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After going grocery shopping Amelia made herself some food and left to work. Once she got to her work she immediately went straight to talk to Lincoln.

After what felt like hours to Amelia, she finished stating everything she has so far and after talking with him she went to her office to tidy it up. Amelia found loads of paperwork which she started doing after she finished tidying up. 

The clock hit 11:30 and Amelia knew it was time for her appointment. She had finished most of the paperwork that she had on her desk. 

Amelia called a taxi and went to her appointment. 

Amelia POV

Walking up to the room I became nervous wrecked. I sat there waiting for Dr. Nam to come in. I was fidgeting with the end of my skirt, I had brought my journal to tell her that I have been experiencing more dreams and visions. 

"Gosh Amelia I need to calm down it's just another normal appointment," I said trying to calm myself down. I heard the door opened and Dr. Nam walked in. 

"Hello sorry I'm running a little late," Dr. Nam said.

"No it's fine you're on time I just came early," I responded trying to sound normal. 

"Okay then let's get started, Have been having any more dreams, and have you been writing them down," Dr. Nam said while sitting down in the seat that was in front of me. I was currently sitting on the couch looking to the left where you could see most of New York. 

"I have been writing down more in my journal and I have been having more dreams even sometimes when I'm awake," I said now facing her. She was just writing everything down. 

"Can you elaborate more on what do you think is triggering this, who do you keep seeing, and are you starting to see more of this B.W guy?" Dr. Nam asked while placing her notebook down and putting her elbows on her knees. 

" Well, I have been having most dreams about B.W some are happy and some aren't. Every time I wake up I can only remember some of it and I always seem to not get B.W's real name. Sometimes it's B.W, Mich, and me but most recently it's B.W. I don't know what has been triggering it but it all started more in the anniversary of Mich's death." I said while fidgeting at the hem of my skirt. 

"I see, we need to talk more about Mich's death if you want to remember more," Dr. Nam said after looking down at her notes. 

"But that's the thing I don't want to remember and I can't relive what happened to Mich I.. I.. can't, " I said now getting up and going next to the window. 

It has started raining I could see my reflection from the window. I didn't notice until I saw my reflection that I had started crying. I looked at the raindrops that were following down now that seemed more interesting than this session.  

This was what I was nervous about, that she would want me to talk about Mich's death. I know it will help me get better mentally but I'm not mentally prepared to relive that experience. 

"Well then if you don't want to remember don't forget to take your pills, but I'm always here when you do want to talk to someone and remember." Dr. Nam said before leaving the room. 

All I could hear was her footsteps and the raindrops falling. This session was short but it made a huge impact on me. I don't know if I do want to remember or not. I'm just so tired of everything it has been some years after he died but I still can't come to terms with it. 

Just why did he have to leave me, leave us. I just slide down on the floor with tears running down my face. I have no one. I don't know who B.W or what happened to him but no one here to be there for me. 

I can't even mourn Alma's death because of this, I'm stuck in this mindset and I can't seem to find my way out. With that lost thought, I got my stuff wiped my face, and headed home. The rest of the day I just laid in my bed looking at my ceiling just lost in thought. 

Third Person POV

The next day, Amelia got up and decided that she shouldn't be inside that she should call Beth and see how she is going. 

Amelia called Beth's phone in Kentucky and no one answered. Amelia thought that maybe Beth was out or too busy. Amelia went to go out to take a walk when she went outside she noticed there was a Volkswagon car there that wasn't there before. 

Amelia just ignored it and thought that it must be her neighbor's car. 

Throughout most of the week, Amelia didn't make contact with anyone she would just go to work do some paperwork come back, and see that the Volkswagon had a lot of parking tickets. 

One day Amelia saw Benny at a restaurant he was sitting alone. Amelia went to sit next to Benny and they ended up talking for a while. At one point in the conversation, they were talking about Amelia's condition. 

Even after the conversation, she didn't know why they talked about it but when she had said that she didn't want to remember anything Benny argued with her saying that what if she had a whole different life. Benny was getting all worked up for nothing which led him to storm off of the restaurant. 

Later in the night, Amelia's neighbor was making noise which was not as frustrating at first but when it got late Amelia was tired and went outside to go talk to them. 

What Amelia did expect was to see her model friend Celo coming up. 

"Celo what are you doing here," Amelia went up to her and hugged her. It had been a while since Amelia has seen Celo. She mostly traveled a lot and you never knew where she was. 

"I'm here visiting a friend with some friends what are you doing here," Celo said returning the hug and kissing her cheek.   

"I live here right on top, you should have called me if you were in New York we could have caught up." 

"I'm sorry but we can always catch up right now," Celo said while going turning around to say bye to the two guys that also came up with her. 

"Okay then follow me." Once they entered Amelia's apartment they went to get something to drink a cup of wine for Celo and water for Amelia. 

"So Amelia do you have a sister named Beth Harmon," Celo said quite bluntly. 

"Yes how did you know, have you met her, is she in New York." Amelia inquired. 

"Well, I'm quite angry that you didn't tell me but it's fine. Also, Beth is staying with my friend Benny." Cleo said while taking a sip of her wine.

"Wait Benny watts,."

"Yea do you know him."

"Somewhat I've seen him around, wait he lives under me."

"Yea he does."

"What a small world," Amelia said while taking her seat next to Celo. The two girls ended up talking the rest of the night catching up on everything.  Celo was the only person besides Benny who knew about her condition. 

Benny just knew the basics while Cleo knew more in dept. That is what Amelia thought since she still doesn't know who Benny really is. 


Hello, thank you for reading, I tried my best on doing Amelia POV I really don't know I it turned out well. Also, I added more background about her conditions. I hoped you enjoy vote and comment if you want. 


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