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I slowly opened my eyes,my vision slowly back to normal slowly as I looked around me

"Where am I?" The first question I had when I opened my eyes
I looked around at the place where I am in is like an old warehouse.

"Ouch..."I groned as I felt my head is dizzy.

"You've woken up huh".A man's voice clicked,it was Taehyung.

That's when I realized there were 6 men in the warehouse including the two guys named Taehyung and Hoseok.

"Hey!What have you done to me?!"I shouted,wriggling my body trying to escape

Oh shit! They've tied both of my hands and legs!I can't move without dragging this chair with me!They took everything even my phone too!

"Nothing but something will definitely happen later" Hoseok spoke

"Aww,Look how this poor girl trying to fight"The man with the most broad shoulder spoke as he rested on the couch

"This is not good if you kept behaving this way"The tallest one spoke

"Who are you?!What have I done wrong to all of you?!YOU USELESS BASTARDS!"I shouted

"Wow!I see what a tough mouth you got.Lets see how far you can keep with it".Another man with doe eyes spoke

I gathered my courage and glared at them

"Calm down you poor girl,guess what? You're going to get the answers when he comes".A guy with the most pale skin answered ,stay unbothered on the couch

He?Who?Another guy will come?Who are these people?

"Hey,Jungkook-ahh when will he come?"The man with the widest shoulder asked

"Jin hyung,he said he will come within ten minutes"The doe eyes man replied

"Aish..what took him so long?"The tallest man spoke

"Namjoon-ahh,that guy is always late.. he's lucky that he is the leader"The guy with the most pale skin answered

"Suga hyung, he's going to get mad if he hears you".The tallest one answered and they all laughed

"So this one is Jungkook,that is Jin,that is Suga,that is Namjoon"I thought as my eyes running on each of them.

I don't know these jerks but they must be those annoying friends who makes fun of each other.I wondered who's the person they've been talking about?But for sure,it was the main jerk who planned all of this!

They all laughed hysterically but stopped as the door creaked opened,revealing a tall man

Speaking of the devil...

I tried to look at the man but I couldnt see him clearly as the lights were dimmed in the warehouse

Jungkook immediately walked towards him,it looks like they were talking

Despite of Jungkook blocking my view,I could tell he got a nice ratio body with muscles

As they stopped talking,the man walked towards me and that's when I get to see him clearly

He wore a ripped-jean,black shirt,black shoes and some accessories like ring and necklace which makes him looks like a pure mafia

He knelt down on his left knee as soon as he stopped in front of me to get at my face level

"Y-you..who..are are you doing this to me?"I asked,a bit frightened since this guy looks scary,with his piercing on his lips, glistened sweat,his messy hair but in a good way,he's handsome but scary at the same time

"Me?The man who will change your life"He smirked

"There will be no way for me to let you do that!"I answered as I managed to gather my bravery back

"Oh really,if that's so-"he paused as he got up and went behind me

"I have to do things that you won't like then"He continued as he whispered it to my ears

"I don't even know who you are but you do this to me?!You useless jerk!"I shouted

"Hey!Watch your mouth because you will never knew what I can do to you huh"He replied as he took out his gun

That's when I totally freaked out!

"I'm just paying for what your useless father did to me"He replied

"My father?What kind of nonsense are you talking about?My father is a good person and there will be no way he would do something and it's impossible for him to even know a bastard like you!"

"Stupid daughter is really clueless about what her useless father did behind her huh..poor you"He pinched my chin and laughed hysterically as if he knew my father

"You bastard!Just let me go!"I swore

"ENOUGH!"He shouted as he glared at me,his voice filled the whole place just like a lion

"Hoseok, released her"He commanded

He walked out with both of his hands inside his both front pants's pocket for each hands

"Hey!Where are you taking me?!"I resisted as that guy named hoseok released me and grab me by my arms

The 6 guys took me in a van while the lion drive his own car...

Where are these jerks planning to hide me?

(Time skipped)

After an hour,we stopped in front of a mansion.

This mansion is bigger than my dad's!These bastards are rich?

Jungkook stepped out from the car and talked to the security

"Hyung,bring her in"Jungkook spoke after talking to the security

They grabbed me by my arms, I'm totally surrounded by these jerks and there will no way I get to escape at this point.

We all stepped out from the car

"Tell Mr.Park that we are here"Jungkook said to the security

Mr.Park?Is that the lion earlier?I wondered

"Jungkook-ahh,where did Jimin go?"Taehyung cluelessly asked

"Maybe he had some business to handle"Jungkook answered

"I'm gonna take this girl where Jimin hyung asked me to"Jungkook continued and gripped my arms tightly

"Ouch.."I gasped

Jimin?The guy's name is Jimin?

Jungkook gripped my arms all the way until we reached in front of a room while the others are resting on the couch in the living room

"Let me go,please"I begged as he locked me inside the room

"I know I shouldn't be doing this but orders are orders"He answered without any expression on his face

He locked me inside this room,a room that feels like a hell to me right now,I turned into a ball and buried my face in my knees

What's going on?Am I going to die here?Will I ever get to meet my parents again?My life will be wasted?

But then,the room's door creaked opened..


(To be continued...)

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