chapter 16

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Shit. Oh shit. I slowly opened the stall. In front of me stood Hermione with her arms crossed.

"You kissed Cedric, didn't you!" Hermione exclaimed. 

"Hermione you don't understand, it's all a big misunderstanding-"

"No, it truly isn't. You cheated and you have to tell Ginny or else I will," she said crossly.

"Hermione, no. I am going to tell her I promise. But I need to get rid of Harry first or she will go back to him. You don't know how obsessive he is, something is wrong with him."

I had tried to shift the topic to Harry, hoping she would just talk about that instead of making me feel even more guilty. 

"Harry is in love with her. Yes, he is a creep who is willing to kill you to get Ginny back but he would never do what you did. He wouldn't cheat. Now go talk to Ginny. She's worried about you. She doesn't know the terrible thing you've done."

I walked out of the bathroom in shame, going to find Ginny. How was I supposed to look her in the face and tell her I kissed Cedric? She and Harry had kissed, but she didn't consent to that.

Wait. I didn't know that. What if she did kiss him back?

Stop blaming her. You're in the wrong. You betrayed her.

I found her sitting in the Gryffindor common room with Fred and George talking about the joke shop. I felt my heart pound in my chest. 

"Ginny could you please come to talk to me in private," I practically whispered.

She got up and followed me into the corridor.  When I turned around she froze and saw the look on my face.

"What's wrong?"

I felt like someone was suffocating me, and I barely spit out the words I dreaded saying.

"Cedric and I kissed." 

The look on her face. My heart was torn to shreds. What had I done to her?

"You.. you what?"

"Please don't leave let me explain. He told me to meet him in the library and asked if he could kiss me, and I-"

"He asked you, and you let him?!" she shouted. A tear streamed down her cheek. 

"I don't know what I was thinking! Ginny, I was torn about you. I have felt like shit all day. How was I supposed to tell you? We were falling apart!"

"I didn't think we were until now," she said. "I can't do this, I have to go."

"No, no Ginny please don't leave. Ginny, please come back. Ginny!" I screamed, tears running down my face like rain. I collapsed against the wall, watching through blurry eyes as she ran down the corridor, trying to hide her sobbing. 

I walked back to my dorm in tears, covering my face discreetly until I made it back to my bed. I climbed under the covers, wondering what the hell I was going to do. Voices screamed in my head all at the same time. I couldn't breathe. Why couldn't I breathe? This was all my fault. I lost the one person I could never see myself losing. All the years of friendship, all the moments we shared. Gone. 

I fell asleep after the voices went away. My face was dry and I felt weak from crying. I stayed in bed the whole weekend, ignoring my dorm mates as they constantly tried to figure out what was wrong.

A week flew by. I was no better. I had stood Cedric up and ignored everyone except my teachers and dorm mates to mutter that I was fine. Of course, they didn't believe me. 

One late afternoon, Pansy came into my room.

"We just heard what happened. I don't understand Vi, you love her so much. Why would you kiss Cedric? Did he force you? Whatever the hell happened in that library, I'm going to figure it out."

I turned over and looked at another person for the first time since Ginny. 

"I let him kiss me. And I lost the person I would die for. I would die for her, Pansy. She left and now I can't get out of bed because I will never get over her. How the hell did I let this happen?!"

"Shhh, it's going to be okay I promise. You will get through this, she didn't just fall out of love with you the second you told her what happened. She is probably crying in her bed too wishing she could be with you but she can't." Pansy said, handing me a box of tissues.

I remembered something. In three days I was to meet Cedric in Hogsmeade. I got up and frantically wrote a letter.


I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'm sure you heard what happened. It's not your fault, I'm sorry.


I handed the letter to Pansy.  "Could you please go give this to Cedric for me, it's urgent?"

"Nope. You are going to. I'm going to help you shower and get ready and you are going to give him that note. Then you are going to ignore the stares in the corridor and come back here. At dinner, you are going to come to the dorms and we can eat pizza with the girls."

authors note: okay literally i love pansy she was so misunderstood like cmon now she would be such a great friend to have if she liked you enough. anyways back to the story.

When I was done getting ready, I took a deep breath and walked downstairs. I saw Draco on the common room couch. He got up, watching me quickly make eye contact, and then leave the room. He looked like he wanted to say something but I didn't have time for his shit.

I did what Pansy said, ignoring the looks I got from the Gryffindors. I reached Hufflepuff common room and saw Cedric playing cards with Susan Bones. He noticed me and got up.

"Hello there," he said, winking. Then he noticed my expression.

I handed him the letter.  

"I'm so sorry Ced, I truly am."

I turned around and left quickly, knowing that if I stayed to watch him open it I would start crying. Walking back to the halls, of all people I had to run into, it was Harry. Right outside of Gryffindor common room.

"Nice seeing you Black, I heard what you did to Ginny. Karmas a bitch isn't it? I can tell you who was there that night when she came back to the common room crying. It certainly wasn't you."

"Oh, you poor thing. She loved me more than she will ever love you, Harry. Face it. Even if we are apart she will never love you for what you did to her when we were together. Trying to kiss her without consent, everyone saw you and you didn't get near enough what you deserved. I'm sorry that we aren't friends like we used to be, but eventually, she will realize you are not her soulmate."

I started to leave when Harry's hand pulled me back.

"Let go of me before I beat you up again," I said without looking back. 

"I said let go of me you-". I turned around. Harry was down the hallway. The person tugging my arm was...


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