Jasmine Tookes : Found You

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Requested by : EshuEyran501

y/n POV :

Another day and another morning waking up with sore eyes feeling exhausted. Today marks two months since I caught my girl- ex-girlfriend having sex with her bodyguard. I've isolated myself in my new small apartment since she knew where my other apartment was. The only person who knows where I am is my best friend, Jennie. I met my ex at a photoshoot I was working and she was modeling. Her name is Jasmine Tookes. 

I rub my eyes and debate whether I want to face to world today. Before I could make a decision my phone rings. I pick it up seeing Jennie calling me. 

"Hello?" I ask with some tiredness in my voice. 

"I need you to cover for me today *cough* I'm sick." She says. 

"Can't you call someone else?" I ask not wanting to leave my bed.

"No." She say immediately. 

"Fine but you owe me dinner." I say. 

"Thanks! Love you!" She says sounding completely fine and hangs up the phone. 

She's up to something. 

Reluctantly I get out of bed and start getting ready. I go for a simple look with blue jeans and a black button up. 

I grab my makeup stuff since I am a makeup artist

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I grab my makeup stuff since I am a makeup artist. Jennie texts me the location of the shoot and I get in my car to begin what I hope is a short day. 

I arrive about 20 minutes later walking into the studio seeing some workers setting up for the shoot and I am directed to the makeup chair where I begin laying out my things the way I like it. The photographer starts going over the type of looks they are going to do today which there a total of three. I brainstorm my ideas and he loves them so now all we're waiting for is the model. 

"Sorry, there was traffic." I hear a very familiar voice say but it's impossible if it's who I think it is cause Jennie wouldn't have me work with her, right? 

I look over and spot my ex greeting the photographer with a smile on her face. I whip my phone out calling Jennie. 

"Hello?" She answers. 

"I will kill!" I say into the phone trying not to raise my voice too much. 

"She begged me okay! At least listen to her reasoning." She says making me roll my eyes. 

"What reasoning is there to cheating on someone? I don't have to do shit." I say. 

"Just listen to her okay? God you're so stubborn." She says. 

"You- I - UGH! You owe me lunch too." I say and hang up. 

"Hi." I hear Jasmine say from behind me. 

I turn around and see her standing there barefaced looking stunning but I can't help but notice the bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept. I know because that's how I look. 

Instead of responding to her I just give a a little nod. She sighs and sits down in the makeup chair. I turn to my brushes and makeup trying to focus on what I'm here to do but then she speaks up again. 

"You look beautiful today." She says softly and I turn to her giving a small smile. "Are you not going to talk to me?" She asks sounding a bit hurt. 

"What do you want me to say Jasmine?" I ask and lean forward to start doing her makeup but she catches my wrist softly but keeps our close distance. 

"I want to explain what you saw. I want you to come back to me. I've spent everyday looking for you." She says and I get lost in her eyes for a second but then remember what I saw and leaned back pulling my wrist out of her grasps. 

"10 minutes!" Someone shouts. 

"Just let me do my job." I say and she leans back letting me do her makeup but her eyes never leave once. 

I finish her makeup and she is taken to set for the first part of the shoot. 

Time Skip

I finish her last look and I try packing up as fast as possible while she is still shooting and just as I zip up my last case someone grabs my arm dragging me to the bathroom. 

"Jeez I'm not a dog." I say and push her hand off of me. 

"We'll you were trying to run away and I wasn't letting you get away this time." She says making me roll my eyes. 

"Well I'm here so start talking." I say crossing my arms giving her attitude. 

Where did this attitude/confidence come from? I have no idea. 

"Drop the attitude." She says sternly.

"I don't have to do what you say." I reply back to her. 

(Trigger ⚠️ Warning)

"Alright, what you saw two months ago was not what it looked like, " she starts and I scoff making her glare at me, "I got back late from a flight as you know and Jason (Random name) gave me a sleeping pill cause I didn't sleep well that whole trip without you. The next thing I knew I was naked and you were standing in the doorway. I didn't know what happened, y/n, you have to believe me." She says as tears streamed down her face along with tears coming down mine. 

"I- I didn't know." I say. 

"I filed a police report and he has been put in jail. I spent every night sleepless with nightmares and missing you." She says letting out a sob. 

"I'm sorry." I say and wrap my arms around her neck and her wrap around my waist tightly. 

"Please come back to me." She pleads and I nod. 

She pulls away wiping her eyes and wipes mine as well before giving me a soft kiss on my lips. She holds my hand tightly and we grab her and my stuff before walking outside to my car. I get in the driver side and she in the passenger cause she didn't want to be separate. I drive to her apartment and once we arrive we go upstair and get ready for bed as it's already 12:30am. I put on one of her shirts before joining her in bed. 

She pulls me into her holding me tightly. 

"Thank god I found you." She says and kisses the top of my head. 

I close my eyes falling into a deep sleep for the first time in 2 months. 

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