chapter 11

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at this point in the series, there are only 4 days until the yule ball

"Violetta, wait up!" Hermione called. I turned around and waited for her to catch up to me.

"So Luna, Ginny, Lavender, and I plan to go get our nails done later today in Hogsmeade, then have a girls night, would you like to come? I've only just told them, and everyone has said yes except you," she said quickly, out of breath.

"Yes, of course," I said, smiling. I felt bad because I was not extremely close with Hermione or Lavender. Lavender wasn't even our friend, but I could tell she felt bad and Ron needed a break. 

She beamed in delight. "Oh, that's just wonderful! You and Luna meet us outside of Gryffindor common room at 3:30."

We finished our chat and I headed down the hallway. 

At the end of the school day, I quickly went up to Slytherin common room. I saw Pansy crying in her bed. I couldn't be late to meet the girls, but I could wait for a few minutes. 

"What's wrong love, you look like you need a hug," I said, going to the mirror to put on some mascara.

"It's Draco."

Everyone at Hogwarts that knew her thought Pansy was a slut desperate for Draco. But honestly, you could tell there was something wrong. Being one of Pansy's closest friends, I knew there were two sides to the story. She just never felt good enough to tell someone.

"Pansy I know you don't like talking about him, but this seems a lot more serious. Can you try to talk to me?" I wanted to be in the room with her but I had to keep getting ready. I pulled off my robes and changed into cargo pants and a green sweater. 

As I clipped in my earrings, I noticed the room had been quiet for a few minutes.

"Pansy?" I ran into the dorm room. She lay on the bed, conscious, but staring at the ceiling, her breath quiet and shaky. 

I pulled out my phone and texted Hermione that I would be a bit late and I would meet her at the salon before the appointment started. I then sat down on the bed.

"Pansy, are you okay? I'm a little worried."

"Vi.. can I tell you something? Like personal?" Pansy said sniffling.

"Of course, but I have to go somewhere soon," I said packing my bag with girls' night essentials and fluffing out my hair.

"I think I might be bisexual. But my family will kick me out and Draco will break up with me. I don't know what to do."

"Hey, it will be okay. Don't push your feelings away, but be careful who you talk to. I will always be right across the room if you want to talk. Try to take your mind off of it. Who are you taking to the ball?"

"I want to go with Adrianna. That's the problem. Draco asked me if I would go with him and I didn't know what to say." 

"Tell you what, the girls and I are going to get our nails done right now. Hermione booked an extra spot for Cho and she couldn't come so why don't you come with us? I'm sure they can help you." 

Pansy wiped her eyes and in ten minutes we were on our way to Hogsmeade. By the time we got there, the nail clerks were already a few minutes in. When I stepped inside with Pansy, Lavender's face fell. 

"What's that slut Parkinson doing here. Violetta, did she force you to bring her along?" Lavender said in disgust.

"I'm here to get my nails done, essential oil bitch," Pansy replied rolling her eyes.

I pulled Hermione aside, who was currently in shock. 

"I tried to text you she was coming, it didn't send. She needs our help and she needs to be cheered up. Please 'Mione, I'll make it up to you."

"Fine. But she better wipe that snarky look off her face, this is supposed to be fun."

Eventually, we all got along, and by nightfall, we were ready to go back to the castle. We all walked through the dark, gossiping about our ball gowns and who was taking who. By the time Pansy and I reached our beds, Adrianna and Esmerelda were already asleep. 

"Feeling better? I like your nails by the way," I whispered to Pansy.

"Yes actually. Thanks, I really needed that. I felt really happy for the first time in a while." 

"Pansy, it's not my place to say this so I don't know why I am but are you and Draco really happy?"

"Honestly, no. He uses me for sex. Obviously, I enjoy it but I don't actually want it. I want to be with a girl. They are just better for me."

"I completely agree," I said, giggling.

"You are so lucky you have Ginny."

The words clung to the air as Pansy fell asleep. I realized she was right. I couldn't ask for a better love interest. I don't think I could ever find someone equal to the gorgeous red-head girl I was dating. 

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