Chapter 32:MEMORIES

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"She already passed the critical zone now,she lost a lot of blood but we managed to get the same blood sample collection from other patients in no time so don't worry"The doctor replied as he smiles when he says this.They all heave a glad sigh that you're safe."Her head was injured so badly due to the fall and this cause a small concussion in her brain.Apart from that, there's no problem so she'll wake up soon"The doctor explained further and bows as the boys slightly bow their head and let the doctor passed by.

"I really thought I'm going to lose you again,y/n."Jimin thought to himself holding his tears,breathing deeply and heavily

After a while,the nurses stepped out of the emergency room while pushing your bed out.You're in the hospital gown,your skin is pale,your eyes are shut as your head was wrapped in bandage.They all followed the nurses who were transferring you to the new ward.

"I sincerely apologize but only one of you can stay overnight with the patient.Please make your decision now as you will have to leave soon"The nurse informed politely and the boys completely understand what the rules are.

"I think we all should go back and handle the company as Jimin should stay with her overnight"Namjoon spoke looking at everyone as Jimin was still trying to get himself together,standing beside you while caressing your hands,smiling at you although you can't see it.

You fought in the operation room for so long,all of them are literally exhausted emotionally, physically and mentally when they waited until they know if you did make it or not.

"Jimin,we should get going now..Just take care of her,we will handle the tasks in the company so don't worry"Taehyung continued as he gave the bro hug to Jimin.All of them exchanged hug and left the hospital.


Jimin stepped inside the room and saw you who was lying on the bed unconciously with the oxygen mask covering your nose.He grabbed a chair and sat beside your bed as he hold your hands tightly

"Y/n..when are you going to stop worrying me?"He started as he caressed your cheeks softly,giving you his weak smile.

"You know what?I was really scared today.The thought of losing you really haunted me.I really thought I'm going to lose you again"He continued,his eyes started to get teary as he looked at you.He never expect that he would see you in this state in just a blink of eyes.He slowly leaned his head on the small space beside you while holding your hands tightly.

"I miss you y/n,....please wake up"He muttered,his tears slowly hit his temple as his eyes slowly shut

(Next morning)


"Let's be friends-"

"Eat slowly can you?-"


"I'll protect you-"

"Jimin-ahh,are you going to leave me?-"

"-Soo min-ahh.. no...I won't leave you..but if we happened to be separated,I promise I'll come to find you again,I'll protect you whether I have to kill or be killed"

"Kill?Yah!Are you a monster?Are you a lion?Why would you kill someone or be killed? You're exaggerating...tch.."

"Can you promise me that you'll remember me?-"

"I'll always remember you,I promise-"

"JIMIN...!"I shouted,my chest went up and down in a swift motion,my eyes wandering in the unfamiliar room.I immediately took off the oxygen mask that covered my nose because it's suffocating me.

"Y/n.. you're awake?"Jimin immediately pulled me into a hug as he got off from his seat and sit on the bed instead."Y/n..."He spoke again and broke the hug as he noticed I don't respond to him,I just sit still.

Was it a dream or my lost memories??

"I.. remember... it all now .."I uttered while breathing heavily,my heartbeats quickened,my jaw hung

"What are you talking about y/n? remember what...?"

"Jimin..I remember it all.."I again uttered,my jaw hung leaving Jimin in confusion."I remember how we first met in the orphanage,every moments of us as kids..I don't know how but I can remember it all now..!"I mumbled as I pulled him into a hug,while wiping my tears feeling the excitement.

"Y/ you know how worried I was,thinking you might leave me for good?"He uttered with his deep and slow voice tone making me realized what actually happened to me and how I ended up in here.

"J-jimin...I-I....I-" I immediately looked down, avoiding his gaze as I could feel his gaze are looking deep into my soul but he spoke again cutting me off

"-Promise me that you won't do this can never imagine how scared I was..I thought I'm going to lose you"His soft and slow voice tone hits me as he raised my chin and stared deep into my soul again,his expression were blank as if he used to be the most coward person alive.

"Bruh..who am I kidding?He is literally the scariest person alive I've ever met.."

"If I'm going to lose someone, don't let it be you..was it fun to worry me? Don't do this again seriously..You never stopped making me worried,you idiot"He said again with his usual voice this time,chuckling a little while playing with my hands leaving me in a confusion as I raised my eyebrows looking at him.Why does it feels like he was not himself just now..hmmm...Did I worry him that much..?

"Why are you looking at me like that??"He smiled but then pulled me down with him making us both laying on the single hospital bed.

" you know how tiny this space is..?"I tried to speak with his arms encircled my body tightly as if someone is going to take me away from him

"Yeah,I know and the smaller the better"He hugged me tighter,our faces were just inches apart,my hands on his chest.I can't believe we are actually cuddling on this hospital bed.

"You're literally squeezing me..!I can't breath.."I frowned as he chuckled too looking down at me

"Stop know what?I can't really sleep last night.I stayed overnight with you.Sitting on this chair all night long makes my body ache so I just leaned my head on the small space to sleep.Well, I'm exhausted..I always used up my energy on you"He pouted cutely like a kid and I couldn't help not to laugh.

"Tch.. are you blaming me now..?Don't make that as an excuse okay?The couch is there then why don't you lay there instead of sitting on this chair overnight.."I replied,pursuing my lips a little while pointing at the spacious couch which is in front of my bed."Or..did you purposely choose to sit on this chair and leaned your head here to sleep so you can attach by my side overnight?"I wriggled my eyebrows wanting to tease him but I was taken aback when I noticed he didn't say anything at all but just looked at me.Is he lost in his mind right now?Is he even listening..?

"Y/n-ahh..,I miss you so much that I wanted to be by your side always,it feels like we haven't meet each other for years..,waiting for you yesterday really suffered me a lot, it's more painful than being shot.. I'm being serious,really really I am"He uttered while playing with a strand of my hair,looking at me as I just gulped out of nervousness.I don't know why, we've been more closer than this but I couldn't deny my heart is beating like crazy.

We both stopped talking but just stared at each other deeply.He slowly move his body and hovered his face on top of mine with just few inches apart from each other.

"J-jimin...."I spoke,breathing heavily as he slowly put his face closer.His hot breath hits my cheeks as we both close our eyes.Before I knew it,his lips lightly brushed mine pulling me closer to him for a deep kiss

(To be Continued...)

A/n notes:Have you ever thought you will get your memories back? That's what we called as a silver lining behind,right?😜 Anyways, Thanks for reading and please vote🤗💜

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