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Amelia arrived at her apartment, she was undecided if she should go confront Benny or should she wait. Few minutes pass until Amelia finished her pep talk to herself and got the courage to go speak to Benny. 

She knew Benny was home since his car was there. She went down the steps and arrived at his door. She knocked and waited she wasn't leaving until he opened the door. After a few seconds, the door opened. 

"Amelia-" Benny tried talking before Amelia pushed past him and went to his living room. "Well come in make yourself at home," Benny said sarcasm dripping from every word he said, he closed the door making his way to his small kitchen to get coffee. 

"Coffee black please and thank you for offering," Amelia said once she saw Benny was getting coffee.  Amelia couldn't help herself but look at what benny was wearing, he was wearing a black turtle neck with black trousers, his blonde hair was all messed up which Amelia deducted that Benny just woke up. All Amelia could think that Benny looked good, she has noticed before but she didn't know that Benny felt the same way until she found out he was B.W. 

"So would you mind telling me why you're here at 9 in the morning," Benny asked while giving her the cup of coffee. Amelia looked at him with a face to which he responded with a confused face. "Well I'm here to get an answer from you Benny or should I say B.W," Amelia angrily spoke. 

Benny just looked at her with plain shocked it looked like he has seen a ghost. Amelia just sat with a smirk she felt proud that she had caught him off guard. One thing Benny disliked was someone who was being cocky even though it's ironic how he dislikes someone who was cocky while he was a cocky person. 

"You remember how much," Benny finally opened his mouth after being in a state of shock. By his answer, Amelia got angrier and responded, "Everything I bloody told you I was going to try to remember and I did just that. I remember from the first day we meant to the last day where you left me and didn't even try to help me gain my memory back." 

"Why are you getting angry at me for. For one you said you'd try I didn't expect you to remember everything," Benny said while getting up she looked at him with an annoyed face with what he just said. Amelia didn't say anything besides the face so Benny continued, " Two I didn't help you gain your memory back because the doctor told me that it would be better for your mental health to not remember now and then when you told me you didn't want to remember I gave up." 

"Why, Why the bloody hell did you give up why to leave me when I need you the most. We both could have helped each other with Mich's death you understood more than those bloody therapists," Amelia said while her eyes started to water, she just wiped her eyes and looked at him straight in the eye. She took a step towards pointed a finger at him and said, "Why didn't fight for me for us." The last big she muttered quietly. 

Benny felt a pang in his heart when he saw her brush off her tears, but he was too stubborn so he got angry. "Why do you care," He said bitterly. Amelia just scoffed and hit him (not hard) in his chest and said "Because I bloody loved you that's why I care and I still do." 

Benny angrily flew out the window once she said that, he was filled with shock, guilt, and anger not at her but at himself for not fighting for their relationship. He grabbed her hands that were still punching his chest (again not hard) and muttered softly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not fighting for you and for us." 

Amelia looked up with tears in her eyes she looked at his eyes and saw his eyes were softer than earlier and she saw guilt in his eyes. He pulled her into a hug letting her cry, they stayed like that for a few minutes until he pulled away. He wiped her tears from her face after wiping the tears he locked his eyes he was getting lost in her eyes and Amelia with his. 

Amelia noticed that his eyes were flicking from her eyes to her lips and that his face was coming closer. The only thing that Amelia did was turn away. (kidding) Amelia leaned in also. Amelia could feel his breath on her lips there were centimeters apart from locking lips. His hands have moved from cupping her face to her waist and her hands were behind his necking making their way towards his dirty blonde hair. 

Amelia and benny could hear each other heartbeats and their rapid breathing. They both felt like they were the only people in the world and that time had stopped. They were about to close the gap when they heard the door open. In came Mike, Matt, Harry and the rest of the group. 


Short chapter but the story is coming to an end just a heads up. I was normally going to make the argument more intense and then they kiss but instead, I just went with the flow and this is how it ended up as. Thanks for reading I hoped you enjoy it.


The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now