Another Story?

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Hello, Just wanted to come here and say that I have made another story about Benny Watts.

Benny writes letters to his beloved Emily that lives far away. You can say it's a sequel to this book because it's before Amelia. After her memory loss but before he meets her again.

If you want to go check it out it's called Dear Emily.

I also have a story called Lexi Lovegood. It's a Remus FanFiction during the marauders era. Quick summary is Lexi is a fifth year she the smartest in her grade level and the whole school. She has a photographic memory a Ravenclaw and has a small crush on Remus Lupin.

That's most of it if you want to check it's calle Lexi Lovegood // Remus J. Lupin if not that's okay.

Thank you very much for your time.


The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now