chapter 26

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The great hall filled with whispers. My tears had dried, and I was now bright red in anger and out of breath.

Harry looked at me as my words sunk in. This was the cruelest I had ever been to someone, but everything I said was true.

Finally, the whispers silenced as Harry opened his mouth again.

"You don't know anything about my life. You don't know what I've been through. As for Cedric-" Harry started.

"I told you never to talk about him in front of me again." 

"Try me. Sooner or later you'll realize that you can't just push away your problems."

"You know nothing about my problems Harry Potter,"  I hissed.

"I do, actually. Let's see. Your mother didn't want you, you cheated on your girlfriend with Cedric and then he died, your teachers don't like you, you're just a downright bundle of joy."

"Don't you ever talk about my mother, when yours isn't even alive!" I screamed, my voice cracking.

Silence hung in the air.

"At least my mother died for me. She wanted me. Yours didn't. I can see why," Harry said quietly. 

His words stung, but I knew they were just lies. What would he know about my mother?

"Well, thank you for your input, Harry. I'll take note of it for the next time you decide to shit talk my personal life in front of everyone." 

I collected my books from Luna and ran off. 

"Violetta wait!!" Ginny screamed, running after me. I didn't want to talk to her, but I felt her grab my hand as I turned the corridor.

"Violetta, please. Just stay for a second and talk to me."

"I don't want to hear it, Ginny. I'm in the wrong, it's my fault, I know," I whispered.

"He shouldn't have said those things. I will talk to him, I promise you. Okay?"

"We both know after what I did to you, you're better off with him so don't bother. I have to pay the consequences for my actions. I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have so just stay out of this, please."

She pulled me in, kissing me unexpectedly. I didn't break away. Her lips were familiar and nostalgic. I missed her touch. But the sheer memory of the last person I had been with stung like a fresh scrape.


She broke away quickly, and I noticed her cheeks were red in embarrassment.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She didn't answer, and a hot tear rolled down her cheek. She turned around and walked away.

"Violetta?" I called.

She walked quicker. Did I do something?

It was no good chasing after her. I turned the corridor to go back to the great hall but bumped into someone. 


"You're leaving me?" he said quietly.

"Harry, you know that I will always care for you deep down. But right now, after what you said-"

"I said just about the same thing she did, and you're just 'round the corner doing whatever the hell you were doing."  At this, he paused. His mouth twisted in confusion.

"Ginny, were you just snogging her?" he whispered, barely managing to say the words out loud.

I opened my mouth to say something but the damage had been done. He knew. 

"I want to hear it from you. Did you just kiss her?"

"I'm sorry Harry. I think there is someone out there for you that isn't me. You need to move on. Violetta was right, our relationship is long gone. I honestly wish you the best in life, especially after graduation."

"Ginny, please don't do this," he begged. I had never seen him like this before.

"Goodbye Harry. Our relationship is over."


The weeks were sluggish. Winter approached, and Christmas wasn't too far away. I didn't want winter to come. Next year was my last year at Hogwarts before I was out on my own. What did my future even hold?

I realized I would have to marry and start a family. Unless I wanted to live alone. No, that felt wrong. I didn't have that much of a family to go to myself. My mother had her own life,  I doubt the Weasley's would dare let me stay with them again after last year.  I remembered the last thought I had about the future.

I was going to start a family with Cedric. Live in the house he would build with the tournament winnings, have kids, grow old together with our friends. But now everything was different.

Every class with the Gryffindors was awkward and uncomfortable. Nobody really talked to me anymore besides my Slytherin friends, Neville, and Luna. I didn't dare approach Ginny, especially after the kiss.  

I stared at my transfiguration homework. I understood it. I just couldn't do it. Something inside of me was missing. I was restless. I was a wound and something just kept reopening it. 

I decided on Christmas day I would visit Cedric's grave. I then realized I still didn't know what happened the day he died.

I needed to figure out what the hell went on in the graveyard 

I needed to talk to Harry, seriously this time.

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