chapter 6

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hi okay i'm really sorry this is so cheesy this is my first time writing. im also sorry these chapters are so short, its really hard to drag them on especially when i have trouble keeping the idea going. at this point, ginny and y/n have been together for a few weeks.

Ginny and I sat on the Gryffindor common room couches with Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Halloween was tomorrow, and we were all discussing what activities would occur in the Great Hall. Since Hermione and Ron were prefects, they got a say in the holiday celebrations. Ginny, Harry, and I loved to help.

"We should definitely do a photo booth. Everyone likes those."

"Pumpkin carving, apple bobbing, mummy competitions..."

"It's all just so exciting. I can't wait." 

That night, I laid out my costume. Ginny and I were going to be a devil and an angel. I insisted she be my angel, no matter what. 

I fell asleep, dreaming of ocean waves crashing against beautiful sandy beaches. Far away stood two people. 

My mother. And someone else. Someone I didn't recognize.

No. It couldn't be. Was that my father?

I woke up abruptly. Across the room, the clock read 4:17 am. I laid back down. This would be a long night

The next morning I woke to Pansy and another Slytherin girl from our, Adrianna, noisily chatting. Esmerelda, the fourth girl in our dorm was still fast asleep. 

"No, that's my headband. Where did you put yours?"

"I'm telling you it's mine! I know what I bought you crazy bitch."

I sat up, clearing my knotted hair away from my face. "Would you two pipe down."

They apologized, yet continued fighting. At least this time they were whispering. 

As I slowly got up to go to the bathroom, I saw a flash of auburn dart in the hall outside. I walked over and peeped my head out. Ginny was standing there hidden, holding her costume.

"I shouldn't be here, but I couldn't stand not seeing you. I thought maybe we could get ready for the Halloween party together," she said, looking a bit nervous. She was so cute when she was nervous. 

We snuck into the Slytherin girls' bathroom. It was deserted.

Ginny started to do my makeup. She stroked her brush along the pallets and then onto my face. After she was done, I did hers. She looked so perfect, she didn't even need the makeup.

"I'm going to go change, I'll be right back," she said and carried her dress into the other room. 

When we were all ready, we walked to the Great Hall together. Pumpkins and candles floated through the air, as Professor Flitwick's choir sang a spooky tune. 

"Happy Halloween, ladies!" Nearly-Headless Nick exclaimed as we walked by.

After meeting up with our friends, we all went to enjoy the activities. Ginny and I took pictures alone and with everyone else, we carved pumpkins, ate pie, and joked with the ghosts.

Later in the night, most of the Hogwarts students had calmed down and retreated to their decorated house tables with their friends to chat. I sat with Ginny at the Gryffindor table, Ron and Hermione close by. 

"Where has Harry gone?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure he went off to snog Katie Bell. They became very close in Potions a few days ago," Ron answered, not looking up from the candy he had found.

Ginny looked a bit hurt. I couldn't blame her. Even though she had moved on, of course seeing her ex move on too would be painful. I smiled at her and mouthed It's okay.  She gave a weak smile back.

For the rest of the night, all students of every house and every year participated in the festivities. At around ten o'clock, years first through four were sent to their dorms. After that, the older years were allowed to roam the halls until midnight. After all, it was a Friday night. 

Nearing eleven, my friends and I were sitting at the Ravenclaw table. Harry approached us. He had lipstick prints all over his face.

"Been busy with Bell, have you Harry?" Fred said, winking.

Harry turned red and wiped his face with his sleeve. "Ginny, I need to talk to you... um away from here.". He glared at me. I think he was drunk. Drunk Harry can be quite horrifying.

Ginny smiled nervously at me and went to the corner of the hall with Harry. The table sat in dead silence, watching what would happen. After a few minutes, Ginny angrily stormed back over, a tear running down her cheek.

"Ginny, what-" Ron started, but he was interrupted. 

"I'm not talking about it. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

She got up and walked off. Being her girlfriend, I followed her discreetly and met up with her outside of the hall.

"Hey, slow down. What's going on?" She continued walking and ignored me.

"Ginny, you can talk to me okay." She stopped. I grabbed her hand.

"Harry is drunk."  Knew it.

"He approached me to ask me if he had my permission to sleep with Katie Bell."

I stood there in shock. Ginny was obviously hurt. I could tell by the look in her eyes. I hated seeing her like this. I grabbed her and gave her a hug.

"That bloody piece of shit lost the best girl I've ever heard of. He's just caught up in a breakup relationship. It will never last, I heard Katie was snogging Dean Thomas just last night. Please, don't worry over them," I whispered into her ear, as she buried her head in my costume. 

We stood there in the hallway, her sniffling into my dress. I held onto her tight. I couldn't let go for a while. That night I realized this was the most I've ever cared about someone in my life.

1996 - ginny weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now