chapter 24

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Mr. Diggory got up from his seat and pushed people out of the way.

The music finally stopped.

"THAT'S MY SON," Amos screamed. "THAT'S MY BOY!"

It was certainly not a scream of victory. It wasn't a shout of happiness. Cedric had not won the Triwizard Tournament. Something had gone seriously wrong.

I ran down the stands, and my worst fear had come true. 

There laying on the grown, lay Cedric's still body on the ground.

No. No. This isn't happening.  

Our final conversation replayed in our head.

"Wait for me, alright?"

"I'll miss you."

Ginny ran up behind me, and she saw what I had already seen. She grabbed my arms, as I pulled forward, restrained by her grip.  

"Violetta, Violetta stay calm. Violetta," she said. But I wasn't listening. I finally broke from her grip and stumbled onto his body. 

I touched his cheek, a tear falling onto his pale face. He looked lost, like all the light from his eyes had gone out. 

I lay my head on his chest. All I could hear were the whispers of students in the stands. I couldn't hear his heart. Why did he smell so strange?

"Why isn't his heart beating? What's wrong with him? He doesn't have a heartbeat. SOMEONE FUCKING HELP HIM, HE'S NOT BREATHING!" I screamed.

"H-he's gone, Violetta. He's dead. He died in there," Harry said.

"That can't be right. He's here. He isn't dead. He can't be. Cedric is fine, I'm telling you. Someone just needs to come to help him. He's not Cedric. He's all cold. W-why isn't anyone helping? He needs to be fixed.. GET UP AND HELP, HE NEEDS HELP!"

Everyone stared at me like I was crazy. What was wrong with them? 

Hermione put her hand to her mouth in tears. Everyone in the stands was silent.

No, this couldn't be possible. There was no way he was dead. It couldn't be true.

But he was. My mind finally came to the conclusion. My nightmares had come to life. Cedric was dead, and I was alone.

Memories flooded through my head as I lay over his body, his father and Harry standing over me. Dumbledore had come to try and pull me away but I wouldn't let him. I went back to the night we ran through Hogsmeade in the dark, his hand in mine. 

"Please. Come back to me. Please come back. I can't live without you. I can't go on," I cried, not bearing to look up. I began to scream at Harry, not able to look at him in the face.

"What the hell happened?! What did you do to him?! You piece of SHIT. You took him. You let him get killed. You are a monster. You will rot in hell, for everything."

"Violetta, I-"

"Just leave her alone, Harry," Ginny told him.

I could not believe this was actually real. Cedric was actually dead. I would never see him again, kiss his lips, feel his warm skin or smell his sweet woodsy scent.

All I wanted was for him to be alive again. Our relationship started as an affair. I was never sure if I felt the same way for him as he did with me.  He may not be my soulmate, but I was his. I was so ready to start a future with him. What did my future leave for me now?

Now he's gone and I'm alone. I'm alone. He's dead. I'll never see him again. 

I don't know how long I lay there on the ground, sobbing, but eventually I felt arms pull me up and carry me away. I didn't know who it was, and I didn't try to fight back. I took a final look at Cedric's body as whoever was holding me entered the great hall.

I looked up to find that the person carrying me was Blaise, and quickly following him was Ginny.

"Bring her to her dorm, I can stay with her tonight," Ginny started.

"Don't worry about it little red, we can take it from here," Pansy said, emerging from one of the corridor entrances.

"No, really it's okay. I'd rather stay with her instead of-" 

"Instead of her lowlife friends? You're her ex sweetie. The last person she probably wants to see when her boyfriend just died. Now shoo," Pansy hissed.

"I'm not going anywhere Pansy. You're gonna have to make me," Ginny snipped back. 

Neither of them were in the mood to fight so Ginny just followed behind Pansy and Blaise. I felt myself being laid into bed. Suddenly sleep was everything I needed right now. I was so tired from screaming and crying. My face felt tight and patchy. 

I fell asleep, and began to dream.

The sun was beaming on my skin as all types of flowers brushed against my waist. I was walking through a field in a long white wedding gown. 

I looked across the field, and there was Cedric, in a suit, standing next to a large wooden cottage. He looked older.  A small child about the age of 3 ran up to my side. She had Cedric's hair and my eyes.  

The girl grabbed my hand, and tugged my arm as we ran towards the cottage.

I reached the door, as Cedric pulled me in for a kiss. I closed my eyes and felt his lips, but when I broke away it wasn't Cedric I was kissing anymore.

It was Ginny. We stood outside the burrow, the smell of cookies drifting through the air from the kitchen. The wind blew her hair away from her face, and her eyes looked into mine.

"Take me back, Violetta. Take me back. Take me back! Take me back!" she started screaming.

I woke up, shaking in fear. Ginny was asleep in the chair across the room, and my dorm mates were all asleep in their beds.

I remembered Cedric and my heart wrenched in my chest painfully. I got up and went to the bathroom. 

Staring in the mirror, I looked deeper past the glass. I tried to imagine my future.

I saw Ginny and I dancing in her living room, I saw Cedric and the blonde girl from my dream feeding a wild deer. I saw my mother and I putting on a play for Dahlia. I saw myself graduating from Hogwarts next to my friends. I saw Draco and I with our families in Malfoy Manor, finally rejoined. 

I don't know why I did it. I saw so much in that mirror, but I knew it would never happen. I was lost.

I thought death would be the only answer.

I couldn't imagine Cedric all alone. So I decided I would go with him.

1996 - ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now