Emily Vancamp : This is New

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Requested by : sharoncarterswh0re

y/n POV : 

I am on the set of Captain America : Winter Solider because Emily had invited me to set. Emily is like my girlfriend but we're not official yet. She has been courting me for about a month now. We met through a mutual friend and ever since then she has been chasing after me and I have to admit I do like her attention. I check in at the security checkpoint and told them my name so they could give me a pass to go inside. 

I walk in and see a big set and get overwhelmed very quickly. I see a worker walk by and stop them. 

"Excuse me," I say and they stop walking, "Can you help me find Emily Vancamp's trailer please?" 

He just stares at me looking at me up and down. 

"Move along buddy." Someone says and I feel an arm waist around my waist. 

The worker blushes hard and hurries away. I look the my left to see who saved me and it's Emily. 

"Hey, I was looking for you." I say and give her a hug. 

"Glad I found you when I did." She says and we pull away. 

"Oh this is for you." I say handing her a box of donuts along with a bag of snacks and drinks. 

"Aw you're so sweet." She says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

We walk to her trailer and I place my stuff down on one of the couches. 

"Woah, these are good." She says and I turn around to see her eating one of the donuts. 

"Emily! We need you on set!" Someone says knocking on the door of the trailer. 

"Coming!" She muffles out stuffing the rest of the donut in her mouth. 

She grabs my hand leading us out of the trailer and to set where she places me in a chair giving me a kiss on the cheek then gets in her place. The director calls action and Chris Evan aka Captain America starting talking but I don't really pay attention. Before I knew it Emily and Chris were kissing and it was pretty heated. 

The pull away and Chris takes her shirt off and his follows. They laid on the bed with their lips still locked. 

"CUT!" The director says making me jump in my seat a bit. 

He walks over to them as they put their shirts back on to talk with them. I get out of my seat and walk outside as my body is overflowing with jealousy. After about 10 minutes I walk back inside and calm down a bit because I have no right to be jealous right now. 

"Hey I thought I lost you." Emily says seeing me and give me a hug which I return. "This is Chris." 

"Hi." He says smiling and I shake his hand quickly then hold her waist tightly stuffing my face in her neck. 

"Sorry Chris, she's a little shy." Emily says and he laughs it off waving his hand. 

"It's okay. I understand. See you tomorrow! Good job today." He says and walks away to his trailer. 

Emily walks us to her trailer and she locks to the door behind her. 

"You want to tell me what happened earlier and just now?" She asks sitting down pulling me to straddle her lap. 

"I got jealous." I mumble out looking down playing with her fingers. 

She starts giggling making me look up slapping her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry but this is new. It's usually me being the jealous one." She says and calms down. 

"I didn't mean to react the way I did. I mean we're not even together." I say and she smiles looking in my eyes. 

"y/n l/n, will you be my girlfriend?" She asks. 

"Yes." I say and give her a kiss on the lips. 

We pull away smiling and I get embarrassed and stuff my face in her neck wrapping my arms around her shoulders. 

"I'm glad I invited you to set today." She says and I pull away looking at her. 

"So you knew what scenes were being filmed today?" I ask and she shrugs. 

"I just wanted to see what your reaction would be." She says and I roll my eyes. 

I smack the side of her head. 

"Maybe I should make you jealous too." I say and her smile drops. 

Her right hand moves to my ass while her left hand grips my throat slightly. 

"Oh babygirl, you're not ready to see me jealous now that I know you're mine. Don't test me princess until you're ready to go a week without walking." She says with lust in her eyes. 

I decide to push her a bit further. 

"Well if you're not going to do it now maybe I can find that worker again. He was kinda hot." I say and bite my lip. 

She pins me down on the couch holding my arms above my head and I wrap my legs around her waist. She starts sucking and biting my neck. 

Okay I took it too far. 

"Oh shit." I say moaning a bit enjoying every second of this but I have to stop it. "Em, wait." 

She pulls away immediately. 

"Is everything okay?" She asks and I sit up. 

She moves off of me letting me sit up all the way. 

"I enjoyed that don't get me wrong but I don't want to move too fast." I say and she nods understanding everything I'm saying. 

"I completely understand. Sorry I kinda lost it." She says blushing. 

"It's okay, I wanted to see how far I could push you." I say and she rolls her eyes before standing up pulling me up with her as she grabs all her stuff. 

"Let's go." She says and leads us to her car waiting outside with a driver in front. 

We get in the car and she gives him an address to a restaurant. 

"Emily I'm not dressed for this place." I say and she rolls her eyes. 

"It doesn't matter. And stop calling me by my name." She says pouting. 

"Fine baby, happy now?" I asks. 

"Extremely." She says. 

We get out the car and are taken to a private room in the restaurant. We enjoy our evening celebrating the start of our relationship together. 

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