Alex Morgan : Need Me

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Inspired by : KHearts107

y/n POV :

Alex rolls off of my and take the strap on off. 

"Thanks I really needed that." She says and starts getting dressed. 

"You can stay you know." I say shyly looking down and I hear her chuckle. 

"Sorry but I got to go. This was great though." She says then walks out my door going back to her boyfriend Servando. 

This is what happens every time she gets into an argument with her boyfriend she comes over and we fuck then she leaves and the next day I see them being all lovey dovey with each other. In the beginning I was fine with it because the sex was good and I'm in love with her but now it's starting to take a toll on me. 

I take my phone out and text Christen to come over since I know she's in L.A. right now visiting her family. I put on a shirt and a pair of panties. I change my sheets and once I'm done there's a knock on the door. I open it to see Chris standing there in sweats and her Stanford sweatshirt. 

"She did it again huh?" She asks and I just nod my head with tears in my eyes. "Aw y/n/n." She comes and gives me a hug. I start breaking down in her arms. She picks me up and carries me bridal style to my room laying my gently on the bed with her following joining me in my bed. 

"I can't help it. I love her." I say and Chris kisses my forehead. 

"I know babe but she's killing you." She says and wipes my eyes. "You deserve so much more than her." 

I cuddle into Christen's chest and close my eyes going to sleep. 

I wake up the next morning alone and I look to see a note from Christen saying she had to catch a flight back to Utah but will see me next week for camp. 

I realize I need to pack my bag for camp as well. I'm supposed to be flying the Alex to camp that's in New York but I think I'll fly early and head to Utah to fly with Chris. I go online and change my flight so it's that same as Christen I also text her letting her know and she was very excited. 

I pack my bags and make sure everything in my apartment is good then relax. I grab my computer and look at my emails. I see that I have been contacted by Arsenal for me to join them over there. 

Maybe this is what I need. I'll talk with Christen when I see her. 

A few hours later I am watching Grey's when my phone rings. It's Alex. I almost accept the call but then I remember what Christen. I let the phone ring only to receive multiple messages from her. I look at them and she said she broke up with Serv. 

I don't know how long I was looking at the message but I hear a knock on my door. I open the door to see Alex. 

"Hey can I come in?" She asks. 

"I don't think that's a good idea." I say and she looks down. 

"I know I've hurt you but can you forgive me and let me take you on a date when we go to New York?" She asks and I am shocked. 

"Yes." I breath out and she smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

She leaves and I text Christen tell her the news. 

I change my flights again so I'm on the same one as Alex. I can't wait for New York. 

Time Skip

I am in my room getting ready for my date with Alex. I'm wearing a short black dress what has some cleavage showing. 

I put on gold hoop earrings and a gold necklace I always wear

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I put on gold hoop earrings and a gold necklace I always wear. I slip on some black heels then I take my hair out of the messy bun letting it hang so it has natural waves. 

There's a knock on my door just as I finish putting on my makeup. I get up and open the door expecting to see Alex. Instead I see Kelley with a guilty look on her face. 

"y/n I'm so sorry. Servando came out and begged her to take him back and their on a date together right now." She says and I feel my heart break. How could I be so stupid to believe she would actually chose me. 

"No. It's okay." I say and I close the door trying to stop the tear coming down. There's another knock on the door, it's Kelley and Christen so I open the door. 

"I have an idea. Christen should take you on a date at the same place and make Alex jealous." Kelley says and before I could say anything she pulls me out of my door then pushes me in Kelley into the elevator. 

She drives us to the restaurant and I spot Alex immediately. She's sitting at a table looking beautiful and holding hands with Serv. 

The waiter seats us diagonal to Alex and I can feel her eyes on me but I don't dare look at her. Instead I look at Christen across from me who is looking at the menu. I always knew she was beautiful but right now I don't know it's different. I think I may have feelings for her. She threw this beautiful white suit on that looks perfect on her. 

"So what are you thinking of getting?" She asks looking up at me

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"So what are you thinking of getting?" She asks looking up at me. 

"Um I was thinking the pasta and red sauce." I say and she smiles grabbing my hand. 

"You look really beautiful y/n." She says making me blush and before I could reply someone else speaks. 

"Yeah she does." I hear Alex say and we look up to see Alex stand there with her arms crossed. "Is this a date or something?" 

"Yeah it's a date and I think yours is over there waiting for you." Christen says making Alex glare at her. 

"y/n can I talk to you?" Alex asks turning her attention to me and I nod standing up walking outside with her. 

"What's up?" I ask not looking at her. 

"I'm sorry for standing you up but he just came and I got sucked back in. After seeing you with Chris and you holding her hand I wanted to kill her. I realize now that I need you." She says and grabs my hand and I look in her eyes. 

"You may need me Alex but after tonight I don't know if I need you though." I say and pull my hand away. 

"I'm not giving up that easily. You're mine. I will have you and I don't care if I have to take you from Press." She says. 

I don't reply to her. I walk back inside sitting back in my seat. 

"Everything okay?" She asks rubbing my hand. 

"Perfect." I say and intertwine our fingers. 

I didn't know it at the time but when Alex went back to her seat she saw our hands which made her very angry. She knew she had to have me and will do everything in her power to get me. 

A/n: I am going to do a part two but are you team Christen or team Alex?

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