AOC : Thanks p. II

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y/n POV :

I am at practice right now I am at practice after the finding out that Alex is a congresswoman this morning. I can't do much so I'm on the bike during practice and dribbling with my good hand. 

We finish up practice and I say bye to my teammates before getting a ride from one of my teammates home. I enter my apartment putting my stuff down when my phone rings. 

I look at my phone to see an unknown number. I decide to answer incase it's someone I know. 

"Hello?" I answer. 

"Hey y/n it's Alex." I hear Alex's voice come through the phone. 

"Oh hey um I just got home can we talk later?" I say not really in the mood to talk to her. 

"Oh uh yeah sure, I should be home around dinner tonight." She says. 

Instead of replying I just hang up and start getting some lunch ready for myself. 

I grab my plate and some ice for my wrist and head over to the couch. I put on Grey's Anatomy trying to relax. My phone vibrates signaling I have a text message. 

I look at my phone to see a message from an unknown number but I realize it's Alex and put her contact info in. 

The message says, "Hey are you okay? You seemed kind of irritated on the phone." 

I then reply, "I'm a little irritated because I strongly dislike when people lie and with hold important information about themselves."  

I put my phone down not in the mood to talk to her. I don't even know why I'm so upset I just met her. I have just been hurt before and she made me feel safe. 

I didn't hear from her for the rest of the day and I'm scrolling through my phone to find something to eat for dinner. I decide on getting some sushi because I'm in the mood for some raw fish. 

There's a knock on the door and I get up excited for my dinner. I open the door to see Alex standing there looking kinda nervous. 

"Hi." She says and I lean against my door crossing my arms. 

"Hi." I say being petty. 

"So you know?" She says. 

"That's you a congress woman? Yeah I found out this morning." I say and she looks down. 

"Please don't tell anyone I live here!" She blurts out making me scoff and her eyes widen. "Wait! That's not what I-" I don't let her finish and slam the door in her face. 

The first thing she says is for me not to tell anyone. The fuck. 

She knocks on the door again frantically. 

"Alex just go home." I say through the door. 

"No! Let me talk to you." She says stubbornly. 

"Why? I'm just someone you met right. I would fuckin tell anyone you live here okay I just don't want to talk to you." I say and I hear her groan angrily and then a door slam so I assume she went back to her place.

There's another knock on the door and it's my food. 

"Hi." I say and it's a guy around my age. 

"Hi. Uh here's your food." He says and looks me up and down. 

I grab the food and hand him the money. "Thank you. Have a good night." 

"Wait! Um do you think I can have your number?" He asks me and I start feeling uncomfortable. 

"I'm sorry but no." I say wanting to just eat me food. 

"Come on princess." He says and I just slam the door in his face and lock the door. 

I place my food on the counter and take my food out when my phone rings. It's Alex and I know she probably heard the conversation with me and the delivery guy so I answer so she doesn't freak out. 

"Hello?" I answer. 

"Are you okay? I heard that delivery guy hitting on you." She says but sounds kind of jealous. 

"Yeah I just shut the door in his face. Were you listening?" I ask her.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I was going to come out but-" She says but I cut her off. 

"You don't want anyone knowing you live here. Yes I know." I say sarcastically. 

"Can I come over please?" She asks desperately. 

"Fine." I say and hang up heading to my door to unlock it. 

Alex comes over not even ten seconds later looking very nervous. 

I grab my food and sit down on the couch with her and offer some food because my mom would beat my ass if I eat in front of a guest and didn't offer food. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me being a congresswoman I just didn't want you to see me differently. I don't know what I why I said that earlier I just," She pauses and sighs, "I had a lot going on today and you didn't leave my mind once."

I start the play with my fingers since it's something I do when I'm nervous. 

"I do see you differently now but I think its kinda hot..." I say and blush. 

She grabs my hands making me look at her. 

"Can I do something?" She asks and I look at her cautiously but nods anyway. 

She scoots closer to me and put a hand on my cheek and starts to lean in. OMG SHE'S GONNA KISS ME!

I start to lean in as well and our lips touch in the middle. As soon as it start it ended. She pulled away and bites her lip. 

"Sorry but I just couldn't help my-" I cut her off by pulling her in for another kiss. She puts her hands on my waist and pulls me on her lap. 

I pull away and were both a little out of breath. 

"You can kiss me anytime you want." I say looking in her eyes. 

"As long as I'm the only one kissing you." She says as her hands tighten around my waist. 

"Take my on a date first congresswoman." I say smirking. 

"Will you go on a date with me?" She asks smiling. 

"Hmmmm I may need some more convincing." I say putting on a fake thinking face. 

She smiles and leans in for a kiss but this time it's longer. She swipes her tongue on my bottom lip making me pull away causing her to pout. 

"Keep that tongue in your own mouth hunny." I say. 

"You won't be saying that tomorrow night after our date." She says as her hands snake down resting right on my ass. 

"Oh really tomorrow huh?" I tease biting my bottom lip. 

"Yup." She says confidently. 

"Tomorrow it is." I say giving her on more kiss. 

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