Emilia Clarke : Savior

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Requested by : yesIamblack43

y/n POV :

The Mother of Dragons. Miss Emilia Clarke herself is here in front of me. I am at Comic Con and at Emilia's meet and greet completely star struck staring in her eyes. I've waited all day in her line and I am the last one of the day. 

"Uh hello?" I hear the photographer say and I blush looking away. 

"What kind of pose do you want?" She asks. 

"Oh um-" She cuts me off. 

"Can I suggest something?" She asks and I nod immediately. "I give you a piggyback ride and you give me a kiss on the cheek?" 

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods immediately smiling. 

She crouches down in front of me and I jump on her back wrapping my arms around her neck as her hands catch my thighs. 

"Alright. 1, 2, 3!" The photographer says and Emilia kisses me on the cheek, actually it was more of the corner of my lips. 

I am a blushing mess right now. 

"Can we see the picture?" She asks and I unwrap my arms from her neck and attempt to get down but she tightens her grip on me. 

He shows us the picture and she seems satisfied. 

"Um should I get down now?" I ask shyly. 

"No you're coming with me." She says and walk behind the curtain with me still on her back. 

She puts me down pulling me on her golf cart with her and the kart takes off. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"My hotel room." She says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

This sets off alarms in my head. 

"Oh um I'm a big fan of yours but I'm not the type to do a one night stand." I say and she turns to me showing her killer smile. 

"Well it's a good thing I'm not either." She says putting her hand on my thigh. 

We arrive at the parking garage and get into her SUV going to the hotel. 

"Why me?" I ask. 

"I saw you earlier today and couldn't take my eyes off you. I prayed you would come to my meet and greet but I started to lose hope until I saw your face again being the last person in." She says. 

I blush hard covering my face as she giggles. We arrive at her hotel and she holds my hand taking me to her room. We sit down on her bed watching tv and talking as well as exchange numbers. She suddenly turns my face so I am facing her and begins to lean in as I find myself doing the same thing until our lips touch. She pulls me on her lap slipping her hands under my shorts. 

Before the kiss could get more intense I pulled away making her groan and roll her eyes. 

"What was that about?" I ask taken back a bit. 

"Stop being a prude and let's have some fun." She says and kisses my neck. 

"No." I say pushing her hands off me getting off of her. 

I grab my backpack and start heading to the door. 

"You're really gonna walk away from having sex with me?" She asks like I'm insane. 

"Yeah I am. I don't care who the fuck you are, I am not going to fuck you. For all I know you have a disease."I say and walk out the door. 

As I enter the elevator I see her door open and we lock eyes only for it to be broken by the elevator closing. I walk out the hotel seeing that it is 2:30 in the morning I should find a way back to my hotel. I order and uber on my phone and wait outside for them. They are about 15 minutes away making me sigh not wanting to be here any longer. 

"Damn mama, you lookin to get lucky tonight?" Some guy says walking towards me. 

I just ignore them saying a silent prayer that he will just go away. 

"Aye! I'm talking to you." He says raising his voice and I look at him like he is crazy. 

He starts getting in my face making me feel unsafe and irritated. 

"Hey!" Someone shouts and I punch him in the face make him stumble a bit. 

"I am not in the fuckin mood man." I say and he walks away. 

"Looks like you didn't need a savior." The voice from earlier says and I turn to see Emilia. 

I just roll my eyes and check for how far my uber is but my phone is taken from my grasp. Emilia looks at my phone and cancels my uber! They charged me for canceling too!

"What the hell?!" I say. 

"Look I'm sorry about earlier. I'm not gonna lie this time. The first time I saw you was when you came in to take the picture and I wanted to just have sex with you but after talking with you and getting to know you, I want more. I'm sorry for what I did earlier but you just make me crazy." She says all in one breath.

"Ok slow down first of all. Second of all that's all great but I'm not going back to your hotel room and you're gonna have to work a lot harder than just a few words to get me to go out with you." I say. 

"Of course but at least let me give you a ride to your hotel?" She asks and I nod not wanting to pay for another uber. 

She hands my hand bringing me to a sports car in the garage opening the passenger door for me. I put the address in her phone and since I spent most of my money on the the ticket for comic con so the hotel isn't the bed actually it's a motel. We pull up and I get out the car. 

"Thanks." I say and as I close the door Emilia gets out as well. 

"I'm going with you and packing your stuff because there's no way I am letting you stay here. I'll pay for another room or I'll sleep on the couch in my room but one thing is for sure, you are not staying here." She says and I can tell there is no changing her mind so I go to my room and quick pack my suitcase. 

She grabs my suitcase leading the way back to her her car. We drive back to her hotel and I am exhausted and I end up falling asleep in the car. I feel someone shaking me so I open my eyes seeing we are back at the hotel. 

"Can I just sleep in your room?" I ask and she nods. 

I tiredly get out the car and we walk to the elevator going back to her room. 

"Here get into bed you can barely walk." She says and I nod tiredly getting in the bed. 

She goes to walk away but I grab her wrist. 

"Just don't try anything." I say and pulls the covers back letting her get under the covers with me. 

She quickly slips in the bed and I cuddle her. 

"I'm gonna work for it cause you are worth it." She says and I shut my eyes. 

I fall into a deep sleep knowing that the girl I and cuddling right now is stealing my heart. 

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