Beth Graduation

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Amelia arrived in Kentucky and went straight to Beth's house. Amelia got in a day before Beth's graduation.

Amelia went up to the door and knocked. Beth opened the door.

"Amelia what are you doing here."

"I wouldn't miss my sister's graduation even though you missed mines."

"Well, I-"

"I'm just joking with you now can I come in, " Amelia said happy to see her sister even though everything that happened in Las Vegas she still cared deeply about her sister.

"I'm sorry about Las Vegas I just needed time I was so angry at myself for not seeing it-"

"Don't worry about it, it's in the past already." Amelia interrupted Beth. While walking into the living room.

Alma came into the room and ran to Amelia with a big smile on her face. Alma hugged Amelia, it took Amelia a second to hug back she was used to much physical touch.

"Amelia I'm so happy you will be staying with us for some time, do you want anything to drink while Beth shows you to your room."

"Coffee will be nice black."

"Okay well, then Beth go show her and ill bring the coffee to your room."

"Okay come with me, " Beth said as she started going up the stairs. To the right of the stairs was Amelia's room that she would be staying in.

Amelia's room wasn't big but was medium size. Her room had a window on the right wall. The bed was in the middle of the room. There was a small desk to the left of the door when you came in.

It wasn't decorated as much since she would only be staying here until they leave for Mexico. Amelia started to unpack her stuff in the dresser that was too the left wall. She didn't bring much just some change of outfits.

Alma knocked on the door and Amelia opened it for her.

"Here's your black coffee I hope you have settled in. Also, tomorrow well leave around 12 for Beth's graduation."

"Okay thank you for the coffee and the room."

"Don't worry about it you can stay here whenever you want, your family now."

"Umm thanks." Amelia didn't have any other family besides beth she used to have Mich and B.W but she doesn't remember B.W so she just had Beth.

Alma left the room once she gave the cup of coffee to Amelia. Amelia closed the door and resumed unpacking her stuff.

Once Amelia was done it was already dinner time. She headed downstairs to the dining room which was next to the kitchen.

Amelia sat down next to beth who was reading a book about chess. Amelia had a flashback of B.W reading the same book but the book covered his face.

She was brought back from the flashback when Alma set the food down on the table. They all began eating talking about Beth's Russian classes and the trip to Mexico.

Amelia shared some comments but mostly listen while eating. The atmosphere was warm something she hasn't experience in a long time. She was really happy that Beth had Alma.

Once they all finished eating and washing their dishes they all went to rest. Beth went to practice some chess while the rest just went to sleep.

The next day

Amelia woke up around 11 which meant she had to shower and change. She'd probably missed breakfast. Once she was done, Alma had said that they were leaving. 

Amelia ran out the door but before she left she went and grab a banana. 

When they called Beth's name, only Amelia and Alma clapped. After graduation, they went back home. Alma had given Beth a watch and Amelia got her a new chess book that came out. 

They celebrated with champagne, Alma had asked Beth if she was going to go to any grad party, which beth responded no and told her that they would be going to pairs or chess. 

In the next few weeks, they would be heading to Mexico, which Alma was very excited about. 

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