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Beth, Alma, and Amelia both went to their hotel room right after checking in. Amelia had gotten a separate one from Alma and Beth.

Alma had said that she was going to meet her penpal. After Alma had said goodbye to Amelia, she headed to Beth's room to see when her matches start.

Walking to Beth Amelia couldn't stop thinking about Benny. For started why hasn't he called her or what happened to the book. So many questions filled her head that she couldn't answer.

Out of all the questions, the main one she had was that there was something about Benny that reminded her of someone she couldn't figure out.

Amelia had knocked on Beth's door waiting for beth to open it. Beth opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Hey Beth, are you getting reading for your matches."

Beth just nodded and let Amelia went in. The room was quite bigger than hers since it was a double bed. The room walls were a light pink, the curtains were of plants. Beth went to sit at a desk in front of a window with a chess set on top of the desk. 

Beth was reading a book about chess while amelia went to sit on the bed across from the desk. 

"Hey Beth, why don't you go and relax, I don't know much about chess but what I do know is the relaxation can improve your chess skills."

Beth just sighed and got up to get changed to go outside. Amelia went to her room to put a raincoat on. After she put her raincoat on Beth and Amelia went outside to take a walk. Beth orders a drink in a stand while they were on a walk. 

Beth and Amelia had stopped at a zoo and Beth turned around to see Brogov. Amelia was distracted by the orangutan.

"Hey, Beth look at what it's doing." Once Amelia didn't respond she looked at Beth and saw that she was looking across the room. She followed Beth's line of sight when she said Borgov a Russian chess player he was with his family. 

After looking at him Beth disappeared and Amelia just sat there staring at Borgov. Once beth had left she saw Borgov look at where Beth had stood to take a closer look at him. 

The Next day

Amelia was writing down notes about the beth match. She wrote, "He opened with a pawn to king four, Beth played pawn to queen's bishop four, and in 31 moves she had his king in a mating net."

The next few days were just writing down beth games and what the seventeen-year-old did in her free time like a swim. She did ask a few questions on how she was feeling about the games but Beth even though it was her sister still answered vague questions. Amelia didn't mind because she knew Beth was like this. 

Amelia wrote on how Beth played the queen gambit declined against the Australian, Diedrich. Amelia also wrote down on how the opponent looked like, she wrote how "Harmon had him on his heels from the start which she did only with pawns which crushed his positions as one might crush an egg." Amelia wrote more on how "Harmon moved with such deadly accuracy, such measured control that his position was hopeless by the 23rd move." 

At one point Beth and Amelia passed by Borgov game which seemed to tense Amelia but Amelia didn't write that down and just headed to her room. 

Beth played a young kid, the game lasted for five hours and then they adjourned. Amelia found it amusing how the kid wanted to know about drive-ins. Beth had mentioned that Alma wasn't feeling quite good so that's why she couldn't see her, Amelia was worried but Beth said that it was fine that she would take care of it. 

The next day they began restated the game that they didn't get to finish yesterday. Beth was walking around while playing the game but Amelia just sat there writing the moves of the game and Beth's actions. Beth started tapping her shoe on the floor Amelia thought that Beth was rushing him until the young kid resigns the old fashion way. Amelia wrote down those exact words since she found it quite funny how he said it. 

Amelia chuckled at how Beth attempted to give the kid advice. Amelia let Beth wander off while Amelia went to go get a drink.

"Just water please," Amelia said as she went up to the bartender she didn't drink because it made her remember memories of Mich and the guy with dirty blonde hair but Amelia didn't like remembering much because it ended in her crying. 

Amelia had met Beth's friends while she was in Mexico. They saved her and Alma a seat. The match started once she sat down and Amelia went straight to writing everything down. 

Borgov moved a pawn to king four, Beth mostly responded with the Sicilian to the opening. Harmon moves her pawn to queen bishop four, which is fresh for Beth. 

Now Borgov brought his king's knight to bishop three and Harmon brings her queen bishop three, attacking the center. Borgov moves his bishop to knight five, signaling he's going to play the Closed Sicilian not the open. Harmon pushes her pawn to rock three attacking Borgov's bishop. 

Borgov castles. Harmon now decides if she wants to play it open or closed. At the end of the game, Beth resigns.

After a few hours from the game, Amelia gets a phone call from the phone next to her which is beth and she tells Amelia that Alma died. Amelia rushed to Beth's room. Amelia was sad because even the short time she knew Alma she was the person who took care of Beth when Amelia couldn't but she didn't have time to be sad she needed to be there for Beth since now it was just going to be the two of them. 

Amelia was standing behind Beth as she was sitting down. Amelia had her hand on Beth's should as comfort. 

"I'm sorry'" The Medic said

"What was it," beth asked

"Hepatitis, possibly, we will know tomorrow." He responded.

"Could you give me a tranquilizer?" Beth asked

"Yes, I have a sedative." He said

"I don't want a sedative. Could I have a prescription for Librium?" Beth said. 

"You don't need a prescription to buy Librium in Mexico. I suggest meprobamate. There's a pharmacist here in the hotel. Again I'm very sorry for your loss."He said with his Mexican accent.

"Thank you," Amelia said as the medic walked away. 

Amelia walked around packing some of Alma's things while Beth talked to one of the hotel's managers. Amelia stayed with beth for the rest of the day. At one point Beth had a call with Alma's husband. The call was short but it seemed he didn't care much about what Amelia gathered. 

Amelia went to pack while Beth went to get Librium. Amelia knew of her sister's addictions but she still didn't stop her unless she had taken too much.

During the plane, Beth had gotten drinks the flight attendant asked Amelia if she wanted some but Amelia said no even though it would numb her from feeling emotion she didn't want to risk it. 


Hello, sorry for not uploading this past week I was quite busy. Anywho this was a sort of a long chapter I hope it makes up for not uploading. Thank you comment and vote if you want. 

- A.

The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now