"Can't Take My Eyes Off You"

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"B.W come on, stop playing chess, come hang out with Mich and me," Amelia said while getting B.W hand and pulling him up. 

"uhh fine, so what are we doing," Benny said while following Amelia to where Mich is at. Mich is sitting under a tree while reading a book. Mich looked up from his book and put his book down. Mich found it funny how much Amelia had Benny under his finger. 

"What are you guys doing?" Mich finally spoke out. Amelia, Benny sat right next to him Benny on his left, and Amelia on his right. 

"So a little birdie told me that today is someone's birthday," Amelia responded cheerfully while ignoring his question. Mich looked at Benny and he pointed his finger to which Benny responded by shaking his head. 

Amelia saw this gestured and her jaw dropped but she quickly regained her posture and said, "I'll have you know your mom was the one that told me and I would never forget your birthday." There was a long pause which Amelia took as a sign to go on. 

"So today we are going to have a picnic and then we are going to give you our gifts," Amelia said while getting up and walking to the middle of the backyard where she put a blanket down that had a basket on top. 

"we?" Mich said while turning to look at Benny.

"Sorry man you know how she is when she wants something she somehow manages to get it," Benny said while getting up and going to the middle of the backyard. 

"Thas only because your little girlfriend over there has you wrapped around her finger," Mich said while moving his finger in a circle and looking at Benny's reaction. 

"uhh she's not my girlfriend," Benny said trying to not stutter but failing miserably. Benny just left not wanting to have this conversation anymore. What the guys didn't know was that one Harmon was listening in on the conversation.

Amelia went up to Benny and asked why his face was red which Benny just responded that it was hot outside. The rest of the day in the small little backyard all you could hear was laughter from the three friends. 

Amelia was woken up by one of the flight attendants. "Miss, we're about to land, "one of the flight attendants said. 

Amelia nodded and mumbled a quick thanks. Amelia sat up straight and took out her notebook and started writing down what she could remember of her dream. 

After the plane landed Amelia went straight to her apartment. When she arrived at her door there were packages and letters on the doorstep. Amelia just groaned and started putting everything in the apartment. 

The apartment had a small hallway that led to the which was on the right side living room on the left side there was a small kitchen that was black and white. Next to the kitchen was a very small hallway that led to Amelia's bedroom. The living room had a small couch facing the small telly that was in front of the wall. 

Amelia's room was not quite as big as her room in Beth's house but it was perfect for Amelia. She had a small twin bed in the middle of the room. There was a big window on the left wall she had to small side tables at the end of her bed.

 Her room was filled with books and paper everywhere, she usually would be organized but every since mich death her room was the only messy thing. She liked it because it felt like a safe place for her. 

Amelia got to her room and just flopped on her bed she was exhausted even though she fell asleep on the plane ride she didn't sleep in a good position. 

Five minutes passed by until Amelia finally got up from her bed and went to go make food and make a call. There wasn't any food in the fridge so Amelia took a mental note to go grocery shopping later. She ended up getting the only, not expired cookies.

The first call she made was to her therapist to ask if they were still on for tomorrow at 12 am. Her therapist had of course said yes. Her next call was to her boss Lincoln, she told him she was back and that she would go tomorrow to update everyone on her progress and do some paperwork. 

After Amelia had made her calls she decided to go to the bookstore that was around the corner of her apartment. Her apartment had a basement apartment she hasn't met her neighbors since when she moved in she had spent a week in her apartment and left to go see Beth's games. (Hint, hint

Amelia walked around the bookstore she was looking for a particular book that Benny recommend. Benny had recommended a book to her during one of their long conversations. The book Amelia was looking for was What We Talk About When We Talk About Love Benny had said one of his favorite characters was Mel. 

Amelia finally found the book and went to check out. She headed home and was going to read a little before going to sleep but once she hit the bed, she instantly went to sleep. 

The Next Morning

Amelia was woken up by her alarm clock which ranged at 5:00 in the morning. She couldn't go back to sleep after that so she made her bed and went to go make something to eat when she remembers that she had no food. 

Amelia decided that she would go and buy some groceries. She went and change her clothes. She ended up wearing a white collar shirt with a brown orange-ish cardigan with a perfectly tailored black skirt. 


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