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It was raining the day Amelia and Beth arrived home. Amelia went to go put all the luggage upstairs while Beth was downstairs. When Amelia came back in she heard Beth on the phone with someone. Amela went to get something to drink while Beth ended the call.

"Amelia, Beltick is coming over, he's going to play chess with me."

Amelia just nodded and went upstairs to unpack. After half an hour of unpacking and resting while reading Amelia headed down to get something to eat. Amelia heard talking in the kitchen and she went to go say hello to Beltick.

"Hello, you must be Beltick, one of the first major opponents Beth beat."

"ahh, yes that would be me and you are?"

"She's my sister Amelia Harmon."


"Amelia I made some sandwiches. Do you want one?"

"Sure thanks, I'll be in my room if you need me," Amelia said while getting the sandwich and leaving the kitchen. Before she was out of earshot she heard Beltick ask Beth 'since when did she have a sister.' Beth responded 'a long time ago'. After that Amelia couldn't hear most of the conversation.

After getting in her room Amelia decides to write down how Beltick was helping Amelia with the U.S Championship. She didn't want to interrupt anything so decided that after she would ask Beth for the details of what happened.

Amelia just sat in her bed reading the hobbit for the rest of the night. Amelia didn't sleep often, since she often had dreams about Mich. Amelia didn't like the dreams she would mostly take prescribed pills but she had left them in New york.

The Next Day

Beth had told Amelia that Belitck would be coming again to help, Amelia just nodded. After a few minutes, she heard the door open and Beltick's voice. She was going to go down to meet him but decided against it because she was exhausted, and she needed to stop by a pharmacy to see if they could give her the prescribed pills.

After getting some pills, Amelia was excited to get back to the house to have a good rest. Once Amelia opened the door to the house she heard the song "Fever" by Peggy Lee. Amelia liked the song but didn't know that Beth liked it. When Amelia walked in she saw Beth chess. The song seemed like it bounced off the walls since you could hear it throughout the whole house.

Amelia didn't mind it since she liked the song so when she got up to her room she enjoyed the music. Turning and twirling she let herself be free which she hasn't felt in a long time.

The next few days Beltick would come to the house, stay all day and help Beth. A few days ago Beth had asked Beltick to move in for free. Beth and Amelia hadn't really spoken about Alma but Amelia knew it wasn't a topic to talk about since Beltick was here.

The only thing that came out of Beltick was that he had taken to do some cleaning. Amelia didn't eat as much as them. Amelia has been keeping up with Benny like Beth. Beth had bought a Chess review about Benny. Amelia wonders what Benny had done to the book. She wouldn't get it back until they see each other again, that is if he had it with him.

Amelia knew that after the U.S Championship she would need to go back to New York for a few weeks to give her boss what she got so far. That is what she told Beth the main reason was that she had to visit her therapist.

On the last day, Beltick was at the house Amelia had heard some advice Beltick said to Beth.

Ohio US Championship 1967

It has been a year since Amelia last saw or heard of Benny which she was not happy about. It made her feel something but she couldn't pinpoint what. Beth and Amelia were sharing a room for the championship.

The first time Amelia saw Benny was when Benny was talking to Beth. She couldn't hear their conversation so Amelia just went to write down about the other opponents. When she looked up from her notepad she locked eyes with Benny. They stared at each other for a second before both of them turned back to what they were doing before.

Throughout the tournament, Amelia wrote about Beth and Benny's games mostly Beth. Benny had tried talking to Amelia but Amelia always walked away. Amelia didn't want to ignore Benny but every time he came near her she felt her heart racing. She didn't know what she felt she would have asked Mich one of her best friends but he wasn't there.

Amelia would have asked Beth but she didn't want to disrupt Beth with the tournament so she kept on avoiding Benny. Amelia went to go walk around when she spotted Beth and Benny talking.

Benny spotted Amelia and he smiled and turned to Beth. After saying something to Beth, Benny went and walked up to Amelia. They started to walk together.



"Last names, I thought we were on a first-name basis."

"Well, Watts me too but since we haven't spoken in a year I would say we are still on the last name basis," Amelia replied with a little hint of anger in her voice.

"ahh, I see well you could have reached out."

"Well, aren't you supposed to be the gentlemen cowboy?" Benny grinned when he heard the nickname cowboy.

"I was quite busy with my cowboy stuff," Benny said with sarcasm.

"Cowboy thinks he's funny," Amelia said while stopping and turning around to face him."He sure does" Benny also stops and turns to face her. They both stare at each other not backing down. Amelia's heart keeps racing and starts racing more once Benny takes a step to get closer to her. Benny doesn't know what he's doing but his heart is also racing.

They keep staring at each other but this time is more gentle, they are both looking at each other's eyes. Benny gets lots in Amelia's hazel green eyes while Amelia gets lost in his dark brown ones. Benny puts his hand up to touch her face. The skin contact made Amelia and Benny stop their trance.

They both take a big step back from each other and look anywhere other than the other person. Benny and Amelia were trying to calm their emotions before one of them starts talking. Benny was the first to break the silence.

"Umm, some of us are heading down to the student union, having a coup;e of beers, playing some speed chess. You should join us and maybe convince Beth to come also." Benny said as he looked at her. Benny watches Amelia's face turn from flustered to a frown at the last thing he said.

"uhh no thanks, I need to edit some of the notes I took today but thank you anyway for the offer."

"Okay, then I'll see you later Harmon."

"Yea watts" Amelia mutters while leaving. Amelia had mixed emotions about what happened, Amelia kept thinking 'do I like Benny is that why my heart keeps racing no it can't be.' Then it finally clicks in her 'I like Benny Watts.'


Hello, Happy Valentine's day I didn't want to write anything special for today so I just wrote a sort of a long chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. -A

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