Hope Mikealson : Bet

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Second Place

y/n POV :

I am roaming the halls of my school, Salvatore Boarding School. I am not very popular around here. I am a witch who joined the school about seven months ago. 

I am sitting in the lounging area and I see the super squad. They are the popular people around here and I have a crush on the tribrid herself, Hope Mikealson. She never notices me though since I am not popular, actually I don't have any friends here. 

I hear Hope laughing and I smile at myself while reading my book hearing her beautiful laugh. 

I notice someone sitting down in front of me so I move my book and see Hope sitting down. 

"Hi." She says smiling at me making me blush. 

"Uh h-hi." I say and put the book down. 

"How would you like to go out with me today? We don't have school so we can have a picnic." She says and I just nod. She smiles getting up giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving. 

I go to my room to get ready for the date with a big smile on my face. 

What I fail to notice is that Hope's friends are holding in a laugh expect Josie and Lizzie who are upset at their friends. 

I decide on a floral short dress with sandals. 

I straighten my hair and put it half up half down then put on light makeup

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I straighten my hair and put it half up half down then put on light makeup. I smoothed out my dress and then there's a knock on the door. 

I open the door and see Hope looking hot as fuck. 

"Wow-w you look wow." She says looking me up and down making me blush. 

"Thanks you look great too." I say and she extends her out for me to take which I happily do. 

We walk out to the fields where there is a blanket laid out for us and the sun is shining. 

We have a great time talking with each other and eating chocolate covered strawberries. She feeds me a strawberry. I finish eating and I turn to see her still staring at me. She smiles and cups my cheek leaning in so I decide to met her halfway and our lips met. 

We pull away and were both smiling. 

"Be my girlfriend?" She asks and I nod then we lean in for another kiss. 

Time Skip

It's be a great three months, well almost three months. It's our three month anniversary tomorrow. I am planning a whole day of activities for us tomorrow. 

I didn't see Hope today which is weird but I was busy today and she might have been too and besides I'll see her tomorrow I guess. I texted her goodnight and to come to my room tomorrow at 10 am. 

I wake up excited for today and I get ready 10 minutes early so I decide to wait for Hope. 

About 30 minutes have past and Hope is 20 minutes late. There's a knock on my door though and I shoot up opening the door revealing Josie. 

"Oh hey Josie." I say and she looks at me sadly. 

"I'm so sorry y/n." She says and I look at her confused, "Just follow me." 

I close my door and follow her to Hope's room? 

She opens the door revealing Hope making out with some vampire chick on her lap. Hope notices us and pull away from the bitch. 

"Oh hey y/n. This was all a bet and I never had feelings for you." She says then goes back to kissing the girl. 

I rush out the room going to mine then bursting into tears. There's a knock on my door then the door opens. 

"How did you get in?" I ask and turn around to see Lizzie. 

"I'm sorry y/n." She says and hugs me on the bed soothing me. 

"Why did she do this to me?" I ask crying into her chest. 

"She's so fuckin stupid that's why." She says and holds me tighter. 

After a five months I'm doing better with the help of Josie and Lizzie. 

Lizzie hasn't left my side the whole five months. Today is Hope's birthday which is also the day where she finds out her mate. 

I wasn't going to go to the party but Lizzie said I should go to show Hope that I am fine without her. 

I get ready for the party putting on a baby blue satin short dress. 

There's a knock on the door and I open it to reveal Lizzie. 

"Wow you look amazing." She says and grabs my arm pulling me to the party. 

We enter the party and everyone is dancing. I immediately spot Hope dancing with some random girl so I look away finding Josie. 

We start the count down to the exact time Hope was born. 

We finally reach one and I'm dancing with Raf. He has his hands on my hips with mine around his neck. He leans down to me but I am ripped away from him and I hear a growl. 

"Get the fuck away from her." I hear Hope say and her eyes change colors. 

"Get off me Hope." I say and push her arms off me. 

Now the music has stopped and everyone is looking at us. 

"You're my mate y/n." She says smiling at me but her face falls after noticing mine didn't. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy?" 

"No after the shit you put me through you think I'd be happy? You don't get to do that Hope! I don't care about the mate thing. You broke me. You had me and now you don't get to get me back." I say and I leave starting to walk back to my room. 

"Hey y/n wait." I hear hope say and she grabs my arm pulling me back. 

"No." I say yanking my arm back. "You told me I was basically nothing to you. I was just a stupid bet to you." 

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. I just I don't know. I lied though. The three months I was with you was amazing and the best time of my life. After we broke up I just was sleeping with every girl I saw trying to distract myself." She says but I shake my head. 

"No we didn't break up because our relationship was never real." I say and her face drops. 

"What can I do to prove to you I love you!" She says. 

"You love me?" I ask and she nods. "No no no, I'm not falling for you again. Just leave me alone Hope." I walk into my room and put a spell so she can't get in. 

"I'm going to win you back! You're my mate and I will die trying to get you mine again!" She says from outside the door. 

I hear her walk away and I let out a breath. 

"Oh fuck what am I gonna do." I say. 

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