US Champion

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After Amelia quickly changed and ate she was rushing out the door.

Amelia found Beth's next match write on time. She was exhausted she just took out her note pad and started writing about Beth games.

Beth won all her games and tomorrow she would play Benny Watts. Amelia went to see how benny did since he would be playing with tomorrow. Benny won with one draw which is a total of his games would he won with two draws.

During the time Amelia was following Beth she had seen and encountered both and Benny talking about Beth game with Beltik. Amelia didn't want to disrupt so she waited on the sidelines. After the conversation, Benny passed Amelia and gave her a nod since Benny was in a rush.

After all of Beth games, Alma invited Amelia over to chat in their room and hear about beth games. Alma and Amelia got to know each other better. It was getting late and Amelia excused herself from the room and said bye to both of them even though beth was talking about what Benny had said earlier about her game between Beltik.

Once Amelia left the room she headed towards her room since it was already midnight. While she was walking to her door she spotted Benny opening his door.

"Isn't it late why are you awake," Amelia questioned Benny.

"Do you care about my love?" Benny said sarcastically while turning around facing Amelia.

"Nope, I just want to make sure beth has a well-rested opponent I want her winning fair, " Amelia responded with the same tone. She started opening the door to her room.

"Right whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Goodnight US Champion." Amelia's last words before she inter her room and closed the door.

The next day

Amelia woke up and did her normal routine, ate, and got the dress to go to Beth's last match. Amelia was radiating with energy. Even though she slept late she just knew that today was going to be a good day.

Amelia went to go see Beth and Benny's game.

Beth put her hand out for Benny to shake but he commented something that Amelia couldn't quite hear because of the distance but they didn't shake hands and just sat.

Amelia was watching the game intensely while writing down notes. She saw that Benny took Beth's center pawn the pawn that had held Benny queen to her corner for most of the game. There was an exchange of queens.

Amelia looked worried because Beth was opened to a rook-bishop mate. Amelia was looking at her sister tried to have a poker face but people who knew her as Amelia did would know that she was nervous.

Beth resigns and the game ended in a draw. Beth shook Benny's hands and left.  Amelia ran after her.

"Beth" she yelled but not too loud.

"Not now Amelia I don't want to be around anyone." with that beth left.

Amelia decided that it would be best for her to start packing her stuff for the plane ride back to New York.

The day started as an amazing day but halfway through the day Beth had lost and didn't want to be with anyone. Beth and Benny became co-champions.

Most of the afternoon Amelia was in her room packing until she heard a knock at the door. Amelia thought it might have been Beth but she would be too upset so she thought it was room service since she orders some snacks.

She opened the book to her surprise it was Benny watts.

"Just the co-champion I was looking for," Amelia said while emphasizing the word co-champion. Benny looked quite shocked since he just knocked at her door.

"Why would you be looking for me do you need something love." Benny quickly regains his composure and now had a smirk on his face.

"Haha don't get quite ahead of yourself Mr. Watts."

"Oh, now we're going to last name Ms. Harmon."

"Anywho I was going to ask you if you were still interested in reading the book Love Aubery," Amelia explained trying to change the topic.

"Oh, right I wouldn't mind reading even though it's for middle school."

"Oh well I was planning on lending it to you but since you complained about it being a children's book guess I'll just reread and put it on the bookshelf in my house."

"No no, I never said I didn't want to reread will quite enjoy reading it if you don't mind me borrowing it love."

"Well then come inside and sit while I get it." Amelia opened the door wider so Benny can walk in. Benny walked to sit on the bed.

"I see you're packing when are you leaving."

"In a few hours don't have much left to do just put in some extra clothes but I think I need a break," Amelia said while walking to the bed and sitting next to Benny.

"Well glad you use your break with me."

"So what are you doing here Benny."

"Hmm, I kept forgetting every time I come here."

"Benny Watts have you taken a liking to me."

"No Amelia Harmon, just quite intrigue about you for example if you want to play chess sometime."

"Sure I would love to but I'm quite busy maybe another time."

"Maybe in New York?" Benny questioned.

"Sure I would love to," Amelia responded now shyly and she went to get a piece of paper to write down her apartment phone number.

After writing it down she gave it to Benny. Benny responds with a quick thanks and said that he would leave her to packing. He bid her goodbye with the book in his hand with the piece of paper.


Hello, hope you guys enjoyed it. I wanted to come here and say that I will be editing this story once I'm finished with it. So that won't is for some time now. Well, I hope you enjoy, comment, and vote.


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