Halsey : History Class

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Requested by : lukes_betch

y/n POV : 

School has never been my strong suit but this college shit is on another level. I'm doing okay in most of my classes but this history class is a bitch. I never liked history to begin with because schools don't even be teaching us what actually happened. The one good thing to come from this class though is I get to see my crush, Ashley Frangipane, but she prefers to be called Halsey. She is the smartest in the class but she's not an annoying type of smart. I have dreamed of talking to her but I never act on it because I'm way too shy. 

"Morning class." My professor says entering the room pulling me out of my day dream. 

"Morning." The class mumbled back. 

Class begins and I am already lost. I tend to lose control of my facial expressions sometimes so I am sure I am making the most dumbest confused face ever. Class soon ends and I pack up my notebook full of useless words standing up ready to go back to my apartment and just cry. Before I can take a step however a hand stops me and I turn to be met with beautiful hazel eyes. 

"Hey." Halsey says softly. 

"H-hi." I stutter out like an idiot making her smile. 

"I saw how confused you looked during class today," She says making my face turn bright red, "I can help tutor you if you like?" 

"Wait really?" I ask surprised and she chuckles then nods her head. "That would be great!" 

"Perfect, here's my number, text me your address. I'm free tonight at around 4?" She says and I nod taking her piece of paper before she turns around heading out of the classroom. 

I immediately put the number in my phone because I know I'd lose this piece of paper instantly. I then rush out the classroom getting into my car going home to clean up my messy apartment. On my way I call my roommate/best friend Yuqi. 

"What bitch?" She answers. 


"NO FUCKIN WAY! YOU TALKED TO HER?!" She asks excited. 

"No, she came up to me and offered to tutor me." I say and she sighs. 

"Well you better make your move tonight, I'll be out with Minnie, we're gonna go to the movies." She says. 

"Alright I just pulled up to clean the place a bit. See you later." I say and hang up the call. 

I grab my stuff and quickly exit the car rushing up the stairs because the elevator is too slow. I open my apartment door to see it's not a complete mess but not clean enough. I start putting clothes in the hamper and do all the dirty dishes. After about an hour I sit down exhausted. 

"Oh shit." I say when I realized that I haven't texted Halsey yet. 

I immediately pull out my phone texting her. 

Me : Sorry I got distracted, here's my address ****. See you at 4!

Halsey : I was beginning to get worried. I'll see you then!

I take a quick shower then put on sweatpants and a fitted shirt wanting to be comfortable. I don't care who's over I will always be in comfy clothes after a shower. I check the fridge to see what snack I can make for us. I settle on just taking the frozen mini corn dogs from the freezer along with some tater tots putting them in the airfryer. Just as I pull them out the doorbell rings. 

"Who is it?" I ask into the intercom. 

"Halsey!" She says and I buzz her up. 

About a minute later there is a knock on the door. I open it revealing Halsey in the same clothes as before. 

"Hey, come in." I say and she slips her shoes off by the door. 

"Nice place." She says looking around. 

"Thanks. We can study in here." I say and gesture to the couch. 

We sit on the couch next to each other as she pulls out our history book as well as her notebook. We study for about two hours and I have gotten a little better but I still don't understand most. 

"Why is history so difficult?! It has nothing to do with my major!" I say throwing my pen down. 

She chuckles at me and closes her book. 

"I think that's enough for today." She says and I happily close my notebook. 

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I ask and before she can reply her stomach groans. "I'll take that as a yes." 

"Thanks." She says blushing. 

"How does Wing Stop sound?" I ask and she nods excited. 

I order the food and it's about a 45 minute wait time. I turn the t.v. on she sit next to Halsey on the couch. We chat for a bit enjoying each other's company. 

"How come you've never talked to me before?" She asks. 

"I'm pretty shy around pretty people." I say then blush very hard after I realized what I just said. 

"I understand, it's way it took a while for me to approach you too." She says. 

Before I could respond the doorbell rings and I let the delivery guy up and get the food. We start eating and damn it was good. I put our plates in the sink and when I turn around I am face to face with Halsey our faces pretty close to each other. 

"Uh?" I say as her arms wrap around my waist. 

"How can someone look so good in just simple clothes?" She asks and our face naturally inch towards each other. 

Right as our lips were about to touch the door opens. 

"Y/N?! DID YOU HAVE FUN WITH HALSEY?" Yuqi yells out like an idiot. 

She sees us in the kitchen and Halsey steps away from me putting space between us. 

"Oh my bad." Yuqi says and smirks at me going to her room. 

"I should go." Halsey says and grabs her bag from the couch heading to the front door. 

"Thanks, can we do this again?" I ask and she nods smiling. 

She gives me a kiss on the cheek and turns to leave. I make an impulse decision and grab her arm making her stop her movements and turn towards me. I grip her shirt pulling her towards me smashing our lips together. I pull away a bit dazed as well as Halsey. 

"Definitely doing this again." She says making me blush and quickly get back into my apartment shutting the door as I hear her laugh before walking away. 

I love history class now. 

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