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Jimin POV

I rested on my bed after taking a bath.Currently, it's only 9:30 P.M.I already confessed to her.I know that she will reject me but I just want to let her know at least.

You'll be mine again, I'll do everything possible to make sure you'll be mine

I seriously don't know what y/n really feels for me.I felt like very uncertain.I'll do anything to make her says it..that "I love you" ..I really wanted her to say it


Actually,even I,myself, don't even know what I really felt for Jimin..did I love him?Then why does my heart always skipped a beat when he's around me?But in a split second,I just felt like I'm not ready for any relationship..

I was sitting on the couch trying to put aside my mind but then my eyes caught the newspaper on the coffee table

It's been a long time since I read newspapers..Did I ever tell you that Jimin bought everything for me except for one thing?Yeah,he doesn't buy me a phone..he probably want to hide me that much to the point that he wants me to isolate from the world?Since the day he kidnapped me,I lost all of my contacts,my friends,my parents..I miss all of them..

Should I asked him for a phone?Nahh,he probably won't let me to have one

I read the newspaper and start to check every page but then my eyes widened at the word that I unexpectedly to see,my tears started to drop again

"The Ceo Of Lee Corporation,Lee Hyung Sik take back his report due to his missing daughter."

July 14 2020

     Lee Hyung Sik took back his report and the police stopped their mission to search for Lee Y/n.Her father claimed that his daughter was just being away for a while without telling due to her personal problem.

"My daughter is just doing fine,she just came back last night so I took back my report.I'm truly sorry for the trouble that I've caused"-Lee Hyung Sik

This shows how much he loves his daughter.He reported it to the police not knowing his daughter was just having some personal time....

But why??Why did dad lie about me coming home when the reality is I'm still trapped in here?Why?Did Jimin has something to do with this?Is he behind all of this?!Did he threatened my dad?!

Dad.. don't you love me?Why don't you come to find me anymore?Why did you make up such lies?

My anger took over me.I could feel Jimin has something to do with this.That guy is dangerous as fuck..!My tears couldn't stopped flowing but then a voice came from behind

"Y/n...are you crying?Why are you crying? There's only you and me here"He spoke,rushing towards me and get on his knee to get on my face level so he could wipe my tears

But even before he could wipe my tears,I brushed his hands off of me.That's when he realized the newspaper in my hand.

"Jimin,you gotta explain for this..!Was it you and your hyungs behind all of this?!"I spoke with tears flowing down my cheeks " dad love me right?He would never make up such lies just because he's tired of looking for me right..?....right..?!"

"Y-y/n...please calm down...yeah...My hyungs and I-"he replied but I cut him off

"Why Jimin why?Why can't you let me go?Why can't you just disappeared from my sight?"I uttered while crying and he pulled me for a hug to calm me down and my body just give in to his hug

"Y/ told you I won't ever let you go,even if they're your parents..I won't..I can't live without you by my side"He mumbled right into my ears

"What Jimin?What did you do to make my dad do this?Did you bribe him?Did you threatened to kill him too?!"I spoke,breaking the hug looking at him with those red eyes

"No Y/n No..!I never threatened to kill him..!"He replied and I could hear his sterness in his voice

"Then what?!Why does its so hard for you to let me go?!Jimin,we are completely are strangers, don't you know that?!"I replied and stood up from the couch as he stood up in front of me too

"We just threatened to ruin his reputation as a business man knowing what kind of person your father really is!"He answered and clenched his jaws at the sight of me who is about losing her shit

"Wow...just wow..!Is that the best excuse you can come up with?Did you just said my dad chose his reputation over me,his only daughter?!How can you expect me to believe it?!"I replied and my voice is getting higher every seconds

"Y/n..calm the hell down..we are getting into an unwanted argument.."He tried to compromise the furious me but I just couldn't handle myself


He seemed really speechless after what I said.His eyes looked gloomy and he took a breath before answering me again

"Y/N ...why?why can't you appreciated me even for a second?Am I really that bad to you?Why can't you give me a chance to make up?!Am I really that low for you?I did everything possible just so I could win you back"He replied and tears started to roll down on his cheeks rapidly

I have seen him cried last time,but I've never seen him crying hardly like this as if he's broken and disappointed deep inside?

"How can I appreciate you when I'm really uncertain about your intentions?Why would you change for me?Why?I don't even know your reasons..!And the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard from you is you wanted to protect me from my own parents?!Wow..just wow..! "A kidnapper being decent,protecting his prey from her own parents?" stupid that can be?"I replied,full of anger in my voice

He wiped his tears and answered me,looking at me as if he's not ready to tell something but he had to due to the situation we are getting right now
He sighed and inhaled deeply before answering me

"Y/n....THE MAN THAT YOU CALLED AS A FATHER IS NOT EVEN YOUR FATHER.AND THE WOMAN THAT YOU CALLED YOUR MOTHER IS NOT EVEN YOUR MOTHER..! I'M TRYING MY BEST TO PROTECT YOU, DON'T YOU KNOW THAT?! CAN'T YOU SEE IT?!"he answered me,pronouncing every words clearly making me speechless.I was really speechless and shocked by what he said,my mind couldn't process anything but my tears couldn't stop flowing.He seemed like he's been trying to say this for all this while


AM I THAT WORTHLESS IN YOUR EYES?"he continued and tears escaped his eyes for the second time


don't you remember me at all??"

(To be Continued...)

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