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Amelia stumbled over empty bottles, she had a massive headache. Amelia saw beth also heading to the door. Once she was downstairs she rested against the wall. 

"I told you to leave me alone!" Beth said shouting while opening the door. Once Beth opened the door the other person could see beth's black eyeliner under her eyes. Amelia's eyes went wide when she Jolene.

"Jesus fucking Christ, who the hell are you?" Jolene said while taking off her black sunglasses. All that came out of Beth was "Jolene."

After regaining her composure Amelia went sprinting forgetting her headache and hug Jolene. Beth moved aside to give them space but she was still there. 

"How are you Jolene I missed you so much," Amelia questioned Jolene while letting her go. 

"I'm doing good, the question is how are you and B.W are you guys finally together," Jolene voiced with a smirk on her face. Amelia looked down and muttered, "It's complicated."

"I heard about Mich I'm sorry about him and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," Jolene said while hugging Amelia again as comfort. Amelia just whispered a "Thank you."

Beth looked between Jolene and Amelia and finally asked "Is there something I should know like for example who's B.W and Mich." Bothe Jolene and Amelia turned surprised since they forgot that Beth was there. 

"Not now Beth," Amelia said softly, she was trying not to talk about it since all the memories were still fresh. She felt like if she had a scar and it just reponed and every time they talked about Mich and B.W then it was like pouring alcohol on the wound which burned. 

Beth was too upset and shocked so she let it slide for now. 

"This whole house belongs to you guys," Jolene spoke while looking around the living room. Amelia responded "Just Beth."

"You're no orphan. Not anymore," Jolene continued. The tea kettle started whistling.

"You've been in Lexington this whole time?" Beth questioned while getting the kettle.

"Uh, Louisville," Jolene said while going to stand at the doorway of the kitchen. 

"What brought you back here?" Beth said. Amelia noticed that Beth was trying to hold herself together for Jolene even though she must have been hungover like Amelia. 

"You don't seem to like answering your phone." After Beth just glaring at her Jolene continued, "Mr. Shaibel died." Amelia and Beth stopped what they were doing. Beth stopped at the counter while Amelia just sat back down on the couch. Amelia was getting up to help Beth.

After a minute of silence, Jolene broke the silence once again, "There's a funeral day after tomorrow. I thought... we could all go together." It was silent. Amelia turned her head to Beth, she knew that Beth was closer to Mr. Shiabel than Amelia ever was. 

Beth went and gave a drink to Jolene which got her a "Thank you." They both took a sip before Jolene continued to talk, "God Beth." 

"Yea, I know" was the response she got from Beth.  After that Amelia went upstairs to lay her head down she was too tired and let Beth catch up with Jolene. 

After a few hours of Amelia just staring at the wall thinking n how Benny didn't even tell her. Al she got out of it was that she needed answers and she would need to go see Benny. Amelia heard a knock at the door which brought her back to the real world. 

Jolene came through the door. Amelia guessed Beth must have fallen asleep and Jolene wanted to know what happened with B.W since Amelia knew she wouldn't talk to her about Mich even though Jolene knew him. 

The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now