Late-night talks.

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Amelia went to drop off Beth in her room. While she was returning back she could see a person at her door who had dirty blond hair and was wearing a cowboy hat.

"Benny" Amelia said walking up to her door.

"Ahh, Amelia just the person I was looking for." Benny turns his whole body to look at Amelia.

"What do you need Benny isn't it late and don't you have to play tomorrow," Amelia said while getting her key out of her bag.

"Yes but I wanted to ask you something," Benny said still confused as to why he went to her door. His feet seemed to have a mind of their own they just went to her door. He wanted to talk with her but he didn't why and what.

"Umm okay, do you want to come in?" Amelia asked him with an eyebrow up giving him a questionable look.

"If you don't mind love."

Amelia just opened the door now anxious and feeling weird because he just called her love. No one has ever called her that she wasn't very much liked.

Amelia and Benny both walked into Amelia's room it just had one bed and a sitting area with a tv. It wasn't much but it was comfortable for a hotel room.

"You can take a seat anywhere you like."

Benny sat right on the bed.

"So what did you want to ask."

"I can't seem to remember but if you don't mind me asking what does your magazine normally do articles about." he half lied although he didn't have to ask her anything he didn't want to say he wanted to see her for some unknown reason.

"Well, we normally write articles about music or fashion like Elvis." Amelia started as she sat across from him in the twin bed.

Throughout the whole night, they just talked about what Amelia dos for work and about chess do benny. They seem to have a lot in common.

It was hitting about midnight and Amelia couldn't keep her eyelids open. She didn't want to stop Benny from explaining some matches to her. So she just sat next to benny while he kept rambling and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Amelia opened her eyes to turn off the alarm that was ringing she finally turned it off and notice that Benny was sitting in the small living area now reading a book that Amelia had left on the table.

"Good morning love," Benny said looking up at her from his book. Amelia just looked at him with a look that said what are you doing here.

"I don't understand the main character how she could live only with her birthday money after her mom had abandoned her. Also theirs some food on the coffee table if you want to eat." Benny started again not answering her look.

"Benny what are you doing here." Amelia now asked with her words instead of her face.

"Well, you seem to have fallen asleep while I was rambling on about chess and other things. I was gonna leave but you wouldn't let me go. You were hugging me as your life depended on it and I just fell asleep and wanted to ask you what that was about when you awake." Benny quickly stated as he put the book down and grabbed a piece of toast.

Amelia felt a blush coming on her cheeks from what Benny said she did. She tried putting her cold hands on her face to cool her blush but it didn't work.

"I'm sorry Benny," she mumbled quietly now worried that he might have not gotten enough rest.

"Well, I'll be off then now that I know your fine. I will see you later." Benny said as he walked to the door when he was halfway out the door he said.

"You have some drool on your face." and with that, he left leaving Amelia panicking that she was drooling while she was asleep. Amelia looked at the time and it was getting late she needed to shower and get ready for she can make it to beth match.


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