chapter 7

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* new note - coming back later I now am aware England doesn't have a Thanksgiving. I edited this for any confusion in the comments for this chapter. thanks everyone for bringing it to my attention!

I sat in a small compartment with Ginny on the Hogwarts express. We were returning to the burrow for a short autumn holiday.

"So Ginny... have you um, told your parents about us yet?"

Ginny looked up in shock. Oh no. I knew what she was going to say.

"I totally forgot about that. It's not like we will be able to hide it. Fred and George couldn't be paid to keep their mouths shut," Ginny said anxiously.

"Hey, if you need me to talk to them I will, or I can come with you." I grabbed her hand and held it.

She smiled, and as I leaned in to kiss her, the compartment door flew open. It was Lavender Brown and... Ron?

"Oh... erm. Sorry. Thought this compartment was empty," Ron said, his cheeks turning the deepest shade of scarlet I've ever seen. He gave us an awkward smile and quickly left with Lavender.

I looked at Ginny. "Well, that is certainly something I never expected. Ron and Lavender?"

Ginny laughed and got up. She locked the compartment door and closed the blinds. She sat back down next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. A few minutes later, she was asleep. I put her head onto my lap and spread a small blanket from my trunk over her.

About half an hour later, footsteps approached our compartment. Someone was here, again.

"Someone must be snogging in there," a voice that I recognized as Vincent Crabbe teased.

"I bet it's those witches in love, Weasley and Black," what must have been Gregory Goyle replied.

"Ugh, disgusting. It's bad enough we have to go to school with mudbloods let alone those types of people." 

I didn't realize Ginny had awoken until she sat up abruptly. She neatened her hair and signaled for me to hide. I did so quickly.

She opened the door. "Well hello, there you two! Having a nice ride?" 

They peeked around and seemed to have not found me, then scoffed in annoyance.

"Maybe next time you like to wake people up from their naps to talk shit at the door, you can quiet that high-pitched voice of yours. I might just need to visit the hospital from the disease I'm getting just looking at you. Scram," Ginny shouted. A few people from nearby compartments looked over, laughing at Crabbe and Goyle, who were very flushed. 

After they left in frustration, I got up. Ginny once again closed and locked the door.

"You look cute when you're angry," I teased. I leaned in for a kiss, but the train stopped. We were at the platform. I got up and grabbed my trunk. "Let's go see your family."

She took a deep breath, and we got off the train. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stood with Ron, Fred, and George. We went to greet them. 

"Hello, my dears! Have a nice term?"

"Yes, very nice," I replied.

We got into the car and drove to the burrow. The car ride was silent except for the constant whisper from Fred to George, George to Fred.

When we arrived, I quickly went upstairs to the room Ginny and I shared. I had slipped a note to Ron, Fred, and George to meet us up there.

"Black, make it quick. I have some stuff to do," Ron said, holding the door for the twins.  

"Writing to Lavender already Ron? Didn't you spend the whole train ride snogging her," Ginny said smirking. 

Fred and George's eyes widened, and they chuckled. 

"Anyways, that's not the point. Ginny and I haven't told Mr. and Mrs. Weasley yet about... well, us. So can you please just keep your mouth shut until after dinner? Fred and George, I'm talking to you." 

George raised his hands above his head in surrender. 

"Seriously, make all the jokes you feel just not in front of them. Please."

"Deal," they said together.

After dinner that night, I got into the shower. Ginny and I shared a bathroom. As I conditioned my hair, the door opened. I covered myself with my arms. 

"Calm down, it's just me. I need to get soap for Ron's bathroom." 

She grabbed the soap without looking at me and left. When she closed the door, I let out a sigh of relief. 

I honestly don't know why I felt so nervous when she came in. Maybe it's because I wasn't clothed? I settled on that. 

After getting into my nightclothes, I laid in bed, reading the Daily Prophet I had found on the train. I flipped through the pages. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Mrs. Weasley came in. Ginny followed her. She gave me a look. For once, I had an extremely difficult time reading her expressions.

"Violetta, dear, I know about you and Ginny. Percy went to Hogwarts on ministry business, and he heard Harry talking of you two, and wrote us." 

I stood there in shock. Harry Potter wouldn't be the boy who lived for much longer.

"Hey, it's okay. My dad doesn't know yet. Everything is fine," Ginny reassured me.

"It's going to take some adjusting to. I've always seen you two as best friends, but nothing has changed. If anything, I love you even more. Maybe one day you truly will become my second daughter," Mrs. Weasley said smiling. 

Tears welled up in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away and gave Mrs. Weasley a hug. It felt so nice to be able to have a supportive mother figure I could talk to.

I was suddenly reminded of my birth mother and all her sisters. I'm sure Draco had told his whole family there were bisexuals in his year. That petty twit. I decided I would go to visit my mother tomorrow morning. I needed to tell her everything in person. 

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