish the meeting with everyone and I pack my script standing up and before I could make another move Blake speaks. 

"Hey y/n we should get lunch." She says and loud enough for the director to hear. 

"Fuck." I mumble then look at her to see her smirking. I put on a fake smile, "Sure I'd love to." I say trying not to slap her. 

"Perfect. We can take my car." She says and follows me out the door. 

"I drove." I say and arrive at my car. 

"Hey can you slow down a sec?" She says and grabs my arm turning me around. 

I pull my arm away instantly. 

"Why are you doing this? Do you enjoy making me miserable?" I ask frustrated with her. 

"What? No! I'm just trying to make things up for you." She says and I roll my eyes. 

"Lunch isn't gonna fix it so stop trying. You broke me Blake. You said so much shit to me. We are gonna be professional about this." I say and open my car door. 

"Mhm okay but I am going to make you fall for me again and this time I will catch you babygirl and never let you go." She says smiling. "Also just follow me I know a great place." 

She goes to her get in her car and I get in mine. I start my engine and look up to see her looking at me biting her lip. I gesture her to go and she laughs then pulls out. 

I follow her and zone out just following her. She pulls up to a gate and I get confused then I realize it's her house. 

Hell no! I honk the horn and she sticks her head out the window and motions for me to follow her. Against my better judgment I follow her inside the gate. 

I get out my car grabbing my bag kind of upset. 

"What the hell Blake?" I say as she gets out the car and laughs at how I look. 

"You're so cute when you're mad at me. I had to come her the place I wanted to go to was closed and besides I thought we can go over our lines." She says and starts walking to her door and I follow her. 

"So where's Ryan?" I ask. 

"We are in the works of a divorce." She says and I just nod. 

We go to the couch and I pull my script out but it's taken out of my hands. 

"What was that for?" I ask.

"Don't you want to know why we are getting a divorce?" She asks and I just shrug. 

"It's not my business." I say and her face kind of falls. 

"I did it for you. These past few months without you have felt like years. I can't do anything without you. I can barely breath y/n. I love you. I'm sorry for all the horrible things I said and I don't know what came over me. I regret everything I said. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate you when I had you but now I'm not afraid I'll come out. I'll show you off to the world. Please just give me another chance." She says and some tears fall from her eyes. 

I realize how close we are and take a deep breath. 

"Blake-" I say and she cuts me off. 

"Please." She whispers and leans closer so our lips are centimeters apart. 

I lose all will power and lean forward to connect our lips . I put my arms around her neck as she pulls me on her lap and places her hands on my ass. 

I pull away catching my breath. 

"Wait wait wait, let's take this slow okay? I still don't trust you Blake. You really hurt me." I say and look down but she cups my left cheek lifting my head up. 

"We can take this slow. I am going to spend the rest of my life getting your trust back. I love you y/n." She says. 

"I can't say it back right now." I say and she nods understandably giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Ah man Daya's gonna kill you." 

This makes her tense a bit. 

"Daya as in Zendaya? The one that has a crush on you?" She asks and her eyes show a bit of jealousy. 

"Yes Zendaya and she doesn't have a crush on me. She helped me through everything." I say and she nods but I can tell she's a bit upset still. 

I spend a few more hours at her house going over lines and eating then I realize I should head home. 

"I should go home." I say and she about to say something and I know she is gonna ask me to sleepover. "I can't sleepover. Slow remember?" 

She sighs and nods, "I know I know. I'll see you tomorrow princess." She says and gives me a kiss on the forehead and a peck on the lips. 

I get in my car and drive away. 

I give Daya a call letting her know what just happened. 

She was upset and then she told me she just wants what's best for me. 

Next Day

Blake and I have been going strong for about 2 weeks now and have been filming for a week. I arrive at set at 6am very tired and mindlessly walk to my trailer. 

I open the door and I quickly realize this isn't my trailer. I find this out because I see Blake kissing some girl. 

They pull away and before Blake could say anything I leave and go into my trailer. 

"Wait!" I hear her say and I enter my trailer slamming the door behind me. 

Before it closes all the way Blake bursts in. 

"Blake get out." I say trying to stay strong. 

"No. That bitch came onto me. I was about to push her off but you came in before I could. Baby I swear. Please please trust me." She says with tears in her eyes. 

She steps closer to me cautiously and put her arm around my waist. 

"Please believe me. I swear I would never do anything to to hurt us intentionally. I don't even know why I even let myself in the situation. I won't even do that again." She pleads. 

"You swear that will never happen again?" I ask. 

"I swear. I love you so much and I will never even let a girl within 10 feet of me." She says and I laugh a bit. 

"Okay fine. Now I need to get ready. I'll see you on set." I say and kiss her cheek.

"Hey! You missed." She says. 

"Nope not kissing till you wash your face." I say and she groans. 

"Fine." She says and washes her mouth. "Better?" 

I nod giving her a kiss. We pull away and she blurts out. 

"Be my girlfriend?" She asks. 

"Yes." I say and she smiles brightly. 

She pulls out her phone and clicks on a picture of us before posting it on Instagram with the caption "Mine" with a red heart. 

We kiss once more. 

I'm falling for her all over again and this time I know she's gonna catch me. 

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