chapter 32

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I woke up freezing, as snow quietly fell from the sky. I had been camped in a random muggle house for the break. The house was for sale, so I just stayed there for the time being. Tomorrow I would have to apparate to kings cross station. The Weasleys would be there. Tomorrow I would return to Hogwarts. The Weasleys would also be there. 

What would I say to Ginny? 

I got ready in the bathroom of the house. Some of the things I found in the cabinets were strange. 

I decided now would be a good time to make sure I had all my school stuff. Who knows what I had left behind at the burrow. I could barely see through my tears what I was grabbing before I left.

I was missing a few things. I couldn't possibly apparate back. But I needed to. I wrote a note and attached it to a rock. I planned to throw it through Ginny's window. To be fair, I didn't mind being cruel. Mrs. Weasley deserved to have to replace it for what she did.

The note read:

G, there are a few missing school things in my closet. grab them and apparate to outside of ollivanders. I'll meet you there at noon. don't be late.   - V

I took a deep breath, picked up my packed trunk, and apparated.

The burrow looked lovely during the winter. Thankfully, nobody was in the backyard or could see me through any window from where I was standing. Right below Ginny's window. I pelted the rock up. It was around 11:50 am. I quickly apparated away before anyone saw me, but made sure the rock went through the window glass. 

I waited outside of Ollivander's Wand Shop. 11:57 am. She should be here soon. Probably had to go through extra precautions with Molly. 

12:04 pm. I turned around, about to leave for the cafe down the road when someone called my name.


I whipped around, running to Ginny. I wrapped my arms around her, smiling ear to ear.

"I brought your stuff, but I want to talk to you. Where have you been all this time? George wanted me to ask you. Even dad asked me if I wanted help searching for you."

"I stayed in an empty muggle home." I noticed the look on her face. "It's not as bad as it sounds, honestly."

"I don't know how much longer I can stay here, but I will see you on the train tomorrow no matter what. I miss you, Vi, I wish you were back home with me," she said.

I pulled her in, kissing her. When she broke apart from me a hundred words that would never be said lingered in the air between us.

"I will see you at King's Cross tomorrow," she whispered, breaking away from my hand and disapparating.

I stood, watching her disappear in a blur.

I wished I hadn't let go. I wished I had gone with her.

A gust of wind hit my face as I broke through the other side of Platform 9 3/4. I looked around for any sight of my friends, not spotting a single one. I looked for them on the train, finally spotting them in the back of the compartment. 

"Hey Violetta," Neville said, his hand in Luna's. 

Ginny, Ron, Harry, and the twins stayed silent. I assumed Ginny was playing the part since none of her family knew about her visit earlier yesterday.

I caught Ron's eyes. He looked furious. 

"Well, spit it out Weasley, I don't have all day," I said sourly, without even looking up from the wizarding cards Luna had passed me. 

"I am not in the mood to argue with you, Black," he said sternly.

I looked up. His arms were crossed, and I let out a small chuckle.

"Well you certainly look like you want to, so why don't you just say it if it's bothering you so much!"

The compartment went silent, as I pressed a card face up onto the table in front of me.

"I don't really appreciate you just showing up here after sleeping with my sister."

I clenched my fist, turning my head towards him.

"At least I can actually get laid. My personal love life happens to be none of your business, whether Ginny is your sister or not."

He pressed his lips together, not daring to say another word as his cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment. I saw Hermione turn her head down in embarrassment, as it was obvious Ron's unbearable crush on her was still continuing and she didn't feel the exact same way. The rest of the train ride was quiet.

I settled back into my dorm, getting Adrianna Pansy and Esmerelda with big hugs.

"I have heard so many rumors already, you must tell us everything that happened," Esmerelda said.

"Well, it was quite scary. Ginny and I had snuck out, and Mrs. Weasley caught us when we came back. Then she literally told me to pack my stuff and leave. I'd never seen her that angry before. It's not like we were smoking pot or anything," I explained.

Later in the night, the girls and I were getting ready for bed when a conversation sprung up.

"Honestly, I have a really good feeling about the rest of this term. I think the break was well-timed, it was nice to recover from school for a while. Soon, we'll all be seventeen and out in the real world!" Adrianna exclaimed.

"Promise me, all of you, that we will still write to each other all the time, and have fancy balls with our spouses," said Pansy, looking at Adrianna. They had been together for quite a while now, and I had a strong feeling it would stay that way.

"I don't know what lies in the future for me. The only person I would ever have kids with is dead. Ginny's mother will never let her near me again," I sighed.

"I'm sure that there is something out there for you. Some muggle saying, everything happens for a reason, doesn't it?" Adrianna said, putting in her earrings. 

I thought about this. This meant my relationship with Cedric was for a reason. His death, me being with Ginny again, getting kicked out, it was all for a reason. But why did it happen? Why would someone else want that for another person?

I tried to forget it but what Adrianna said just kept making me think of everything else. My mom left me for a reason. If she hadn't, I probably wouldn't have been close with Ginny. Cedric died, if he didn't I probably would've been stuck in a life that wasn't the best one for me. 

Then it struck me. If Cedric hadn't died, I would have married and started a life with him. But I would have lived my whole entire life wishing I hadn't. 

I would have spent my life, wishing to be with someone else.

Wishing to be with Ginny.

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