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Jimin POV

"And how was my dad involved?"she asked me,full of curiosity


17 years ago(1 year before Jimin was sent to the orphanage)

"Dad...,where are you going? It's already 10:30 P.M"I spoke looking at my dad in a rush while doing my homework

"Son..,can you stay in uncle Kim's house? I'll send you there.I have some things to handle.."He answered putting on his black jacket

"No dad..I don't want to leave you.."I replied

"Son..I can't take you with me, it's late can play with Taehyung if you went to Uncle Kim's house"

"Just take me with you please...I know you're not on mission because if you were,why did you go alone?Why don't you take your team with you and Uncle Kim also should go with you right?"I pleaded

"I'm going alone because Uncle Lee said he needs my help.So as a boss, it's my duty to make sure my subordinate is fine.I'm just on my way meeting Uncle Lee Hyung Sik,I know I'm not on mission but it's dangerous to take a little kid out at night.My enemy might spotted you"

"Dad..I promise I'll just stay in the car when you helped Uncle Lee"I resisted as I gave him a smile

After a lot of pleading, my dad finally took me with him.The car stopped in front of the warehouse.

"Son..just wait here till I came back okay? Don't go out.. it's dangerous"He patted my head and I nodded

Dad got off of the car and I locked the car door from inside as my dad told me to do it. I sighed looking at my dad who was walking towards the warehouse,he looked so strong.I wanted be like him when I grow up

My dad rarely bring me here because he doesn't want to get me involved in the mafia world.He said he wanted to protect me knowing he had so many enemy.I just sat in the car waiting for my dad..

"It's been an hour...why does dad took too long?"I mumbled starting to get bored

"Should I just get off and go to dad?But dad told me to stay..hmm..but it's not like dad is on mission..he was just helping Uncle Lee inside anyways"

I decided to go inside the warehouse as I unlocked the car door and ran towards the warehouse

But I stopped as I heard someone was groaning in pain

That voice sounds like dad!

"Lee...Hyung....Sik..."The voice spoke in low painful voice

I immediately hide behind the big wooden box as I could peek to see everything from behind the wooden box

Gasps! "Dad...!"I screamed innerly

Uncle Lee and few unfamiliar men were beating up my dad mercilessly making blood coming out from his mouth.
My dad doesn't have any weapon with him.

"My pitiful boss....poor you..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"Uncle Lee laughed evilly

But why?Why did Uncle Lee do this?

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