Together Forever

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⚠️Dissociate amnesia- occurs when a person blocks out certain information, usually associated with a stressful or traumatic event, leaving them unable to remember important personal information.⚠️

Amelia arrived two weeks ago and still no call from Benny. She has been busy but still found time in her day to wait to see a call for Benny.

Amelia's job has assigned her to cover all of Beth's upcoming games in the following years.

It was a Friday afternoon when Amelia got off of work. She went to a florist's shop that was around the corner from where she worked. She picked up a bouquet of white roses.

Once she got out of the store the breeze kissed her pale skin. It was that time of year where she paid a visit to one of her dear friends that she once considers family.

The day was getting cloudy which probably meant it was going to rain. Amelia arrived at the cemetery and the rain started pouring. Amelia didn't bring an umbrella so she was getting drenched.

It was already dark and there was fog around the cemetery it was hard for Amelia to see. Amelia knew where she was going even if she couldn't see.

Amelia walked calming she didn't dare walking any faster even if she was getting drenched.

She reached to the gravestone that read  "Michael Knott, together forever."  "Together forever, " Amelia repeated as she put the flowers down. She just stood there.

Amelia listens to the raindrops that fell on the floor. Amelia just stood their revealing in the memories she could remember. Every time she relived the memories she would get a headache. Her memories were blurred she could only see Michael's face but not the blond boy who was next to him.

Amelia was interrupted when she heard footsteps coming close to her. She took that as a sign to leave she headed the opposite way the person was from.

She turned around to see if she could see a glimpse of who the person was but there was too much fog. She wanted to go up to the person ask how he knew Mich but she didn't have much energy and just took one last glimpse and left.

That night Amelia woke up from a nightmare she had. Amelia didn't remember much of the dream just some pieces.

Some pieces of her dream

"B.W come here and help Mich stop playing chess," Amelia called to the dirty blond hair guy.

"I'll go once you stopping calling me B.W"

"I Won't Be-"

Amelia's dream ended.

Amelia just stood from her bed thinking that the blond dude's name was B.W. She almost heard his name but woke up. Amelia couldn't help but think that maybe the guy that was at the cemetery was B.W.

Amelia went to go take some medication she has for nightmares. She kept thinking that the voice was similar to someone but couldn't put her finger on it. She looked at the time and it was midnight.

Amelia decided to write down what she remembered so she can tell her therapist in the upcoming session. Amelia has told anyone about her therapy and what happened that day Mich died since even she can't remember it.

Her therapist said she has Dissociative amnesia. She wants Amelia to write down what happens in her nightmare so they can talk about it in the session and see if she can try to help Amelia regain those memories.

After writing everything down Amelia decides that it would be best if she goes back to sleep to see if she find out more.

Time skip to before Beth graduation ceremony

Amelia did have work on Saturday and Sunday but she wasn't going to have work for the next few weeks. Alma had invited her to Beth's graduation ceremony and then after that Amelia had to go to Mexico to write about Beth's games.

Amelia hadn't heard from Benny throughout the whole time. She called him once but got no answered so she just left it. It did bother her but what could she do. She wanted so to get to know him and maybe get her book back but she didn't know where to find him.

Amelia didn't have nightmares after that day. Her therapist said that the person she saw and since it was the day of his death triggered her memories. She also said that if she wanted to gain all her memories back she had to trigger it somehow.

Amelia decided that she would just focus on her work which meant her sister also. She decides that she would go get an early start and go to Kentucky early.

The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now