Apple Juice

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Later in the night, Amelia found herself going to the cafeteria to get some apple juice. She had finished reading "To Kill a Mockingbird". It wasn't a book that she enjoyed but it was likable. 

Amelia remembers that Benny said something about people playing chess there. Amelia headed there with her notepad to write down some people playing games. She would have asked her sister to come with but Amelia wasn't near the room she was staying with her sister. 

Once Amelia had gone into the cafeteria she saw Benny with Beth and two other guys. They seemed to be busy so Amelia decided that she'd go get her apple juice. While waiting for her apple juice another guy came up and ordered an apple juice. 

"Why apple juice." the guys said to Amelia while waiting for the cafeteria lady to come back with the apple juices. 

"The same as you, I presume," Amelia commented wittily. 

"ah um this for a friend I think," The guy said sounding confused. 

"Amelia Harmon," Amelia replied while putting her hand out for him to shake it.

"Danny Weiss," Danny said taking her hand and shaking it. Amelia gave him a smile which he returned. they stood there for a second before the cafeteria lady came and gave them their apple juices. 

"Another Harmon," Danny started again while walking back.

"Oh, so you have met my sister Beth," Amelia responded while going to walk next to him. 

"Yea, we played she beat me quite bad ended up wearing it in my room but I learned a lot from it," Danny said making Amelia chuckled. Amelia was about to respond when Benny interrupted. 

"Amelia Harmon what do I owe the pleasure," Benny said. Amelia could have sworn he sounded jealous but she didn't get to say anything before Danny giving Benny his apple juice and Beth coffee. 

"Thank you," Beth said while getting her cup and taking a sip of it.  Danny pulled up a chair for Amelia to sit and he sat in his chair.  

"What type of chess are they playing," Amelia whispered while leaning in next to his ear. Benny looked over at them and he locked eyes with Amelia. Amelia saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes and this time she was sure it was jealousy. 

"Speed Chess," Danny interrupted Amelia and Benny. They broke eye contact and Benny went back to talking to Beth. Amelia grabbed her notebook that was in her bag and started writing down what was happening. 

"Go ahead," said Beth, and they started. Amelia tried writing as much as she could but since it was speed chess there wasn't much to write about. Beth and Benny kept playing they were drawing a crowd but Beth kept losing. 

After the few rounds, they played Beth went first to her room. Amelia said her goodbyes and left. When Amelia entered the room she found Beth laying there with Alma blanket on top of her. Amelia didn't bother and just went to sleep. 

The next day

The following day was a rest day so there weren't any tournaments. Amelia found herself enjoying the fresh air while in her walk. Amelia found Benny and Beth sitting on a bench together. 

'They looked like a couple just sitting there enjoying each other presence. No Amellia I have no right to be jealous or mad she's my sister and I don't know what he is but he's not my boyfriend or anything,' Amelia thought. 

Amelia looked back at where they were sitting and found none. 

"Who were you looking at," Benny said right next to her ear which made Amelia startled. She heard Benny chuckled when she took a step away from him. 

"Umm, no one in particular," Amelia said trying to regain her posture. 

"Okay so what do you have a plan today Lia," Benny said with a smirk on his face when he saw her reaction to the nickname he just gave her.  Amelia tried hiding her blush when she heard the nickname Lia. 

"Lia why, no just want to lay on the grass and rest," Amelia finally muttered out trying to sound confident. Benny on the other was trying to hold a laugh at how adorable Amelia trying to sound confident. 

'She looks so adorable when she's trying to hide her blushing. Wait did I just called her adorable. Gosh, I still like her even after so long. I remember when Mich and I used to make fun of how she tried to hide her blush.'

"Well Lia is a cute nickname and would you mind some company," Benny said giving her a genuine smile which Amelia returned. Amelia nodded and they headed moe into the corridor to find a place to sit in the grass. 

Once they found a place to sit they just laid there talking about random things. Sometimes they would just stay quiet and enjoy their presence while looking at the clouds. They would talk about what animals they saw on the clouds or they start talking about little facts about themselves. 

Benny already knew mostly everything but he still listens to everything Amelia had to say. Benny liked the way Amelia's eyes go wide when she talked about the books she was reading. 

At one point they were just starting deep in thought both of them. Benny was remembering what happened after Mich's death. After Mich's death, Benny and Amelia separated.

 Benny was informed of what had happened to Amelia they told benny to not reach out that it would just stain her mind. They told him to wait for her to regain her memories but fate kept bringing them close together. 

Benny didn't contact her when she went with Beth even if she called he wouldn't answer because he knew he had to give her space. Benny couldn't do that anymore he cares and loves her so much that he wants her to be with him everywhere but he can't not unless she's ready. 

Benny didn't know that Amelia's memories were coming back more often than usual since Benny triggers the memories. Amelia wanted to ask why Benny didn't call her or write her but she knew Benny was a busy man. 

All Amelia could think about was Benny and B.W. Ever since she met Benny there was something about him that was Amelia thought was familiar. 

The rest of the afternoon was just them two sittings there. When it was getting dark they both said their goodbyes and went to their rooms. Both of them had something to think about that night. 

The following day

It was finally the day of Beth vs Benny. Beth played black and Benny play white. Beth let Benny trade queens and in thirty moves Beth won. After the game, Beth and Benny went to get drinks. 

Amelia was invited but she had to pack and leave she was on a plane two hours after the game. 


Hello, I have a question for the story do you guys want Beth and Benny to sleep together like it was in the show or not. If you can give me some feedback I will be thankful but it's not it's fine. Hope you enjoy it. 


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