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The next morning Amelia woke up with a note on her bedside table, it said "Sorry I left bright and early I have to work it was nice catching up." 

Amelia smiled as she read the note. She had missed Cleo and she hasn't seen her in a few years. 

Amelia stretched her arms and covered her face from the bright sunlight that was coming in from her window. She got up and decide that she would call Benny to see if she can meet up with Beth to decide when to leave for her next chess match. 

Amelia headed to her phone which was in the living room, she took a seat on the couch and she waited while the phone ranged. Finally, after a few rings, Beth answered. 

"Hello," Beth said tiredly.

" Hi, Beth it's Amelia your sister do you have time for breakfast today about now," Amelia said while looking at her clock to see that it was 11:32. "Hi Amelia sure, umm where do you want to meet."

"I'll come to pick you up ill be there in five," Amelia said happily. "Okay bu.." beth was trying to say something but Amelia ended the call. Amelia didn't want to hear anything about Benny. 

Amelia took her mind off of Benny and went to get ready. Amelia put on a grey plain dress that had a collar. 

She headed down her steps when she saw Beth standing there. Amelia quickly took her by surprise when she saw Amelia come out of the huge apartment when in reality it was quite small. 

"You live here," Beth said pointing to the building Amelia just came out of. "No, I just had a one-night stand it just so happened to be close to where you're staying," Amelia said jokingly. 

Which just left Beth confused. "I'm just teasing you but yes I do live there and no I didn't have a one-night stand. So come on now I'm quite starving I haven't had anything to eat." 

Amelia took Beth's hand and lead her to the taxi that just pulled up. After Amelia had ended the call to Beth she decided to call a taxi since both of them didn't have any way to move around at the moment. 

Amelia and Beth arrived at dinner. Amelia got some pancakes while Beth got scrambled eggs with a side of bacon. 

Amelia and Beth chatted about how Beth didn't tell Amelia that she was in New york. Beth responded that she didn't have her phone number. They talking about random things mostly the fact the Amelia was going to go with Beth to Paris. 

After a while, the subject changed to Benny. Amelia had been trying to avoid this topic because she was still upset about Benny's denatured when she told him something important. 

"Amelia do you remember Benny the US co-champion," Beth said trying to be serious. Amelia just nodded her head not making a snarky comment about how who didn't know about Benny Watts. Instead, Amelia just started drinking her water. 

"Well I slept with him," Beth said straight forward. Amelia wasn't expecting this so right as the words went out of her mouth Amelia spit water out. 

"I'll Lia what the bloody hell was that for," Beth said getting a napkin and wiping her face from the water. 

"Don't call me that Beth and what the hell happened to Beltick," Amelia said now helping clean the paper where the water landed. Amelia was trying to avoid eye contact with Beth because Amelia liked Benny and for a second she thought he reciprocated those feelings also. 

"It was nothing serious with Beltick also with Benny after we did it he just started talking about chess," Beth responded quite annoyed. For a few minutes, they just stayed quiet Amelia was pondering on the news that she just heard. 

Amelia wouldn't lie if she said that it didn't hurt because it did she felt like her heart has been ripped out of her and stepped on into a hundred pieces. Amelia felt that she couldn't breathe. After struggling to get any oxygen Amelia just left the dinner to get some air. 

Once Amelia was out of the dinner she couldn't help the tears fall. Amelia took a taxi home and throughout the ride, Amelia had her hand to her mouth muffling her sobs. Once she left the taxi she had her head down for no one could see her but that was her mistake. 

Amelia had accidentally bumped into the one person she least wanted to see. Benny Watts. She mumbled a quick sorry once she looked up and knew who he was she quickly tried to move her feet. Sadly Benny was too quick and grabbed Amelia's arm and pulled her back in front of him.

Normally when Benny ever touched Amelia butterflies would appear in her stomach but this time she didn't only feel butterflies but also pain. 

"Amelia what happened," Benny said with concern on his face and words. Amelia looked at him now not sad but filled with anger "Nothing Benny, Nothing." 

Amelia tried to get out of his grip but his grip was too hard. Benny began again, "Amelia you can tell me."

"Really Benny can I tell you that I'm crying because you slept with my bloody sister," Amelia said gaining all the confidence to look at him. Once Amelia said those words Benny loosened his grip and his face was pure shock. 

Amelia took this chance to leave. She went up to her apartment and slammed the door shut. The day started as bright wonderful but ended with bad news and a rainy day. Benny was just standing there shocked by the news while getting drenched. 

Amelia went to her bed and just sobbed but after crying for like 10 minutes she remembers that she shouldn't care Benny wasn't her boyfriend. Amelia was just sad because she opened up to Benny she let herself have feelings that she hadn't since B.W. 

That's when it hit her B.W and her weren't just friends they were together a couple but because she witnesses Mich's death she completely forgot about B.W. Amelia felt guilt hit her like a train all she thought was 'How could I want to forget B.W I used to love someone I used to care about. Benny was right how could I want to forget something and not know what I'll miss.'

Amelia got off her bed and went to the living room to make two phone calls. The first one was to her therapist once she heard the 'Hello' Amelia said 'I want to remember all her therapist said was 'You know the only way but that you should be careful' Amelia ended the call then made her second call. 

Amelia let the phone ring until someone answered, she knew who they were from the fact that the other person who could answer the phone wasn't there. All Amelia said before she ended the call was 'I'm going to try to remember.'


I'm pretty sure everyone knows who her second call is but oh well hope you enjoy it. Vote if you want.


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