Benny Watts

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Third-person POV

It was the day she would meet her sister after her sister leaving her to go to her adopted parents. Amelia was going to write about the US open that was happening in Las Vegas. She had to travels there from New York.

In all her life all she wanted to do was to travel around the world and see people playing chess and with this job she could do both which made her love her job.

Amelia had arrived at the hotel she was staying at which also is where her sister was staying at. She enters the hotel and went straight to get her room key.

"Hi, miss can I register in," Amelia said to the person at the front desk.

"Yea I just need your name and I can register you in."

"It's Amelia Harmon."

"Ahh, there you are room 112 the second floor."

"Thanks" she muttered while walking away with her suitcase to the elevator.

Amelia POV

Once the elevator opened them I met a guy this wearing a cowboy hat with a brown leather jacket. He had a whole cowboy aesthetic that he pulled off with his dirty blonde hair.

As I walked in I can feel his eyes on me I was feeling quite uncomfortable.

"Umm, sir do you need something."

"Sorry, no love." He said while I went to press the button to the second floor. He was a carry a book that had chess written on it.

"Do you play chess," I asked

"Yes actually, I'm Benny Watts," he said.

"Benny Watts the US champion," I responded a little too fast.

"Yea the one and only," he said with chuckled because of how I responded.

"Benny do you know Beth Harmon," I asked quite interested if he knew her since she seems to be the upcoming chess prodigy.

"The new lad that beat Bealtik then maybe I heard of her."

"Oh okay," I said quietly now realizing that people know my sister now.

"Now if you don't mind me asking who are you and do you play chess." He said while we both got out at the second floor which I haven't noticed he was also on.

" oh right, I don't play chess but I love watching it so I write about chess matches," I said quite excited since no one has ever asked me about my job just tried and hit on me or ignores me. I start getting the key to the room I'm in and starting opening the door.

Benny room is next to mines so he started to do the same once I'm about to go inside my room I say

"My name is Amelia Harmon." Then I walk in and close the door. Not looking back. If I did look back I would see Benny standing in front of his door shocked because of my name.

Hello, I just started writing this I hope you enjoy it.

The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now