Finally meeting

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The next day

Amelia got up bright and early to go write some of Beth's games since her assignment was to write about the new upcoming young lady Beth Harmon.

Amelia went up the stairs to Beth's first match which was this guy against Oklahoma. She sat far but not too far so she would still be able to see what moves were happening but far enough so that Beth wouldn't see her.

Amelia started writing how Beth beat the guy in two dozen moves.

Amelia kept following Beth until her second math which was this guy from San Francisco and how she played the Marshall. (She sacrificed her queen)

That was it for the first day Beth won all her matches. Amelia was intrigued by how Benny did and she found out that he had no losses but one draw. She couldn't help herself to just be intrigued by him. This was abnormal for her since she was never intrigued by a man.

During dinner

Amelia went to eat some dinner upstairs. She found beth who was talking to a lady who Amelia guess was her adopted mother.

Amelia decided that she would talk to Beth after she was done talking to her adopted mother. Amelia waited at a table near them close but not close enough to hear what they were saying. She didn't want to eavesdrop on them that would inappropriate.

Once the mother left her chair to go leave Amelia took this chance to approach Beth.

She walked calmly up to beth's table.

"Hello, beth," Amelia said once she got to her table.

"Umm hi do I know you."

"Ahh, I guess you forgot even though it hasn't been that long well I'm your sister I guess the red hair is starting to fade."

"Amelia is that you."

"Yup the one and only."

"Wow, what are you doing here."

"Okay rude but I'm here to write about my dear old little sister for a new magazine that is starting to go in the world of chess and I love chess also."

"Right I forgot how much you love watching me play while I was playing with Mr. Shailbel."

"Yea guilty, but wow look at you, you have grown to be such a lovely lady and your good at chess."

"Well you also have grown since the last time I saw you and you have a job."

"Yea in New York I have been working bringing the company to write about chess and finally they said yes and they wanted to start up with you since you are new and of course a lady."

"Oh so have you been watching my games and writing them down."

"Yea, I will still be watching if you let me know that you know also if you don't mind having an interview with me after your last competition."

"So are you expecting me to win even if it's the first day?"

"Quite yes I believe in my little sister even if I'm still angry at you left me at the orphanage and never looked for me."

"Amelia you have to know I didn't want to leave you also I have been busy with chess you know I would have gone to look for you but I wouldn't know where to start and also it's fine for both things for the interview and it's okay for you to write down about my games."

"Well, I guess I accept you apologize and I wasn't trying to ask for your permission I just wanted to tell you since it's what I get for you not looking for me and leaving me so I guess we're even."

"Oh phew okay well I live to catch up later maybe I need to turn in for today."

"Oh that's fine I'm also on my way there we can go together."



Well, I hoped you enjoy it. If you can vote and comment. If you guys want to see anything in this story with benny and Amelia or with Amelia and beth please tell me.

The other sister // Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now